My body's broken....

Robin, you haven't mentioned whether any of your aches and pains could be "Work" related. Are you still on the tools in your rendering company. If yes that will certainly give you problems with arms and shoulders, including neck.

Hope you get sorted soon!

He concurs that its most possibly a Rotator Cuffs injury but to what extent only the scans will determine. I told him I wanted or needed to play a few (6) rounds still and he honestly stated he couldn't say conclusively that I shouldn't or that it could do more harm, based on not knowing the extent of the injury, so, I've got a few exercises to warm up which are pretty much what we all do anyway, but not starting off too aggressively, and he said I should be OK.

TBH, I've had this discomfort now for possibly a month or more, after a couple of holes I don't really think about it or feel it, but as soon as I stop it returns quite quickly. It can catch me out during the day when reaching to open a window or making a sudden movement, it then feels like my shoulder has popped and takes a few minutes for the discomfort to subside, but when using the arm all the time like when playing golf, it's pretty much insignificant with only the odd attack if I jar it quickly.

Obviously if it gets worse or if I spot any notable differences during these 6 rounds which I want to push through, I'll stop.

Make them count then mate as they're the last six rounds for a while
I have the same issue in my left shoulder but with the added joys of a bone spur and arthritis and while there is always an ache or pain it's manageable with a heat pack and tiger balm or a tens machine.

It doesn't overly affect my golf swing but sometimes I can't even reach for a pen at work without an excruciating pain shooting through my shoulder.
Robin, you haven't mentioned whether any of your aches and pains could be "Work" related. Are you still on the tools in your rendering company. If yes that will certainly give you problems with arms and shoulders, including neck.

Hope you get sorted soon!


Not on the tools, I'm a contractor and sub all my work out, I am driving with the Same Day business I run & own also though.

This injury/condition just krept up on me, it wasn't sudden but is now very much an annoyance with some daily activities, I'm fearing the worse then anything better than that will be a bonus.
I have the same issue in my left shoulder but with the added joys of a bone spur and arthritis and while there is always an ache or pain it's manageable with a heat pack and tiger balm or a tens machine.

It doesn't overly affect my golf swing but sometimes I can't even reach for a pen at work without an excruciating pain shooting through my shoulder.

That's what you get for buying a chipper mate😂🤣😂🤣
Still waiting for my referral/specialist appointment.

Chased it today and the doctor said it's currently anything up to 6 weeks, so possibly another 3 weeks to wait for my scans.

The shoulder is most definitely getting worse, not sure if the cold and change in the weather is a contributing factor, but it's stiffer and more restrictive with an uncomfortable & constant ache now.

Just getting concerned that if an operation and long (6mths) recovery time is imminent then this current delay is going to eat into all of next years early meets 😟😡

I really just want to know now what's in store so I can plan the coming months, it's the not knowing that is horrible and frustrating.
Still waiting for my referral/specialist appointment.

Chased it today and the doctor said it's currently anything up to 6 weeks, so possibly another 3 weeks to wait for my scans.

The shoulder is most definitely getting worse, not sure if the cold and change in the weather is a contributing factor, but it's stiffer and more restrictive with an uncomfortable & constant ache now.

Just getting concerned that if an operation and long (6mths) recovery time is imminent then this current delay is going to eat into all of next years early meets 😟😡

I really just want to know now what's in store so I can plan the coming months, it's the not knowing that is horrible and frustrating.

patience dear friend, its no fun but a bit of rest over winter wont do you any harm, feel for those of us who are just about fit just as summer ends for the 2nd year running!!!!!

plan to have a few months off, anything else then a bonus :)
Must be different in various counties, I've had 3 MRI'S in 10 days with barely 2 weeks wait

Anyway, I wish you well with yours
So when your injured and can't play for months, what do you all do?

When I was last out for a few months when I nearly cut my thumb off at least it was the summer, but the winter isn't a great time of the year for anything but without a sprinkling of golf it will be worse😟
Still waiting for my referral/specialist appointment.

Chased it today and the doctor said it's currently anything up to 6 weeks, so possibly another 3 weeks to wait for my scans.

The shoulder is most definitely getting worse, not sure if the cold and change in the weather is a contributing factor, but it's stiffer and more restrictive with an uncomfortable & constant ache now.

Just getting concerned that if an operation and long (6mths) recovery time is imminent then this current delay is going to eat into all of next years early meets 

I really just want to know now what's in store so I can plan the coming months, it's the not knowing that is horrible and frustrating.

I started suffering with a rotator cuff problem a couple of years ago Robin. I just thought it was a bit of a niggle initially ..carried on playing and made it worse to the point where i couldn't swing the club with any sort of commitment.

Initially All i did was go to a sports physio, they checked the movement etc.. reckoned it was nothing serious, said rest it for 3 weeks and do certain excercises with a theraband. I didnt go back.

I did all that but it was 6 weeks before i felt strong enough to play again, then a further month before i was back to hitting the driver my old distances.
One thing that i found that made it worse without doubt was cold damp weather.

Your problem could be totally different but i just wanted to share as i know how frustrating it is. All id say is definately put the clubs away until its sorted.
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Back still sore and pulled out of the club match on Saturday. Definitely feels muscular so just been doing the standard things and waiting. Desperate to get out and work on the new swing. The knees are getting achy in the colder and damper conditions and I am feeling my age big time
So when your injured and can't play for months, what do you all do?

When I was last out for a few months when I nearly cut my thumb off at least it was the summer, but the winter isn't a great time of the year for anything but without a sprinkling of golf it will be worse😟

I haven’t played since early August and don’t think I will again until late January or early February. If I feel up to it I still go up the club for a brew and a chat with mates. It keeps me up to date with the club gossip and who is doing what in the competitions. It will be the longest I’ve ever gone in 30 years of playing without hitting a ball. I know my layoff is for a different reason to yours Robin but I know how you are feeling, it is tough to not be able to do something that usually takes up a big chunk of your time. Time is a good healer.

Look on the bright side, at least your handicap won’t increase. 😁
Got my results late yesterday....

I've been mulling on them all day, I truly don't know whether to be pleased or sceptical, I'm certainly confused!

Apparently I have Bursitis, of which the description of it is as follows:

A bursa is a fluid-filled sac which forms under the skin, usually over the joints, and acts as a cushion between the tendons and bones. The main symptoms of bursitis are pain, swelling and tenderness in the affected area. Any bursa can become inflamed, but bursitis most commonly occurs in the shoulder.

So I've now got some tablets for the pain/inflammation and also a tablet to protect my stomach when taking them.

No operation, just physio apparently will sort it out, although I feel I've been doing physio to some degree with playing golf, driving and general work etc so I honestly can't see what specific physio will do any better?

I waited over 6 weeks for my ultrasound, 2 weeks for the results and now I've got to wait another 6 weeks (approximately) for the first physio appointment which no doubt will them be a weekly visit but with home/daily exercises to do?

Part of me is relieved there's no impending operation so I can commit to the up and coming golf meets now, but another part of me is sceptical of physio remedying the injury!