More Work Required



Some of the worlds best players are having "lessons" on a regular basis. Adam Scott is currently using Aimpoint. Alot of the top pros have mental coaches as well now.

Whilst I'm not saying these are necessarily applicable at our level I dont think you can state they are gimmicks either.

The point I am making is that that they are not applicable in order to succeed at our level.

And I am not saying lessons are a gimmick but I am saying it about Aimpoint.

I also believe that that ball flight laws are totally unnecessary in terms of achieving success in golf. I don't know the first thing about them, nor do my mates. All three of us can play. Knowing them (if I had the inclination) would not make the blindest bit of difference.

That is not to say that anyone on the forum should not be really into any of these things if they want to. But thinking that they are a panacea or a substitute for graft and using your brain to refine your game is 100% wrong in my view.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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anyone who is starting out playing golf and wants to learn how to hit draws and fades would be an idiot not to learn the ball flight laws.

that or they can beat endless balls till they work it out!

BFL not hard to comprehend and they are factual.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I think Aimpoint lessons and NGT are completely separate entities. I've never been blessed with anything like nautral talent and so anything I've acheieved has always been through tuition, hard work and sheer bloddy mindedness.

My take on lessons is well known. I did a lot of work in the winter of 2012 to stop a lot of faults which have come in through a number of reasons and continue to strip away these layers bit by bit. I'm at a stage now where what I have is repeatable, has far fewer moving parts and I am happy with. I could walk away from lessons now and have something that would let me golf to the standard I am now. I still think I can get better but to be honest whether I have lessons or not, whether they represent value for what they've given me and whether they work or not is up to me to decide. Lets just say I now have a short game I can trust, the swing was good enough to beat some pretty good golfers at the KoK qualifier, I was the highest point scorer at the Grove on the NGT day and I'm in a very happy place

Aimpoint is a proven green reading tool. There is no hocus pocus, smoke and mirrors or anything complicated. It's a three hour course to learn the basics, a chart and then down to the individual to improve the quality of their own reads by learning to judge the mid point of the slope and degree of slope affecting the line. It's 15 second read these days. I feel more confident in my putting ability using it, my putts per round figure has gone down (and improving) and in fact clears my mind as I have a defined break to base my putt on. As always when Aimpoint is mentioned, those that have never tried it and have no intention of ever doing scoff and critiscise carte blance. I've said my piece on the numerous Aimpoint threads and think that topic has been done to death. It works for me

NGT is something I got involved in through GM. Yes I'd read Rotella etc and to be honest that was clouding the brain more than it was helping and I dumped it a long time ago. It seems no coincidence that since I started NGT I have had a cut, first one for many months, one several roll ups, and been in contention in an honours board event and last weekends comp. Yes I didn't win and as the title of the thread says, more work to be done

I make no claims to knowing anything about ball flight laws and find it amusing that I'd trouble myself, especially on a course with this. Thats more mumbo jumbo than Aimpoint. I know what I should be doing to deliver a club square to the path and when technique and planets align it goes straight. I knw what causes my stock bad shot, big hook, and the rare one that goes the other way. That has come through my lessons and making everything a lot simpler.
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Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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some people are naturally gifted, some are not
some people practice a lot, some do not
some people like to understand to the Nth degree how the swing works, some do not
some people want to understand the ball flight laws, some do not
some people know where to stand when your playing partners are teeing off, some do not
some people like to share their dissected rounds on a golf forum, some do not

What's your point Rooter? Golf is an individual game, played by individuals in their own way. Just because their way is different to your way, does not make your or their way right or wrong.

I know Homer gets some stick sometimes for being a little self indulgent (no offence Martin, but I think you would agree?) but that does not give anyone a right to say what he is doing is wrong, or take the mickey of his techniques, beliefs, learning methodologies.

Give the guy a break, he has openly admitted to being not naturally gifted, so works hard in practice to improve. Kudos for that IMHO.


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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Homer, I do feel you worry too much and think/analyse every shot/scorecard in too much detail.

I will swap your game for mine from the weekend when I lost the ability to swing a club off the tee and had the chipping and putting yips!

the funny thing is I still enjoyed every round of golf as it was more about the company and banter. It beats working doesnt it?

If you played for a living then it would be different but you don't. Just carry on the way you are, dont beat yourself up and what will be will be :)


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Doesn't sound like a very happy a place to me...

No and at the time it wasn't. Frustrated that I'd let such a good score go. Looking at it with fresher eyes, it was only the poor shot into a bunker on 15, the mess I made from there and the hash of 18 that were the culprits. Im usually happy with a 5 (net par) on the 16th and while the three putt hitting GIR was a pain it wasn't a show stopper. Still think once I get more into NGT I can nail a big handicap cut


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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Just keep doing what your doing Homer, you'll get there.

Personally I don't think it's obsession, it's more passion for the game and what it stands for.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I make no claims to knowing anything about ball flight laws and find it amusing that I'd trouble myself, especially on a course with this. Thats more mumbo jumbo than Aimpoint. I know what I should be doing to deliver a club square to the path and when technique and planets align it goes straight. .

if you paid more attention to the mumbo jumbo flight laws you might be more in control of the golf ball. ;) completely changed my game when I found out about them. knowing how to control the clubface and what effects it has coupled with different swing paths is a huge advantage over trying to hit everything straight and the ball heading off in different directions.

Deleted member 15344

How long was your break from golf after getting to 4/5 ?

I'm guessing you had a totally different swing then and it was natural back then ?

Maybe as some have said - you have reached the level that your body and talent will allow ? 3 shots in 6 years after how many lessons ?

Can understand your desire to want to get to single figures and can certainly understand you will try any method you can find that could give you then edge but in regards to NGT - it doesn't appear to be working for you - especially in what you post and what you score with a comp card in your hand. Even starting a thread about a round collapsing shows it's not working

I would suspect that if maybe you changed to a different direction - forget swing changes , forget NGT or linear pitching , forget about lessons and just hit the ball you could possibly find things could improve.

Just a humble opinion from someone who hasnt a clue about ball fought , swing changes , hasn't a clue what method of pitching I use and thinks of nothing but enjoyment on a golf course and has had Zero lessons yet has managed to go from 24 to 5 in the same time you have dropped 3 shots. Give it a try - what's the worst that can happen


Challenge Tour Pro
Apr 13, 2012
ballynahinch, northern ireland
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i want to bang my head of the screen when i read some of your rants homer

Just play the damn game, hit the flippin ball... id kill to have an 11 hcap

I got lessons, i can swing ok, i got more lessons, i can bomb the ball a mile if i want to, as soon i i stopped becoming obsessed with cutting my handicap, i enjoyed my golf a lot more, and have made drastic improvement, to the point im now comfortably hitting pb, the only thing that's stopping me, is lack of practice, and looking at my score, and start thinking silly things like, ooo im going to win.

Deleted Member 1156

Lots of people having a pop at Homer and lots defending him but to be brutally honest, anyone who posts his every trial and tribulation on a public forum is setting himself up for people to have a go at him.

If I played, practised and had lessons as often as Homer I would be off a plus handicap by now :whistle:


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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Lots of people having a pop at Homer and lots defending him but to be brutally honest, anyone who posts his every trial and tribulation on a public forum is setting himself up for people to have a go at him.

If I played, practised and had lessons as often as Homer I would be off a plus handicap by now :whistle:

I wouldnt :D

Deleted Member 1156

Perhaps you should give it a go then instead of making such rude comments. No one forces you to read anything I post. Ignore button is your friend

Homer....I have no axe to grind with you, I'm sure if we sat down and had a beer we would get along just fine. But you live your life on this forum so you have to expect some criticism.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Really? I must just know a lot of Cat 1 idiots then.... :)

I am pretty sure you buddies were shaping the ball before these new ball flight laws came to light. no doubt through quite a bit of trial and error.

anyone just learning to do this now would be foolish not to gain an understanding of these things.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Homer....I have no axe to grind with you, I'm sure if we sat down and had a beer we would get along just fine. But you live your life on this forum so you have to expect some criticism.

Im with you on that. If you keep coming on the forum to tell people about your latest idea on hot to get to single figures then expect what happens. Tell me Homer, how many sets of irons have you used since October 2011. How many swing changes? How many books have you read. You come on here to tell us all about it, then when it doesn't work yet again you hate people commenting on it.