Well-known member
Members Club, Board have the option to raise prices up to 10% with no vote. Not sure what the vote % would be needed if members voted against a higher than 10% increase as it has never happened in the last 25+ years to my knowledge (we increased 10% last year and 4.3% this year). I would assume a straight majority - AGMs are rarely contentious and we normally only just about get a quorum.I could probably find the answer to this if I trawled all 70 plus pages of this thread, but I'd be interested to hear how other clubs handle price increases. Can you say which of the three options below most accurately fit what happens at your club. The board/committee can...
1) Set whatever price increase they wish without any member input or vote
2) Increase the price by a set amount and only increases over this level require a vote
3) Can only increase prices at all with a membership vote
In the case of 2) it would be useful to know what is used as the set amount; CPI, RPI, a fixed % etc and also what % of members have to vote in favour for it to be carried
In my clubs case, it's 2), membership fees can increase by CPI with any additional rise needing a vote with a 66% majority. Our board are currently trying to change from CPI to something else because they feel it underestimates the clubs real inflation, certainly in recent years.
It would be useful if you could mention whether you are a members club or privately owned, though I imagine very few of the latter would give their members any input on prices.