Well-known member
Rather than taking over another thread I'd thought I'd pop a new one up to canvas opinion.
My club only has the 1 knockout comp which is for the whole club, with full handicap allowance for shots.
My old club from many moons ago, had 3 such comps with varying names but effectively they were . Scratch knockout, Tigers 0-12 hcap & Rabbits 13-28hcap.
(can't remember what the deal was if say a 13 handicap who was in knockout out got cut below that during the season, as I never played in that one, I assumed they just had to suck it up and give the extra shots)
End of the season the Tigers would play against the rabbits as well for a bit of fun in a ryder cup style 4BBB, food and beer afterwards.
The reason for posting this is to canvas what you guys have and how they work, as I'd like to go to my club and possibly suggest the addition of 1 or 2 extra knockouts as we only have the full club singles and a foursomes matchplay. We don't have any other matchplay except for club matches, which the majority of people won't get to play so matchplay is something we're sorely lacking in favour of God knows how many stableford events.
I think the real low guys would benefit from say a Scratch one. Then others could benefit from maybe something against similar standards whilst keeping the fully inclusive club one.
Also do your scratch ones get seeded and if so how?
I think we'd benefit as it could mean more people playing in the summer evenings as they can arrange matches in lighter times, which would mens more use of the facilities for a post match pint etc so more revenue.
Edit also does anyone have mixed matchplay men and women, something else I think could be sociable at our club and help bridge a gap.
So over to you guys give me some ideas for the New Wolf Cup ( I promise to give it a better name 😂)
My club only has the 1 knockout comp which is for the whole club, with full handicap allowance for shots.
My old club from many moons ago, had 3 such comps with varying names but effectively they were . Scratch knockout, Tigers 0-12 hcap & Rabbits 13-28hcap.
(can't remember what the deal was if say a 13 handicap who was in knockout out got cut below that during the season, as I never played in that one, I assumed they just had to suck it up and give the extra shots)
End of the season the Tigers would play against the rabbits as well for a bit of fun in a ryder cup style 4BBB, food and beer afterwards.
The reason for posting this is to canvas what you guys have and how they work, as I'd like to go to my club and possibly suggest the addition of 1 or 2 extra knockouts as we only have the full club singles and a foursomes matchplay. We don't have any other matchplay except for club matches, which the majority of people won't get to play so matchplay is something we're sorely lacking in favour of God knows how many stableford events.
I think the real low guys would benefit from say a Scratch one. Then others could benefit from maybe something against similar standards whilst keeping the fully inclusive club one.
Also do your scratch ones get seeded and if so how?
I think we'd benefit as it could mean more people playing in the summer evenings as they can arrange matches in lighter times, which would mens more use of the facilities for a post match pint etc so more revenue.
Edit also does anyone have mixed matchplay men and women, something else I think could be sociable at our club and help bridge a gap.
So over to you guys give me some ideas for the New Wolf Cup ( I promise to give it a better name 😂)
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