Matchplay Comps what does your club do.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Rather than taking over another thread I'd thought I'd pop a new one up to canvas opinion.

My club only has the 1 knockout comp which is for the whole club, with full handicap allowance for shots.

My old club from many moons ago, had 3 such comps with varying names but effectively they were . Scratch knockout, Tigers 0-12 hcap & Rabbits 13-28hcap.
(can't remember what the deal was if say a 13 handicap who was in knockout out got cut below that during the season, as I never played in that one, I assumed they just had to suck it up and give the extra shots)

End of the season the Tigers would play against the rabbits as well for a bit of fun in a ryder cup style 4BBB, food and beer afterwards.

The reason for posting this is to canvas what you guys have and how they work, as I'd like to go to my club and possibly suggest the addition of 1 or 2 extra knockouts as we only have the full club singles and a foursomes matchplay. We don't have any other matchplay except for club matches, which the majority of people won't get to play so matchplay is something we're sorely lacking in favour of God knows how many stableford events.

I think the real low guys would benefit from say a Scratch one. Then others could benefit from maybe something against similar standards whilst keeping the fully inclusive club one.

Also do your scratch ones get seeded and if so how?

I think we'd benefit as it could mean more people playing in the summer evenings as they can arrange matches in lighter times, which would mens more use of the facilities for a post match pint etc so more revenue.

Edit also does anyone have mixed matchplay men and women, something else I think could be sociable at our club and help bridge a gap.

So over to you guys give me some ideas for the New Wolf Cup ( I promise to give it a better name 😂)
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For the men we have 5 knockout comp's:

- scratch, for handicaps of 12 and under
- handicap, for + to 18 handicaps,
- handicap, for 19 +
- foresomes, for which you qualify by getting top 8 at the 18 hole strokeplay competition (1/2 combined handicap)
- Fourball, handicaps upto 28 (90% handicap)
I've literally just posted a very similar thread, as i'm at work its took me the best part of 20 mins to write it around calls/emails and then I've spotted this.

Thanks Wolf made me look a right dingy!
Our KO comps are

Club Scratch - Top 8 seeded , open to HC of 12 and below -

Club HC KO - no seeding open to everyone no HC limit

High HC KO - 18 and above no seeds

Then an “autumn” KO which is open to all no HC limit and no seeding
Singles Matchplay (Handicap) - Maximum handicap a player can receive is 18 (ie. if you're 19-28, you can play, just off 18). Also a version for the ladies.
Foursomes Matchplay (Handicap) - As per the above.
Top 16 Scratch Scores from Club Champs go into a Scratch Knockout.
Mixed Foursomes - New Partners drawn each round
6 Better Ball Stableford Pairs comps are run in Winter as a league, the top 16 teams go into a handicap 4BBB Matchplay (Handicap) knockout played through Summer.
5-day Members
Mixed Foursomes (Same Partners)
Mixed Singles Putting
60+ Singles Putting
Our KO comps are

Club Scratch - Top 8 seeded , open to HC of 12 and

Club HC KO - no seeding open to everyone no HC limit

High HC KO - 18 and above no seeds

Then an “autumn” KO which is open to all no HC limit and no seeding
Out of interest LP is that done purely on the 8 guys with the lowest handicap. Or perhaps previous season performance in this comp.

Genuinely interested so I can put something together to take to club as a suggestion
we have 3 individual men's MP, one is scratch, the other handicap. one mens Greensomes and one mens foursomes and a mixed greensomes. i don't know what the ladies have as they run the ladies section as a separate club to all intense and purpose.

Mens are seeded with the scratch the lowest playing the highest, so in reality you are unlikely to win that if your handicap is higher than scratch really, but you don;t get may take part in that over a 5 handicap
the other two are also seeded in a different way anyone under 12 is in one side all those above the top, so that there are not massive discrepancies in handicap, this was brought in as a suggestion by some of the higher guys who it seams didn't think it fair to be playing guys off plus figures. but once you get down to the semi all together.

works Ok as we do get a lot of members play in the KO, where as the medals the numbers a dwindling fast apart from all the lower guys, less and less of the older higher handicaps play in the SP comps
Singles Matchplay (Handicap) - Maximum handicap a player can receive is 18 (ie. if you're 19-28, you can play, just off 18). Also a version for the ladies.
Foursomes Matchplay (Handicap) - As per the above.
Top 16 Scratch Scores from Club Champs go into a Scratch Knockout.
Mixed Foursomes - New Partners drawn each round
6 Better Ball Stableford Pairs comps are run in Winter as a league, the top 16 teams go into a handicap 4BBB Matchplay (Handicap) knockout played through Summer.
5-day Members
Mixed Foursomes (Same Partners)
Mixed Singles Putting
60+ Singles Putting

I'm genuinely confused by that one in bold.. How does that work you win your round and go through but get a different partner 🤔
Surely that negates the whole winning of that tie. Seems confusing to me, I could just be being thick it's been known, but could you elaborate on that for better understanding of the format.
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I'm genuinely confused by that one in bold.. How does that work you win your round and go through but get a different partner 🤔
Surely that negates the whole winning of that tie. Seems confusing to me, I could just be being thick it's been known, but could elaborate on that for better understanding of the format.
yes that appears very strange
One winter k/o and multiple summer k/o. No seeding in any competition.

Winter handicap singles (off front tees - no h/cap restrictions)
Handicap Singles (no h/cap restrictions)
Higher Handicap Singles (19+)
Scratch Singles (no h/cap restrictions)
Handicap 4BBB (no h/cap restrictions)
Handicap Foursomes (no h/cap restrictions)
Handicap Mixed Foursomes (no h/cap restrictions)

Start of the competition year is very hectic trying to get matches arranged...:)

There is probably a seniors singles k/o - but I've not played in it not being old enough...pause...drat - I am...

Not aware of what 5 day members do on the competition front
yes that appears very strange
I literally cannot fathom it.. You win but change partners so basically its not a comp just random people playing and someknw could be crowned the winner that didn't get through or say you win your semi but in the final. You end up playing against your partner from the semi you won together. I must be missing something because that doesn't seem right..
One winter k/o and multiple summer k/o. No seeding in any competition.

Winter handicap singles (off front tees - no h/cap restrictions)
Handicap Singles (no h/cap restrictions)
Higher Handicap Singles (19+)
Scratch Singles (no h/cap restrictions)
Handicap 4BBB (no h/cap restrictions)
Handicap Foursomes (no h/cap restrictions)
Handicap Mixed Foursomes (no h/cap restrictions)

Start of the competition year is very hectic trying to get matches arranged...:)

There is probably a seniors k/o - but I've not played in it not being old enough...pause...drat - I am...
I can imagine it is, ours is the opposite because their is literally just the one you pretty much have a full month to play single ties and then you could have no matchplay at all rest of year
According to the email inviting people to join, we have:

Parker Cup - singles match play, 0-18 handicaps. Full allowance.

Veterans Cup - singles match play for over 60s, 0-36 handicaps. Full allowance.

Greensomes Trophy - greensomes (obvs) match play, 0-24 handicap (although you can enter if higher, just play off 24). "The side with the lowest combined handicaps will concede the difference in handicaps to the other pair. Handicaps to be calculated as 60% of lower + 40% of higher handicap."

Shipton Cup - four ball betterball. 0-24, capped at 24 if higher. "The player with the lowest handicap will concede 90% of the difference in handicap to each of the other 3 players." This is the only one that I have entered, we won our 1st round match and have the quarter-final to come soon.

Rowley Cup - foursomes match play. 0-24, capped if higher. "The side with the lowest combined handicaps will concede ½ the difference in handicaps to the other pair."

There is also a scratch knock-out, but to qualify for that you have to have finished in the top 8 gross scores in our two-day Club Championships which took place in June. I have no idea if that's seeded by handicap though, the handicaps of the guys in the draw are 4 v 10, 9 v 9, 6 v 13, 8 v 12. So it might be or might not.

I'm not sure any of the comps are seeded, think it's just random draw. Some get a bye through the first round anyway so would seem unfair to seed those ones.
I literally cannot fathom it.. You win but change partners so basically its not a comp just random people playing and someknw could be crowned the winner that didn't get through or say you win your semi but in the final. You end up playing against your partner from the semi you won together. I must be missing something because that doesn't seem right..

I can imagine it is, ours is the opposite because their is literally just the one you pretty much have a full month to play single ties and then you could have no matchplay at all rest of year

It is for me as in a normal comp year I will enter everything I can other than the Mixed Foursomes - and occasionally I'll find myself invited by a lady member to enter that - and I never refuse an invitation from a lady.

This year is a funny year as for the first time in 15yrs as a member I did not enter any comps - well I was out of the country for more that four months from 1st Feb (forummers may not have noticed that :) ). Definitely feel something missing from my golfing life. Maybe not a bad thing though given my struggle with the Lucys reported elsewhere herein...
Scratch Challenge - players of h/c 9 or better, played off scratch
Club Challenge - all players, full handicap allowance
Foursomes knockout - all players, full handicap as per foursomes
Seniors knockout - over 60yr, full handicap
5Day members cup - 5 day members only, full handicap
Presidents Prize - all members, stableford pre-qualifier off full h/c, top 16 progress to knockout,, at which stage, h/c reduces to max of 18 for anyone above 18.
Putting Knockout Challenge - all members, 18 holes on the putting green, no handicap allowance

Also a mixed foursomes , h/c according to normal foursome rules.

Ryecotes Cups - all members, in three divisions,; 1 = 9hc or better; 2= 10-15; 3= 16 & above, all played off scratch
4Ball knockout - all members, 90% handicap

The ladies have loads - but I don't know the various entry requirements
Singles Matchplay (Handicap) - Maximum handicap a player can receive is 18 (ie. if you're 19-28, you can play, just off 18). Also a version for the ladies.
Foursomes Matchplay (Handicap) - As per the above.
Top 16 Scratch Scores from Club Champs go into a Scratch Knockout.
Mixed Foursomes - New Partners drawn each round
6 Better Ball Stableford Pairs comps are run in Winter as a league, the top 16 teams go into a handicap 4BBB Matchplay (Handicap) knockout played through Summer.
5-day Members
Mixed Foursomes (Same Partners)
Mixed Singles Putting
60+ Singles Putting

Yes does seem strange, and am guessing here, but could it be a Round Robin format? Enter, play various ties, gain points depending on whether you win or not, and eventually the gent & the lady with most points are the best "pair". But as l say, only guessing.
I'm genuinely confused by that one in bold.. How does that work you win your round and go through but get a different partner 🤔
Surely that negates the whole winning of that tie. Seems confusing to me, I could just be being thick it's been known, but could you elaborate on that for better understanding of the format.

Yes does seem strange, and am guessing here, but could it be a Round Robin format? Enter, play various ties, gain points depending on whether you win or not, and eventually the gent & the lady with most points are the best "pair". But as l say, only guessing.

Sorry, missed these replies - allow me to (try) to explain... Keep in mind I haven't played it!

As per Intelligent Golf:
"Format: Mixed Foursomes Matchplay over 18 holes from the Yellow (or if both pairings agree, White) & Red Tees of the day. New partners are drawn for each round up to the semi-final."

So you register to begin with, are drawn a partner for round 1, you play with them and if you win, you proceed to the 2nd round. You are then drawn a new partner. This goes on until the semis, at which point you keep your partner if you make it to the final!

I imagine it's more targeted towards social/less serious members who are happy to meet and play with new people.
Rather than taking over another thread I'd thought I'd pop a new one up to canvas opinion.

My club only has the 1 knockout comp which is for the whole club, with full handicap allowance for shots.

My old club from many moons ago, had 3 such comps with varying names but effectively they were . Scratch knockout, Tigers 0-12 hcap & Rabbits 13-28hcap.
(can't remember what the deal was if say a 13 handicap who was in knockout out got cut below that during the season, as I never played in that one, I assumed they just had to suck it up and give the extra shots)

End of the season the Tigers would play against the rabbits as well for a bit of fun in a ryder cup style 4BBB, food and beer afterwards.

The reason for posting this is to canvas what you guys have and how they work, as I'd like to go to my club and possibly suggest the addition of 1 or 2 extra knockouts as we only have the full club singles and a foursomes matchplay. We don't have any other matchplay except for club matches, which the majority of people won't get to play so matchplay is something we're sorely lacking in favour of God knows how many stableford events.

I think the real low guys would benefit from say a Scratch one. Then others could benefit from maybe something against similar standards whilst keeping the fully inclusive club one.

Also do your scratch ones get seeded and if so how?

I think we'd benefit as it could mean more people playing in the summer evenings as they can arrange matches in lighter times, which would mens more use of the facilities for a post match pint etc so more revenue.

Edit also does anyone have mixed matchplay men and women, something else I think could be sociable at our club and help bridge a gap.

So over to you guys give me some ideas for the New Wolf Cup ( I promise to give it a better name 😂)

Clubs I've been at are similar to yours with just 1 handicap KO for the whole club.

However other competitions have revolved around having a strokeplay qualifier, which is essentially just a medal with the top 16 net scores feeding into a seeded KO draw with full handicap.

My current club do this for both singles and fourball tournaments.
I guess this is good for people who go out early in the main draws and can try and get themselves into other tournaments.

But if you end up with too many, it is inevitable that someone will get to 2 finals and spoil finals day.
We only have one singles matchplay competition. It is essentially played off scratch but for each shot difference in handicap the higher handicapped player starts the match half a hole up. So if a 12 handicapper is playing a 16, then the 16 handicap player starts the match 2Up but it is played from scratch therein.
We only have one singles matchplay competition. It is essentially played off scratch but for each shot difference in handicap the higher handicapped player starts the match half a hole up. So if a 12 handicapper is playing a 16, then the 16 handicap player starts the match 2Up but it is played from scratch therein.

Does your club know that CONGU states that full handicap difference must be used in singles matchplay?