Result Posted before breach realised


May 10, 2017
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We have a situation we could do with some advice about if all you rules experts could help with. A matchplay doubles knockout match took place and was won easily 6&7 by team A. Team A posted the result on the draw sheet but the next day one of team A realised that he had been carrying 15 clubs in his bag for the full round. The player owned up to this and put team B through to the next round (final) however there is a bit of a debate on what should happen seeing as the result has been posted. We have looked in our Terms of Competition but there is nothing that stipulates anything regarding posting of the result is final. I’m not sure if there is a specific rule for this. Any help much appreciated
(3) Ruling Request Made After Result of Match Is Final. When a player makes a
request for a ruling after the result of the match is final:
• The Committee will give the player a ruling only if both of these apply:
» The request is based on facts the player was not aware of before the result
of the match was final, and
» The opponent breached Rule 3.2d(1) (giving wrong number of strokes
taken) or Rule 3.2d(2) (failing to tell the player about a penalty) and knew of
the breach before the result of the match was final.
A few points to consider here.

The key question is when did the player in Side A realise they had 15 clubs?

1.3b(1) If a player knows they have breached a Rule that involves a penalty and deliberately fails to apply the penalty, the player is disqualified.

20.2e(1) Match Play. There is no time limit on disqualifying a player under Rule 1.2 (serious misconduct) or Rule 1.3b(1) (deliberately failing to apply a penalty, or agreeing with another player to ignore any Rule or penalty they know applies).
This may be done even after the result of the match is final (see Rule 3.2a(5)).

If it was an innocent mistake that was not realised until after the result of the match was final then the result stands. Clarification 3.2d(1)/3

(As an aside, if the player had realised during the round they had 15 clubs and they owned up during the round, the match score is revised by deducting one hole for each hole where a breach happened, with a maximum deduction of two holes in the round. Rule 4.1b)
The Rules say that it is up to the Committee in charge of the competition to state when the result of the match is final. Often this is when the result has been posted.
The Rules say that it is up to the Committee in charge of the competition to state when the result of the match is final. Often this is when the result has been posted.
Yes. And this answer determines the correct rules way forward. If the Committee confirms the match result is final AND team A had no awareness of the Rule breach prior to that point, then the Rules state the result holds. More importantly, the Rules do not permit Team B to proceed in the competition - they were beaten and are out of the competition. Team A has no authority to permit Team B to continue, Team A can only decide whether they turn up for the next round.
A few points to consider here.

The key question is when did the player in Side A realise they had 15 clubs?

1.3b(1) If a player knows they have breached a Rule that involves a penalty and deliberately fails to apply the penalty, the player is disqualified.

20.2e(1) Match Play. There is no time limit on disqualifying a player under Rule 1.2 (serious misconduct) or Rule 1.3b(1) (deliberately failing to apply a penalty, or agreeing with another player to ignore any Rule or penalty they know applies).
This may be done even after the result of the match is final (see Rule 3.2a(5)).

If it was an innocent mistake that was not realised until after the result of the match was final then the result stands. Clarification 3.2d(1)/3

(As an aside, if the player had realised during the round they had 15 clubs and they owned up during the round, the match score is revised by deducting one hole for each hole where a breach happened, with a maximum deduction of two holes in the round. Rule 4.1b)
The person from Team A didn't realise until the next day when he took his clubs out of the bag to clean them. He then thought that it should be a disqualification for himself however there are a few conversations on what the correct way of doing this but with the conversations on here its quite clear that team A still proceed to the next round.
One thing that this has pointed out is that we don't have anything in the Terms of Competition regarding when the result is final.
Thanks for the help on this
The person from Team A didn't realise until the next day when he took his clubs out of the bag to clean them. He then thought that it should be a disqualification for himself however there are a few conversations on what the correct way of doing this but with the conversations on here its quite clear that team A still proceed to the next round.
One thing that this has pointed out is that we don't have anything in the Terms of Competition regarding when the result is final.
Thanks for the help on this
Is that why a winner was declared after being 6 up with 7 holes remaining? :ROFLMAO: