Match play or Stroke play?


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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It sounds to me that you're playing full handicap bogey golf but for some reason are deducting the lower handicap from each hole before you start.
If you are doing that then I can see why it appears that you are only applying the handicap on 1,2 and 8-18.
I think you're just overcomplicating it.


Tour Rookie
Jan 14, 2008
Holmfirth in the Holme Valley
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My thoughts are you are taking the strokes away so that only the high handicapper has his shots on show.
Yours are already reduced for the 7 h/c and his by 7 off his h/c of 20.
Overcomplicated just use the propper h/c and there will be no problem.
As far as match play 7 from 20 means he has a shot on holes of s.i.1-13.


Feb 20, 2011
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Thanks everyone for your time in posting comments on this - much appreciated!

It's confirmed my view that we have been playing an unnecessarily complicated format which includes match play and stroke play and that we should be playing match play, as this is the common format for this type of game.

However, I doubt my golfing buddy will ever agree to this, as he's as stubborn as I am, so perhaps the answer is (as Imurg) said to alternate with the loser choosing the format.

Thanks again for helping to clear this up and keep swinging!



Medal Winner
Feb 7, 2011
East Lothian
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Just read this thread & my head is hurting!! surely you guys can just use the Stroke index for any given hole? however complicated you want to make it its still the congu h'cap you are starting from & 13 shots is the difference.....having fun with your mates shouldnt be this confusing! My advice is to have the ball per hole carry over for birdies (nett only) & 3 putts carry penalty of one ball...done! good luck boys,I need a lie down...


Feb 23, 2011
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I don't know if this is still active(ly keeping people awake), but since it's a topic close to my slicy driver I'd like to add my tuppence worth.
The original 'wolf' game made perfect sense, though I remember the confusion it caused me at the time. I am, of course, the absent friend that the other two have occasionally mentioned. I agree with the bet hedger that we (him and I) were all too often at the mercy of our low-handicapped leader, though this mattered relatively little. What mattered most was the competitiveness this format brought to our regular outings, coupled with the incentive of 'breaking even' or even walking away with a ball or two - since there were three of us who continuously 'changed allegiance' by being lone wolf, wolf with cub or wolf cub without a pride :D May I suggest a re-match of the original three ball in Scotland sometime this year?!
P.S. There have also been regular accusations of one or t'other being a burglar, but that has probably evened itself out by our single-figure man now playing off something approaching his 'real' handicap :D


Feb 20, 2011
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It's probably causing the odd migraine!

Nice to see you on here Sir Hiss! May your slice turn into 5 yard draws. Late June/early July in Scotland for re-match? I'll ask Sandbagger his plans if he's still speaking to me!

I accept that there might be an argument for using stroke play with 'Wolf', although I think there's also an argument for using match play. What I don't agree with is Sandbagger's logic that we are still playing 'Wolf' as this a game that requires at least 3 people, as the point of the game is that as the wolf you select your partner or go it alone.

So, I reckon if the 2 of us are playing every week for a ball per hole the simplest and fairest way to do this is to allocate me one extra shot on holes with index 1-13.