Losing weight/fitness thread

My wife did a half marathon a year or two ago and they were giving out jelly beans at the water stations, as well as water. Same idea as @PaulMdj . She also takes Haribo's on those runs, the distance runners energy boost of choice 😄
Truthfully you really don't need to refuel unless exercising over about 90 minutes.
Surely this will depend on the pace, distance or type of exercise?

For someone like @BrianM who is training for his first half marathon it’d be a good idea for him to try didn’t fuels (making sure what does or does not upset his stomach) or carrying water/drink and taking it onboard early in on the run, his energy levels may or may not get much benefit under 90 minutes, but will help in the long term.

Even most 10km road races these days have at least 1 water station.
Ran last years GNR with the Pro from the Club, he’s talked the 2 lads, who work in the shop, in to doing this years GNR, they are doing it for the same Charity and have a place through them.

So, they’ve asked me to “coach” them as 1 is 18 and never done much running, reasonably fit as he plays Football, one in his early 30’s who hasn’t done any sort of fitness since he left school and the Pro who’s keen, but injury prone.

First session this afternoon, 25 minutes of walk a minute, run 2 minutes, covered just over 1.6mile, plan is to get them all to run a mile non-stop by end of Feb, then 5K by Easter, build a solid base before they follow a 16 week training plan from May.
Ran last years GNR with the Pro from the Club, he’s talked the 2 lads, who work in the shop, in to doing this years GNR, they are doing it for the same Charity and have a place through them.

So, they’ve asked me to “coach” them as 1 is 18 and never done much running, reasonably fit as he plays Football, one in his early 30’s who hasn’t done any sort of fitness since he left school and the Pro who’s keen, but injury prone.

First session this afternoon, 25 minutes of walk a minute, run 2 minutes, covered just over 1.6mile, plan is to get them all to run a mile non-stop by end of Feb, then 5K by Easter, build a solid base before they follow a 16 week training plan from May.
Have you ever tried the 'Jeff' method? Jeff Galloway I believe. My wife uses that, her ladies running group have all converted to it as well. Might sound strange but she swears by it
Been on an asthma preventer for a number of years without ever having a full attack so, after speaking with the nurse, tried to do without to see if I was ‘cured’. Been 2 weeks now and it turns out I’m probably not. Was quite breathless last week at the gym but put it down to cold air and not having done much over Christmas but same again this week so will be back on the old inhaler again 😟
Been on an asthma preventer for a number of years without ever having a full attack so, after speaking with the nurse, tried to do without to see if I was ‘cured’. Been 2 weeks now and it turns out I’m probably not. Was quite breathless last week at the gym but put it down to cold air and not having done much over Christmas but same again this week so will be back on the old inhaler again 😟
Is it a steroid one? I've been weaning myself off mine very gradually and so far it's ok.
Been looking at various apps to use for my gym sessions as my 3 month programme has now finished. Downloaded the Jefit app and so far seems really good. You can choose workouts, specify what you want to do or build your own sessions. Log your reps and the demo's are really good too. Cost about £50 for the year, more monthly.
Dinner at 5pm, what the hell? I only finish work at 5. :LOL: That's an insanely early time to eat dinner.

I guess I eat breakfast around 9:00, lunch around 12:30 to 13:00, and we end up having dinner at 20:00 after we've put the little one to bed more often than not. I would prefer to eat at 19:00 but we just can't seem to juggle sorting our dinner while starting the nighttime process for little one at the same time. We do occasionally manage it - but wife likes to be settled in for the night watching a TV program while we eat, which can't be done until after the little one's bed time really. And I can't seem to reason with her on that, so we eat late.

Ours is all over the place. Wife's more steady

If I'm home (school day)
Breakfast with wife 0730
Lunch 1300 ISH
Dinner 1930

Work long day 0830 1330 1800
Shorter day 0830 1330 , dinner with wife 2000
Nights who knows

Weekends later breakfast aswell

Trying to level it out , it's when it gets to 1130 and I'm starving so have an early lunch to avoid snacking and then early dinner and I'm starving come bedtime