Losing weight/fitness thread

No, like these
Just found rice cakes here but topped with Belgian chocolate! (70 cal ea) I guess that defeats the point a bit but might be a good intro to them for me ;)
What is this thing with peanut butter? I like peanuts, but mainly on their own not so keen on snickers, etc but peanut butter is just awful. The texture is terrible and it just gets stuck all round your mouth. Never understood the people who like it - and my wife is one of them!
What is this thing with peanut butter? I like peanuts, but mainly on their own not so keen on snickers, etc but peanut butter is just awful. The texture is terrible and it just gets stuck all round your mouth. Never understood the people who like it - and my wife is one of them!

Same for me, like them as nuts (love them as dry roasted) but wife spreads peanut butter on toast... urgh, not for me
Just watching the Glucose Goddess and she has said you should eat a savoury breakfast to avoid spikes. Fine, but breakfast she suggests is yoghurt with fruit and nuts - how is that savoury?
Just watching the Glucose Goddess and she has said you should eat a savoury breakfast to avoid spikes. Fine, but breakfast she suggests is yoghurt with fruit and nuts - how is that savoury?
Not watched yet but is it plain natural unsweetened yoghurt?