Lack of Full European Tour Events in England


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Quote from The Times:

Sergio Garcia, the Spanish golfer, played five tournaments in Britain in 2001, but plans to play just one here this year. He says that as he is paying more tax than he can earn from winnings, he has to think twice about playing in Britain.

Julian Hedley of RSM Tenon Media, who represents many top sportsmen, said another leading golfer had paid nearly six times more to HMRC in tax than he earned for participating in two UK tournaments last year — effectively paying a tax rate of 570%.

Apparently, it is worked out from the number of appearances. If you played two tournaments a year, and one of them was in the UK, they would tax your sponsorship and endorsement money at 50% tax (UK rate), on half of your earnings (since half your appearances were in the UK). Ouch, that gets expensive very quickly.


Assistant Pro
Aug 22, 2009
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Evening everyone

So out at work all day and come home to find some great comments on the thread.

It looks like its tax thats a main problem here. I had heard that before but to be fair wouldnt golfers like Sergio get "apperiance" money so the tax is negated.

For me, if that is an issue then The ET need to look at at...or perhaps they are not bothered. If they are getting great deals why do they need to bother with the great courses of England....or perhaps the great courses dont want the bother of a tour event anymore.

I believe all of these are a part of the problem. Is there an answer or will money talk all the time?

IMO if we dont get golf exposed English golfers in Ten to Fifteen years will not be as prelivant as they are today. And the Blazers of the Golf Unions will be worrying where their levi and subscriptions will be coming from.