Jeremy Corbyn

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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Any views on who this would be?

Well I'm not that familiar with all the up and coming talent in both parties but I like Chuka Umunna or Kier Starmer for Labour. Afraid I'm not sure of the next gen 2 point oh Tories available. But I imagine there will be some there.

hors limite

Assistant Pro
Aug 22, 2013
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I did watch some of this but not all. I suppose at least you could argue that he has a clear idea of what type of Brexit he is trying to achieve. Plus he did talk sense to me about trying to help areas of the UK that will be likely heavily impacted by a hard Brexit. But as you say, little to no chance of his ideas actually happening.

I'd suggest we thank both May and her team plus Corbyn and his team for their valiant efforts over the last 2 years, but it's clear they are both not up to the job of leading their parties on this subject. So please bugger off, delay article 50 and lets get some new blood in.
I think that you are being a bit generous. After all this time and the frighteningly close deadline, he should have consulted and have a crystal clear knowledge of the party's policy and be prepared to show leadership and advocate his realistic vision of the future. He is continuing with his " constructive ambiguity" trying to keep both his leavers and remainers appeased. Both he and May have been playing politics rather than putting the country first. We need leadership but it's too late to start renegotiating. The EU will only countenance an extension to Article 50 if a 2nd vote is on offer. Back to the polling booths?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I think there's still plenty of time for new proposals to come forward. The EU really don't want a no deal and if they see a real chance of that happening at the 12th hour I am fairly confident they will come forward with concessions. MPs who are trying to make a no deal impossible are giving the advantage to thr EU.


Sep 11, 2011
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Corbyn said today that the EU is “known to be flexible!”

Is he stupid, or just lying ?

Its a soundbite for voters. "Elect me, the EU will negotiate with me." In truth, he's not lying. I'm sure the EU will offer the same as they offered May.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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Well I'm not that familiar with all the up and coming talent in both parties but I like Chuka Umunna or Kier Starmer for Labour. Afraid I'm not sure of the next gen 2 point oh Tories available. But I imagine there will be some there.

Cucka Umunna rather blotted his copybook with me when he panicked and called a full scale emergency when 6 immigrants landed at Dover.
Or do you think that was maybe just political posturing
Either way I am not sure if I want someone that weak in charge of an actual country.

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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Cucka Umunna rather blotted his copybook with me when he panicked and called a full scale emergency when 6 immigrants landed at Dover.
Or do you think that was maybe just political posturing
Either way I am not sure if I want someone that weak in charge of an actual country.

Tsk tsk doon...hope your not getting your chukka umunna’s and your Sajid javids mixed up! 👨🏿👨🏿?? 😂😂😂


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
Se London
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Cucka Umunna rather blotted his copybook with me when he panicked and called a full scale emergency when 6 immigrants landed at Dover.
Or do you think that was maybe just political posturing
Either way I am not sure if I want someone that weak in charge of an actual country.

I’m sure there were more than 6

hors limite

Assistant Pro
Aug 22, 2013
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Watching the HOC live - god he's hopeless stumbling over his words, reading his speech without any sense of coherence. In a monotone and monotonous Lacking in any vision.. A moment when he should be inspiring his MPs and the country to a fresh and inspiring perspective, I don't know what to say.


May stole his thunder by suggesting the no confidence vote before he got to speak, sneaky by her but worked, agree Corbyn seemed awkward, big moment got hijacked, anyway dont think she can lose confidence vote as the DUP will back her per terms of their £1 billion bung.