I've Had The Call


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Feb 27, 2010
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So, I've been doing the role of Comp Sec at my place for two years now, and this role according to our constitution, is one that get a seat on the management committee, yet I have NEVER been invited to one....until yesterday.
I put a proposal in to our AGM, that was basically one that a few members had suggested that would improve things at our place and I think is a good idea, so I thought I'd chuck it in as a proposal for this years AGM. Within 3 hours of me sending it in, I had an e mail from the (unpaid, I think) club secretary, inviting me to the pre AGM management meeting. Now why is this I wonder? is it:-

1. Because they've just realized I should have been attending these meetings?
2. Want me there to discuss my proposal before I bring it up at the actual meeting?

I don't know, but I'm a little unsure as to what to expect. Will they be ganging up on me and I'll need a tin hat, or will it be just to help them make any decisions pre AGM?


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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So, I've been doing the role of Comp Sec at my place for two years now, and this role according to our constitution, is one that get a seat on the management committee, yet I have NEVER been invited to one....until yesterday.
I put a proposal in to our AGM, that was basically one that a few members had suggested that would improve things at our place and I think is a good idea, so I thought I'd chuck it in as a proposal for this years AGM. Within 3 hours of me sending it in, I had an e mail from the (unpaid, I think) club secretary, inviting me to the pre AGM management meeting. Now why is this I wonder? is it:-

1. Because they've just realized I should have been attending these meetings?
2. Want me there to discuss my proposal before I bring it up at the actual meeting?

I don't know, but I'm a little unsure as to what to expect. Will they be ganging up on me and I'll need a tin hat, or will it be just to help them make any decisions pre AGM?

Doesn't your club have a written constitution?

I may be wrong, but I thought that the County Union needed sight of a club's constitution before affiliation was granted - I'm fairly sure that was the case when our club was formed 20 years ago.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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Well done. However tempting, don't give away your ideas, and keep your long term plans close to your chess.

Little by little generally wins in the end with golf club committees.
Their brains cannot cope with more than one 'drastic' change at a time.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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In negotiation 'patience' is the key so you want to listen but say the minimum until you've sussed their angle !

A bit like all the noise on another thread I wont dare mention - begins with an 'A'!


Sep 11, 2011
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As the proposal is coming from a committee member I'd expect the Sec to want to be fully aware of what you are proposing and what line to take with any questioning. Committees like to be aligned at AGM's and to not embarrass fellow committee members.

That doesn't mean they won't ask you to withdraw the proposal before the AGM if they fundamentally disagree with it. What they won't want is a public spat between committee members at an AGM.


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
In the slow lane...
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A little puzzled, if as comp sec, your constitution says you get to attend committee meetings you feel you need to await an invitation... Surely you should be asking to attend or at the very least be getting minutes of the meetings along with information of any decisions taken or not..


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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In negotiation 'patience' is the key so you want to listen but say the minimum until you've sussed their angle !

A bit like all the noise on another thread I wont dare mention - begins with an 'A'!

Well there are 2 beginning with ‘A’ and there is little to choose between them- And we’re off and Article 50 - the choice is yours!


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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A little puzzled, if as comp sec, your constitution says you get to attend committee meetings you feel you need to await an invitation... Surely you should be asking to attend or at the very least be getting minutes of the meetings along with information of any decisions taken or not..

Should I have to ask to attend an MM? They don't happen very often either I am told. Shocking. The club is left to drift along with people in jobs for years with no incentives to improve things.
After a chat with a mate last night, my proposal was brought up a year ago by him!!!! Apparently everyone thought it a grand idea and went to the lady who currently does all the admin and wages and deals with all cash ( on a three day week and £17K!) to see if she would take on the role. Unsurprisingly, she turned their offer down. Well wouldn't you? Nice cushy three day week doing stuff you can do with your eyes shut! So that ended that! She's knocking on a bit, not sure how old, but can't be far off retirement. How can she be removed without costs?


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
In the slow lane...
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Should I have to ask to attend an MM?

Every committee I've sat on either has a fixed schedule for meetings or decides on a next meeting date at the end of each committee gathering... Once you were elected, to your position, you'd be wanting to know that schedule or next date scheduled and just rock up as is your right...


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Doesn't your club have a written constitution?

I may be wrong, but I thought that the County Union needed sight of a club's constitution before affiliation was granted - I'm fairly sure that was the case when our club was formed 20 years ago.

England Golf certainly require a copy of the club's constitution and all counties require a club to be affiliated to England Golf.

This is what EG says:

A copy of the club Constitution (in duplicate) must be included when an
Application for Affiliation is made.

The constitution of a club applying for affiliation must contain the Mandatory
Clauses set out in Part 2 of this document. Any proposed change to a club’s
constitution which effect the Mandatory Clauses must be notified to England Golf
before the change is made.

Further, the following clauses from Part 2 are relevant here.

The club agrees to comply with the Council of National Golf Union’s Unified
Handicapping System (CONGU UHS) and any conditions / discretions
imposed within the system by England Golf.

The golf club members shall appoint a Competition and Handicapping
Committee as required under the Rules of Golf and CONGU UHS which
shall have complete control of Competition and Handicapping matters in
the club.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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more like they appear to come into line but do what they want a fair chunk of the time, the clever ones pick their battles

We only bother if they cause a problem (fortunately rare). But they'll never pick a battle when we hint at disaffiliation. They can't afford to lose all their members. I'm not sure which provide the bread or the jam, members or pay'n'play/corporate. But
they need the bread and the jam.