It seems bandits are not the dying breed we hoped for


Medal Winner
Dec 11, 2007
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Sorry to bore you all but I have to get this off my chest. I thought the EGU 'active' handicap system was designed to rid the game of badits (aka cheats). I'm here to tell you it hasn't. I am spitting feathers over a recent drubbing at the hands of someone whose 24 handicap in no way a reflected his single figure playing capability. It was made worse by the fact that I played some of my best golf before succumbing to the inevitable. The absence of any humility on his part made defeat an even harder pill to swallow. He is the worst type of bandit – the sort who tells you scoring less than 36 points is a catastrophe as he proceeds to turn you over. No post match beer with this guy I’m afraid.

Before scurrying off, I couldn’t stop myself asking when he last submitted a competition scorecard and it came as no surprise to learn it had been ‘quite some time’. It seems the poor chap isn’t able to play in competitions; something to do with them being staged on a Saturday whereas he only plays on Sundays (and every weekday judging by his ball striking). I resisted the temptation to enquire if his ‘official handicap’ left him friendless with only mugs like me to play golf with but decided to depart before my big mouth took over.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 11, 2007
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Was this an official competition or just a casual game?
A quiet word in the right quarters might get him the right sort of attention.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Sounds harsh mate i can understand your frustration,why are there no comps on sundays?I always say there are players who are a little dodgy but imo it will catch up with them in the end.I play with someone pretty much all the time he is so inconsistent its not believable at this moment hes a 16 handicap.Last week 26 points this week 44,he has the potential to shoot to a single figure and will soon wipe the floor in a comp but does that mean hes a bandit not imo,hes just very inconsistent,im not saying the person you played against is the same but there are players who can at times shoot way under handicap.


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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Unfortunately this can happen and it's up to your club to make rules for these competitions that say you can only enter if you've played in a certain number of qualifying competitions in a time frame, say 3 in 4 months.

If they don't do that then you need to have a word with your handicap secretary and warn him that this fella's handicap is too high. Of course, if he hasn't submitted a card for a year then his handicap will be inactive under CONGU rules and he shouldn't be able to play in the comp anyway.

Deleted member 1147

I just wanted to apologise because I've played under my handicap a few times :eek:.

Sorry everyone


Head Pro
Mar 17, 2010
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I was 'turned over' in a club comp last year by a 14 handicapper who was circa level par when the game finished on the 14th.

He went on to win the competition and I toasted him on the Presentation night with less than good will.

I do however, recognise that he plays every week in all comps so I am afraid that the problem may lie with me - not gracious in defeat!

I also tend to forget the game I also played last year when I was 4 down with 5 to play and won the match on the 19th.
No doubt the loser, in that match, will be miss-calling me for the super golf I played in the final 6 holes!


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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You can always tell a true bandit from somebody who is just having a good day.
Say "what a fantastic round you're having. You've got 23 points after 9 holes" to the latter and watch them collapse like a pack of cards.
Say it to a true bandit and he'll give you that knowing look and proceed to score another 25 points on the back.
I'll apologise to the poor sod I've just put off but will ignore the git with 48 points.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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You can always tell a true bandit from somebody who is just having a good day.

I agree. I was getting hammered by an 18 h'cap on a links course many years ago. Off 10, I was spot on my h'cap (5 over after 9) and 6 down to el bandito terriblo.
I am polite and well mannered but lost my rag and after my super drive down the 10th (along the edge of the beach with a howling wind) I turned to him and said;

"I expect to see some wheels coming off pretty soon or you and me won't be making it to the point where you can enjoy winning this match". I was simply ready to walk off and concede the game to someone in the clubhouse rather than give him the pleasure.

He dropped endless shots in the next 4 holes (I made it about 10 or more) and I was 1 down coming down the last.....I was 8 over after 17 i.i.r.c.

The last at Aberdovey is a 440 yd par 4. The bloke hit Driver-4 iron to 8 foot and lipped out for birdie. I lost by 2 holes in the end. I shook his hand...but inside I knew I'd been done.


Tour Rookie
Mar 3, 2009
North Wiltshire
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Played in a pairs match yesterday. One of our opponents off 11 scored a 77 on a long championship course.No putts were conceded to him over 18".We lost but had nothing but praise for a great round.You instinctively know when you play a bandit he was not.


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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Played in a pairs match yesterday. One of our opponents off 11 scored a 77 on a long championship course.No putts were conceded to him over 18".We lost but had nothing but praise for a great round.You instinctively know when you play a bandit he was not.

In my experience, bandits very rarely claim to play off 11. To be a bandit off 11 you'd have to be off 4 or 5 to make sure your cheating gave you a good chance of winning why would you not want to shout about that?

I'm sure i'll now get loads of posts about bandits off 11 but my experienced is that true bandits normally claim to be more like high teens


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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In my experience, bandits very rarely claim to play off 11. To be a bandit off 11 you'd have to be off 4 or 5 to make sure your cheating gave you a good chance of winning why would you not want to shout about that?

I'm sure i'll now get loads of posts about bandits off 11 but my experienced is that true bandits normally claim to be more like high teens

Biggest bandit I've ever had the misfortune to play was a member at Gillingham GC. Me and a mate had entered a knockout competition and had progressed steadily through the rounds, having some great matches home and away. We got drawn against two guys from the aforementioned club. At the time I was off 14 and my mate was off 10. The two guys we were due to play were off 14 and 9 so we thought a great match would take place.
How wrong could we have been.
Despite me and my mate playing out of our boots we were stuffed, royaly.
The 14 handicapper drove first on every hole and was hitting the ball as straight as an arrow, miles out there. His 9 handicapped partner did nothing of any note until we got to the one fairway that the 14 handicapper missed. I think it was about the 10th or 11th. The 9 handicapper, realising they might be in trouble, proceeded to hit the biggest and straightest drive he'd hit all day and won the hole. I think we got stuffed 5&4, I had played to my handicap and my mate one above his.
The 14 handicapper then admitted that his society had cut him to about 7.
He admitted that he didn't hand cards in, and when I suggested that he might get more satisfaction playing off a lower handicap he laughed and said "well I wouldn't win anything then would I"
Needless to say, we didn't stop for a drink.


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 23, 2010
West Mids
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I do totally agree that its a real nightmare playing in comps with bandits, it is cheating as far as i'm concerned.

But, im not sure that its a totally fair reflection of the problem. For example, im now off 11, 18 months ago i was off 18ish. Took a few lessons and i play in 90% of the comps and have never NR'd - so, as far as im concerned i'm doing everything i can do to get down and its the system thats is probably keeping my Hcp as high as it is (or as accurate as it is - i just feel i'm a bit better than 11 [especially at my own course])- i won last months medal with 45 points and got cut from 12.5 to 11.3.

I avoided the general cut after a club review of winter scores as my average was about my Hcp for the winter, though in the last 2 to 3 months i've consistently played to about 3 to 6 over par, with only 2 qualifying comps in that time. The review was 7 weeks ago. I expect to do well tomorrow in the next qualifying comp, if not win.

But I suppose I could just as easily play 15 over par and get a .1 back tommorrow.

I hope that, within my club, i'm known to be genuinely honest and friendly and that i'm making the effort (lessons and practice) to improve and the Hcp system can sometimes lag behind when there's a fairly good improvement quickly. I've been asked onto the team 2 or 3 times over the last year so i'd hope that i'm thought of as being a decent (and honest) guy, as well as a decent golfer.

Just wanted to post to say that its not all about dishonest players being bandits, but often its put forward that those who score well ARE bandits, and intend for it to be so.

I want to get the lowest Hcp i'm able to with the ability i have.


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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Against my better judgement I have entered a singles knockout competition being organised by some company called "" something to do with the Daily Express.
Only cost £30.00 to enter, so I though "what the heck. Chance to play some different courses at a reduced green fee"
Entries close today and I'm waiting to see who my first opponent is. Will keep you posted on my progress and let you know the name, club and "official handicap" of the first total and utter bandit I come up against.
Because I know I will.....


Journeyman Pro
Sep 22, 2009
East Yorkshire
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What actually constitutes a bandit?

I'm off 18 and am capable of playing quite a bit lower than that but I've been playing in every medal/competition that I can since joining in September but cannot seem to make a dent.

It's massively frustrating but tomorrow is another day - 3rd division Open - then Sunday in a board competition. So here's hoping for a good weekend and a cut.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I can understand ringers in inter-work events as there really isn't anyway of ensuring the handicapping is totally honest other than insist on certificates. I think in time the bandit will become a rarer species in proper club golf but I don't think you'll eradicate it. It will still be open events where they'll turn up off 14 and play to 5 in a howling gale and torrential rain


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Sounds harsh mate i can understand your frustration,why are there no comps on sundays?I always say there are players who are a little dodgy but imo it will catch up with them in the end.I play with someone pretty much all the time he is so inconsistent its not believable at this moment hes a 16 handicap.Last week 26 points this week 44,he has the potential to shoot to a single figure and will soon wipe the floor in a comp but does that mean hes a bandit not imo,hes just very inconsistent,im not saying the person you played against is the same but there are players who can at times shoot way under handicap.

I will freely admit and agree with PJ here...
I am one such player as the above mentioned.....
I play off of 19 and on a good day can shoot way below my handicap....But i do enter competitions and i do hand in my cards......
I would frown on anyone that thought i was a bandit im far from it but i can sympathise with the OP.
I went out this evening and was 7 Over par after 14 holes we played off the comp tees and it was pretty windy also_Off a 19 handicap im assuming this isnt a bad score but would i be labelled a bandit for this i cant understand why...We only played the 14 as i have to score some brownie points for sunday and mondays comps.....
I know that i do have the game to get my handicap down and can only play once a week but i do look forward to the challange but as PJ said inconsistency is the killer......


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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What actually constitutes a bandit?

Everyone has the right to a good game when they play well and avoid disasters, but to me a bandit is someone who is clearly better than the h'cap they play off. I don't read anything into luck or moments of skill (like getting up and down rather too much!!) but we all know what to expect (score-wise) from certain h'cap levels and what is somewhat dodgy.

I like nothing more than playing with someone who has a good game, even if I return a good score and get beaten.

t.b.h. I rarely come up against the real bandits out there, but when I do, I know....or at least I think I do. :D