Isolation of the over 70s


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Nov 15, 2019
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Our daughter lives at home, goes to work. There's an infinitely bigger chance of her bringing something home than me catching it on the golf course.

Yes, but if she brings it home, you might then spread it.

People always think it won't happen to them, but hopefully they will realise in time. At the moment the average number of transmissions per infected person is about 3.

So if you get it, and give it to 3 people who each give it to 3 people... To 3... To 3, then that's 81. With a 1% mortality rate, at that point you've probably killed someone, because you didn't want to follow advice.

Every broken link in what would otherwise have been spread, might save someone's life. You'll never know of course, but that's what everyone needs to aim for. Take responsibility in not passing it on.


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Oct 4, 2018
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You would hope their will be some sort of dispensation to attend the funeral of a loved one.
But then that negates the whole point of isolation doesn't it and logistics of proving what your doing and holding of it causes other issues. This aside if(when) they give the go ahead for this there will have to be a lot of bases covered and explained to everyone to ensure its carried out properly and effectively policed.


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Oct 26, 2019
Oop North
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I can't see how isolation for the over 70's will work. They still need to go out and get medication and food and that age group in particular won't all have a support network to help them


The hope is that communities will pull together. There’s a couple in their 80’s a few houses down from us who have no local family. If they get told to stay in, I’ll be volunteering to help them out with shopping, medication, etc. Hopefully others will do the same.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
Yes, but if she brings it home, you might then spread it.

People always think it won't happen to them, but hopefully they will realise in time. At the moment the average number of transmissions per infected person is about 3.

So if you get it, and give it to 3 people who each give it to 3 people... To 3... To 3, then that's 81. With a 1% mortality rate, at that point you've probably killed someone, because you didn't want to follow advice.

Every broken link in what would otherwise have been spread, might save someone's life. You'll never know of course, but that's what everyone needs to aim for. Take responsibility in not passing it on.
Think you're missing the point. I was talking about the risk of playing golf versus doing practical anything else. The proposal isn't to stop the over 60s spreading it, it's to stop them getting it.


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Oct 2, 2019
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Fines of up to £1k being mentioned re failure to adhere to self isolation.

Absolutely mental.

Who are you to say if it is mental or not?
We can all have our opinions on which action is needed regarding all this but none of our opinions matter there are people who know far more than you or I who make those decisions and if their advice is self isolating over 70’s we better listen to them

Not our place to say whether they are right or wrong we know less than them


Jul 13, 2015
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Who are you to say if it is mental or not?
We can all have our opinions on which action is needed regarding all this but none of our opinions matter there are people who know far more than you or I who make those decisions and if their advice is self isolating over 70’s we better listen to them

Not our place to say whether they are right or wrong we know less than them

Yes petal. Go and lie down for a while and breath normally.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Nick Ferrari on LBC reporting that over 70s will not be allowed to leave their homes and will be arrested if spotted out and about. And he referred to it as elderly ‘apartheid’. I am not aware that this is what is being proposed. Many elderly callers saying how angry they are at being so picked on and will ignore what they are being TOLD to do.

This isn’t the case is it?


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 16, 2014
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No it’s not the case just more scaremongering, the advice given out this morning is the over 70s should limit there social activities, But this could change.


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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Fines of up to £1k being mentioned re failure to adhere to self isolation.

Absolutely mental.

Bet the cost of someone in intensive for 3 weeks (as per covid) costs much more. not to mention bed space taken from someone who did follow the rules.

Having said that I doubt it'll be quarantine, probably some sort of isolation plan.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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No it’s not the case just more scaremongering, the advice given out this morning is the over 70s should limit there social activities, But this could change.

Surely to a degree any self-isolation for over 70's is unworkable. Those not able to rely on family and friends will need food and medicines and so surely some dispensation has to be be made to allow them to get these. Otherwise what happens? They don't eat, get frail(er) and die or don't get their medications and their conditions aren't kept under control until the point of hospitalisation or worse? Definitely typical LBC scaremongering at the moment


Jul 13, 2015
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Bet the cost of someone in intensive for 3 weeks (as per covid) costs much more. not to mention bed space taken from someone who did follow the rules.

Having said that I doubt it'll be quarantine, probably some sort of isolation plan.

And what about the "healthy" 35 year old walking about the community passing it on unaware. What about the 80 year old who desperately needs milk or whatever. What about needing to collect medication. What about any old person who can't afford £1k and gets caught out - are we going to pursue through the courts at X expense to the country?

It's all if's and but's but I question how workable it all is.


New member
Nov 15, 2019
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And what about the "healthy" 35 year old walking about the community passing it on unaware. What about the 80 year old who desperately needs milk or whatever. What about needing to collect medication. What about any old person who can't afford £1k and gets caught out - are we going to pursue through the courts at X expense to the country?

It's all if's and but's but I question how workable it all is.

Obviously getting medication would be fine. Only someone being wilfully obtuse would think otherwise.

The point is to minimise possible transition points as far as possible.