Is your club Charging Fees for the time the course will be closed?

Is your club Charging Fees for the time the course will be closed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 95 75.4%
  • No

    Votes: 20 15.9%
  • Not Decided

    Votes: 12 9.5%

  • Total voters
Subs were due at the start of March and so many will have been in although members do have until the end of the month to get payment in or set up a DD. I am hoping most will have paid before lockdown and those that don't will cough up anyway (or technically they won't be members). Get the cash in now and we can look at discounts/refunds at a later date. Lets have a club to return to

as long as the golf clubs alright eh Homie ;)
Our year begins in April, most have already paid.

Had an email today to say that while the club is closed the time/cost will be banked and then credited or reimbursed later.
as long as the golf clubs alright eh Homie ;)
Typically facetious reply. Why not hope the clubs survive and they are there for us at the end of this mess. Got to have something positive to look forward to. Some will no doubt go, and I imagine some of those will be some established and founded many moons ago. However lets hope there aren't too many casualties, the staff are looked after and can cope financially and we're all out playing soon. If that doesn't fit in with your thinking with the current crisis then I'm sorry but tough.
To expect anyone to pay for a service they are not receiving is bonkers. Why should a member owned golf club expect it's current membership to pay out money for goods they are not going to receive? Aren't golf clubs a business? If so aren't they going to get government support ie MONEY? No business tax or something? There is going to be a huge mess to sort out when this is over that for sure!!!!
Nothing concrete from the club yet in terms of what they will do but they have mentioned that if we pay fees that are due now (April) they will take it into consideration for next years fee.
To expect anyone to pay for a service they are not receiving is bonkers. Why should a member owned golf club expect it's current membership to pay out money for goods they are not going to receive? Aren't golf clubs a business? If so aren't they going to get government support ie MONEY? No business tax or something? There is going to be a huge mess to sort out when this is over that for sure!!!!

A member owned club is not a business. It is not seeking to generate profit. It is a collectively owned organisation seeking to provide a golf facility for its members. If you are a member, you own a share In the club.

Most member owns clubs will not run big surpluses, their funds will be reinvested into their facilities for their members, or returned to the members in the form of cheaper fees.
To expect anyone to pay for a service they are not receiving is bonkers. Why should a member owned golf club expect it's current membership to pay out money for goods they are not going to receive? Aren't golf clubs a business? If so aren't they going to get government support ie MONEY? No business tax or something? There is going to be a huge mess to sort out when this is over that for sure!!!!

Wow, this has only just kicked in, so let’s say for an example it runs to end of July, so you've lost 4mths and a couple of weeks, but let’s factor it to 6mths, let’s say ANNUAL subs are £1k, and let’s say you can get to play twice a week, so if you then don’t think your course is worth a green fee of less than £20 a day, (you’ve enjoyed £10 in the past on similar example) then maybe you’re more suited to being a nomad and going to a pay & play course, because if you were a member of my club and displaying such a lack of empathy to those running it, I’d be calling an egm to have you removed!
To expect anyone to pay for a service they are not receiving is bonkers. Why should a member owned golf club expect it's current membership to pay out money for goods they are not going to receive? Aren't golf clubs a business? If so aren't they going to get government support ie MONEY? No business tax or something? There is going to be a huge mess to sort out when this is over that for sure!!!!

That is just a rant not a post!
If I could play somewhere else it would be different. As I can’t I have no qualms after playing 13 local courses I picked the one I am currently at for good reason and they have not changed. if my financial situation is the same when the club re opens I am happy to pay a levy and happy to pay next years subs in advance.
I think that people have to appreciate that people see golf clubs differently and that is no bad thing. At both extremes, some have it as the focal point of their life, others see it as simply a place to play golf. Golf is a broad church, it can take both. Me, I tend towards the place to play golf end of the spectrum. I don't play every week, at most I play twice some weeks. The social side other than a quick drink after a round does not interest me, I have other places I would rather socialise and my friends are, in the main, not golfers. In my boat you look at not whether golf is adorable but whether you can justify what you spend in what is only a part of your life. Things can tip the scales. Long periods of bad weather, the current situation etc. You then start to think whether you would rather spend that £1000 on something else. That is just a calm, rational decision and one that hundreds of golfers make every year. Actions by a club at times like these are not expected but can swing the scales back in the other direction. It is not something for people to get riled about, just that people look at golf and golf clubs in different ways.
I won't be expecting anything as a benefit for paying for the next few months, but, I am in the position where my income has been unaffected, and actually, I am spending comparatively less, as I'm not travelling to work. Not everyone will be in that position.
Not traveling to work or boozing lunchtime and evening. Saving a fortune. What with refunds from holidays etc that have been cancelled. For the first time ever my monthly credit card bill shows they owe me!!
My fees renewed in January.

I don't expect my club to reimburse us with anything, it would be nice if next seasons fees were reduced by whatever the cost per month is but I can't see that happening.
Just had email from club. They have said the 12 months will start from when course re opens so if that’s end of June then next years subs due end of June 2021. Also extended due date by two weeks. Clubs need the money to survive and to ensure course is in good condition when we do start to play as this time year is vital to getting fertiliser down, and preparing ground which ain’t a cheap thing. Support your club if you can if not talk to them and I’m sure they won’t want to loose you and will come up with some payment Plan
I don’t expect to be reimbursed, membership renews in Jan. I don’t expect get cheaper subs next year. I do expect my club to survive though. In the grand scheme of things if it would cost me more to join somewhere else when it all dies down than anything I’m likely to be get back short term.
Paid all my fees in full for all 3 membership, Glenbervie are looking into reducing next years fees. Gleneagles have offered members 2 options.

First option is an free overnight stay in the hotel for two with free meal and breakfast and full use of the facilities.

Option 2 is £300 credit into your account to use in any Gleneagles own retail shop, Pro shop or hotel.

The above offers applies for each month the course is closed so if this shutdown takes 2-3 months its going to cost them a fortune. Let's hope we are back playing soon.
So far only an email to say we can suspend our fees until it reopens. I joined in January on a 15 month for 12 month direct debit deal and as I'm a key worker I'll be continuing to pay my subs as I'd like to support my club so hopefully when this madness ends I'll have a club to come back to.
Paid in full in Jan, if it's a prolonged closure then id like to see my membership extended by the same amount, or a pro rata discount next year.
But nothing from the club beyond we're closed .
Nothing has changed with ours.

Mine are actually due right now and I don't mind paying the year in full despite not knowing when I'll be back on the course.