Is distance embarrassing?


Deleted member 15344

Think that's a bit harsh mate. Don't think he deserves that. I'd love one of those simulator thingies, and a Ferrari. Unfortunately I'm beneath the cat in the pecking order in my house, so my reality is a second hand scratching post :eek:

As I said I'm sure it's not what is meant but does seem to come across that way with some of the posts.


Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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I understand what you are saying and I do agree.
A lot of golfers never get close to achieving their controlled distance potential due to lack of stability and other technique faults.

I've hit a few long shots in my time and when people have asked me how I do it I have generally come back with 'there is no reason you can't' and while some of them might be a little shorter or a little older they could still hit it further with the right time and effort. Unfortunately they are two things that a lot of people don't have in spades but if you told them it was this new miracle driver they would be tempted to part with the cash!

I didn't have time to read everything on the thread but I like the setup you have. Fingers crossed Santa thinks I've been a good boy this year! All that plus a fixed knee!

Hello, it's always nice to welcome a newbie onto the forum. Tell us a bit about yourself. What's your handicap, where do you play?

You say you can get it out there! I seriously doubt that. From your sig I can see you're in your 30's, age must be catching up :eek: ...... :D


To be fair the practice area is just a mat and a lawn :)

Most of the rest took a long time to save for. Was a junior officer in the military so while not poor hardly rolling in it either. Did without some things for a few years in order to be able to have what I want now and made some good decisions financially along the way (bought a house young when they were cheap etc and was paying a mortgage when most of my mates were pissing it up). Not really ashamed of making what were for me good decisions financially I'm afraid :)

DOnt get dragged in to one of LPs petty arguements.


Head Pro
Dec 23, 2012
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That is all very commendable and nobody is going to have a go at you for that but what you have to remember is that there are a lot of guys on here who struggle to pay their annual subs (or can't afford to even join a club) and have to think twice about a £25 green fee so they are not going to be too impressed when someone starts threads about their £11k indoor driving net, a Ferrari and an upstairs games room.

Fair. And I realise I am incredibly lucky to have it which is why I sent out an open invite to all forum members to come over and use it for free so maybe they can benefit from the kit as well. The car - bought as an investment. Market was clearly in a slump so I bought it for less than a mid-highish end Skoda Octavia. It paid off and prices have gone up a lot but it's still way cheaper than some of the other cars posted on that thread. It's a great car but not an expensive one (at least not when I bought it). Garage was built by a builder I know for very good rates and put far more onto the value of my property than the build price. About the only daft purchase was the pool table.

People can and will think whatever they like. I know some pretty wealthy people through the Ferrari owners' club - one bloke emailed me a couple of weeks back asking if I'd like to pop down to his in the spring for a blast in an F40, F50 and La Ferrari (I'll let you guess what my answer was). Quite a few guys I know live in what can only be described as mansions with huge grounds, I live in a 3 bedroom detached house in rural Lincolnshire, love my place though and wouldn't want to move. Most made their own money but not all. But not once do I feel bitter towards them. Why should I? They've all done well for themselves and good on them.

Maybe it was wrong to say "I've got this facility, anyone want to come and use it for free?" because you open yourself up for people being jealous or thinking you're just bragging but I did it because I know it could help people's game and I know it's something some people won't necessarily be able to do without me making the offer. Someone said they wouldn't invite total strangers round to their house, not necessarily what I would normally do either but I did it as it could be an opportunity for guys to do something they wouldn't normally do. I was the boss in my last tour and for the same reason every guy who worked for me got the opportunity to drive the Ferrari, because it's not something they would probably ever get to do otherwise. Sim wise I'm meeting with a couple of pros from my club next week as it'll be being used for free by our county players and those pushing to turn pro over the winter so that the weather doesn't disrupt their coaching and practice. Some may think "Git." because I've got it, no idea, but I'll take the chance that they'll get something out of it and be grateful. Just the way I am I'm afraid.
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Journeyman Pro
Aug 17, 2011
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Is distance embarrassing, yes only if you do not have it and need to say you are a cat 1 golfer when you are a two , Me , i am still as long as before which is average for my age :)


Head Pro
Dec 23, 2012
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DOnt get dragged in to one of LPs petty arguements.

Too late :)

As I said I'm sure it's not what is meant but does seem to come across that way with some of the posts.

It's ok mate, and sorry if it comes over like that.

Love cars hence saving up for the 348 (they were about £19-20K when I bought her, pretty cheap for what you got).

Personal Sim in a room big enough to be a teaching studio - bit more to it than that. Have you read the thread about 'who would you get lessons from and why?' Maybe it's bought with half an eye on the future as I already shoot what I need to get on the PGA Apprentice course, just need to wait for my handicap to drop if I choose to go that route. Possibly wasn't straight up when I said "Just out of curiosity....." in that thread. Pool table you got me........ but always wanted one.

So maybe I invested what I had in an asset that was obviously (to anyone who knew the market) about to rise, built an addition to my house that may allow me to run a business from home in the future and in the meantime am letting others benefit from it if I can. And if it doesn't work - hey, I've increased the value of my property anyway.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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No need to justify yourself on here. You have showed your toys and offered people to come and play. Fair do's! :thup:

There was a thread on here recently asking who wears the trousers? its quite clear you do, or she also wears a lot of new shoes. Some of these boys have to beg to get out for a game of golf! :rofl:
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Head Pro
Dec 23, 2012
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No need to justify yourself on here. You have showed your toys and offered people to come and play. Fair do's! :thup:

Thanks, I guess I felt that if I was coming across like that to LP then the likelihood is I was coming across to others in the same way - not my intention.

Off topic a bit and not to justify but just to show perhaps why I'm so chuffed with the new additions, both me and my wife wanted to add some value to our property rather than moving so with a combo of saving up and some money I was paid when I left the RAF (on a med discharge, injured on duty....... got through the gulf unscathed, injured in a sports event :) ) we did. Have thought about going the PGA route so needed to be able to do that. Anyway here's our property a few months ago, hardly a mansion even though I like the location myself:




Note the old 'swing studio':


Anyway, got a good deal on some land from the local farmer (top bloke who sold us it for next to nothing), a hell of a lot of hard work over last winter, spring and admittedly some cash that came from the military on leaving to add to our savings and this is the property now. Actually didn't cost a lot to do in the grand scheme of things:




Can see what I meant by the size of the house next to the size of the garage, without 'mates rates' this never would have been built:




Den for my 2 young lads:



Repost but shows the rest of the land the farmer sold us, like I said for next to nothing - 6 times the size of our original plot.


So, am I chuffed with what we've achieved in a few months? Yes, to be fair, I am. Very. As a JO in the military you aren't mega rich or even close to it, not too badly off though, not complaining. But after numerous dets to hot and sand places (always save a bit when I can't spend it :) ) and putting away money for a while, we pretty much transformed our property.

Not 'legitimising' my choices, just showing where it all came from.
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2010
South Wiltshire
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Hello, it's always nice to welcome a newbie onto the forum. Tell us a bit about yourself. What's your handicap, where do you play?

You say you can get it out there! I seriously doubt that. From your sig I can see you're in your 30's, age must be catching up :eek: ...... :D

Thanks for the warm welcome! My name is Dave, I'm 5'2 and my driving average this year was 333 yards.
Age is seriously catching up but not with my haggard looks unfortunately!

I see your not too far away from me so maybe we could get a game together sometime.


Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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Thanks for the warm welcome! My name is Dave, I'm 5'2 and my driving average this year was 333 yards.
Age is seriously catching up but not with my haggard looks unfortunately!

I see your not too far away from me so maybe we could get a game together sometime.

Well hello dave:eek:. I'd very much like to meet up and admire your predigious length (but there's no need to boast) I'm a member at royal Iford bridge, with a country membership at wellow so we could play either. :thup:

Before we meet, there's one thing I need to know.......are you a hairy man??

Deleted Member 1156

Thanks for the warm welcome! My name is Dave, I'm 5'2 and my driving average this year was 433 yards.
Age is seriously catching up but not with my haggard looks unfortunately!

I see your not too far away from me so maybe we could get a room together sometime.

Fixed that for you 'Dave' ;)


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2010
South Wiltshire
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Well hello dave:eek:. I'd very much like to meet up and admire your predigious length (but there's no need to boast) I'm a member at royal Iford bridge, with a country membership at wellow so we could play either. :thup:

Before we meet, there's one thing I need to know.......are you a hairy man??

It's all business up top but there is a party down below.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2010
South Wiltshire
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Well hello dave:eek:. I'd very much like to meet up and admire your predigious length (but there's no need to boast) I'm a member at royal Iford bridge, with a country membership at wellow so we could play either. :thup:

Before we meet, there's one thing I need to know.......are you a hairy man??

Also I'm happy to meet anywhere, including one of these fine venues. I feel a bit of a connection here so I'm happy to clear my schedule and be free anytime from 11.00am today.


Tour Winner
Jan 2, 2014
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/shakes his head is disgust that someone should have to explain them self in this way.

Shame on your people.....


Head Pro
Dec 23, 2012
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/shakes his head is disgust that someone should have to explain them self in this way.

Shame on your people.....

Thanks Alex but no hard feeling here, honestly :) Truth is I fell on my feet. The sporting 'accident' was caused by a misdiagnosis by the military docs (despite having a scan to the contrary and a full written report from a consultant which they misplaced) which put me on an intensive physio course which in turn resulted in my knee snapping in a big way a couple of weeks later (total rupture of the Patella Tendon along with associated nerve damage etc). The consultant's advice was for complete rest. Chatted to them and decided against suing, signed to the effect that it was an accident only to be told a couple of weeks later that my career was over as they deemed that I couldn't deploy overseas. Had to argue my case to stay in until my pension point but managed to persuade them and also built a case for them topping up my pension a small amount which the RAF agreed with....... then it was handed to the civil service who were .......... well they didn't agree, so I ended up having to persuade a judge after all. Not a great couple of years but hey, these things happen and as I said, kind of fell on my feet so onwards and upwards into a new career.

The point is, especially on a forum, things are often not quite what they seem. Yep, I've been very lucky but it didn't feel quite like that not so very long ago. Possibly why I'm so 'up beat' about where things are now. Sometimes people get to where they are in a way that you don't know and they wouldn't choose.

.........None of which has the slightest thing to do with distance, embarrassment or Dave's bodily hair so I'll stop rambling on :)