
  • Thread starter Deleted Member 1156
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I think Scotland will......

  • Vote to stay in the UK

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • Vote to leave the UK

    Votes: 39 42.9%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 9 9.9%

  • Total voters


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Low mortgage, Shhhhurely you must be joking.:eek:
...well, my first one in the late 80s was charged at about 14% Currently I'm paying under 1.75%"

So, in 1988 a 50k mortgage at 14% charged 7k a year interest only
Now a 250000k mortgage at 1.75% charges £4375 a year interest only

Stats eh???

Got a Moody's report on post leaving UK potential Scotland on my desk this morning. I hope its as inaccurate as the Brexit ones!


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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It was never easy. My wife stopped work for 17 years when we had a family but I needed to work 60/70 hours a week to keep the wolf from the door, seven day weeks were the norm. Please don't think it was an easy life back in the 60s/70s/80/s or buying a house easy. No one I knew went to University and it was unusual to own a car before your mid twenties and then it tended to be an old cronk. One thing that many young people can look forward to is inheriting a sizeable amount when the folks pass on, again something not many of my generation enjoyed. I dont want to sound like I accuse the young of having it easy but it never was.

Their inheritance may not be much since anyone with over £23k will have to pay for any care home costs at £500 p month!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I think you are mistaken by your 'lifetime of paying taxes and National Insurance to pay for them', if you consider how much the country was and is now in debt, the real truth is that you have not paid in enough, as there is a massive country debt and even bigger unfunded future liabilities. Perhaps time to look at the complete picture rather than what you believe is the case.
The national debt back in the 1950s/1960s was still carried forward from WW2 and the cost that had on the nation. During the 1970s/1980s and up to around 2008 it was fairly under control and then Gordon appeared on the scene, government spending on welfare then went through the roof and since no Government has the wherewithal to get it back under control without being accused of stealing bread out of the mouths of the poor.

Deleted member 21258

The national debt back in the 1950s/1960s was still carried forward from WW2 and the cost that had on the nation. During the 1970s/1980s and up to around 2008 it was fairly under control and then Gordon appeared on the scene, government spending on welfare then went through the roof and since no Government has the wherewithal to get it back under control without being accused of stealing bread out of the mouths of the poor.

Perhaps you could include the actual figures and unfunded liabilities (such as future care. NHS and pensions) in your figures, as this is relevant to whether you have paid in enough in your generation.

Why you are looking just thinking 70/80s are relevant or even just blaming one person, just to say the whole nation has spent the money or incurred the debt for the future unfunded liabilities, not just Gordon.

Anyway enjoy golf, knew there was a reason I don't post on these kind of threads, so all the best.:thup:


See May's doing the rounds into the Celtic territories outwith her comfort zone of London/the home counties, bit late imo, should have done this sooner after taking on PM job and not just photo ops or little speeches to the converted in controlled environments. She might get a hard time but she should get out on the street, get in touch with everydays Joe's and gauge real opinion, keeps talking about better deals for everyone through her economic policies but imo needs to get into homes of everyday folks and try to garner the common touch better instead of 'us and them' approach. That's what's missing from political leadership imo.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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See May's doing the rounds into the Celtic territories outwith her comfort zone of London/the home counties, bit late imo, should have done this sooner after taking on PM job and not just photo ops or little speeches to the converted in controlled environments. She might get a hard time but she should get out on the street, get in touch with everydays Joe's and gauge real opinion, keeps talking about better deals for everyone through her economic policies but imo needs to get into homes of everyday folks and try to garner the common touch better instead of 'us and them' approach. That's what's missing from political leadership imo.

:blah::blah: talks about our precious Union.........then she arrogantly ignores Scotland and does sod all to save her precious Union.
Not so precious to you is it, my dear.


Aug 19, 2011
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Do you know what a third world country looks like? I'll tell you what, it doesn't look like the UK. Also, if the country has been run down to third world levels then why are half a million + trying to get in every year, surely if that was correct they would be keeping away. You really are a bit dim at times.
Probably because it's still better than living in Syria, Iraq, and other war torn countries, or Eastern Europe!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Probably because it's still better than living in Syria, Iraq, and other war torn countries, or Eastern Europe!
Sorry, I didnt understand that Syria and Iraq were sending all those immigrants here. I thought a big bunch of them came from the EU. Are Eastern European Countries like Poland third world countries, Have you ever been to Poland? Dim as a Tock H Lamp!


Aug 19, 2011
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Sorry, I didnt understand that Syria and Iraq were sending all those immigrants here. I thought a big bunch of them came from the EU. Are Eastern European Countries like Poland third world countries, Have you ever been to Poland? Dim as a Tock H Lamp!

Poland is doing OK, but countries like Romania a bit less well. We can in theory keep migrants from outside the EU out, but our Government hasn't been very good at enforcing this!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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See May's doing the rounds into the Celtic territories outwith her comfort zone of London/the home counties, bit late imo, should have done this sooner after taking on PM job and not just photo ops or little speeches to the converted in controlled environments. She might get a hard time but she should get out on the street, get in touch with everydays Joe's and gauge real opinion, keeps talking about better deals for everyone through her economic policies but imo needs to get into homes of everyday folks and try to garner the common touch better instead of 'us and them' approach. That's what's missing from political leadership imo.
She did visit them last year actually. The job of prime minister is quite demanding and leaves little time to call in on us all. I am sure she has a rough idea what Ikea furniture, big screen TVs and Staffies look like already.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Poland is doing OK, but countries like Romania a bit less well. We can in theory keep migrants from outside the EU out, but our Government hasn't been very good at enforcing this!
But if we have a third world country like you informed us then surely would go somewhere else or stay at home as it's no better here. Any chance you might take back the third world comment?

I think not :rolleyes:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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Scottish government learns of the Brexit date from the BBC.

That's us telt then, sod the 'precious' union.
What's wrong with that? I also learned it from the BBC and I voted for the government which is more than Nicola did.
But maybe I am more up to speed on current affairs than she is. Hasn't everyone known for weeks A50 was to be triggered on March 29?
Anyway, why are you getting so upset? You don't want the Union anyway. Or is it more of the same cake and eat it nonsense from the Nats?