
  • Thread starter Deleted Member 1156
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I think Scotland will......

  • Vote to stay in the UK

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • Vote to leave the UK

    Votes: 39 42.9%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 9 9.9%

  • Total voters


She did visit them last year actually. The job of prime minister is quite demanding and leaves little time to call in on us all. I am sure she has a rough idea what Ikea furniture, big screen TVs and Staffies look like already.

That made me chuckle, ta :D


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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I see former BNP leader Nick Griffiths is emigrating.
Apparently England has shifted too far to the right for his liking.;)
Hopefully he will bog off to Scotland and become one of the hundreds of thousands of immigrants you will get when you join the EU (like that is going to happen).


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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When I went to Uni in the late 1960's probably less than 10% of the population did so, and so tuition and maintenance fees were reasonably affordable. Now that we send almost 50% of our young people to University, often to do useless degrees, and to keep them off the unemployment register for 3 years, they are not. However the joke is that graduates are now two-a-penny, so many of them will never earn enough to pay the loans back! 
And yet only a couple of weeks ago you were using the same statistic to show how the younger who voted to remain were better educated.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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Apart from the tuition fees thing, which was probably forced on them by the Tories as the majority party, the Liberals or Lib-Dems have a pretty good record in coalition governments. They normally manage to oppose the more loony left-wing or right-wing ideas and keep them on an even track. Due to the sad demise of the Labour Party they could become an effective opposition to the Tories, or even form the next Government if Brexit goes really badly (as I expect it will)!
I don't disagree that they did an ok job under difficult circumstances in coalition 2010 -2015 but you can hardly say they have a good record in coalition otherwise. You have to go back to the early 1970s for the last one and no coalition apart from the most recent has lasted more than a year.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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I do feel very bad for young people today, because both the two major political parties have run the country down to an almost third world status , and made things pretty difficult for them. However older folk are also suffering from cutbacks in the NHS and Social Care, after a lifetime of paying taxes and National Insurance to pay for them (in theory).
Almost third world?
Shameful comment. What bubble do you live in?
Do you just turn over when the charity ads are run on Sky? When was the last time a woman in your family walked miles for water?
Try being thankful instead of trying to score nonsensical political points.


Sep 11, 2011
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I do feel very bad for young people today, because both the two major political parties have run the country down to an almost third world status , and made things pretty difficult for them. However older folk are also suffering from cutbacks in the NHS and Social Care, after a lifetime of paying taxes and National Insurance to pay for them (in theory).

Child number 1. One of the UK's leading barristers.
Child number 2. Technical director with a international sciences company.
Child number 3. A national operations manager for a bank.
Child number 4. Dept Manager for a international chain store.
Child number 5. Golf pro.
Child number 6. Teacher.

All achieved with hard work and commitment. All have paid off their student loans.

I see the quality of your posts, like your recent Facebook diatribe about "stupid thick northerners" certainly shows how thick and stupid you really are.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Their inheritance may not be much since anyone with over £23k will have to pay for any care home costs at £500 p month!

Please tell me where that one is?

£500 per month :eek: I will have to move nearer you.

It's nearly 10x that around here.

Is the correct answer, he says from bitter experience.

That wont apply to everyone though and I believe those costs will be cut down or removed soon

Sorry, but I think you couldn't be further wrong. They will try to apply it to as many as possible rather than removing the charges.


Aug 19, 2011
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Child number 1. One of the UK's leading barristers.
Child number 2. Technical director with a international sciences company.
Child number 3. A national operations manager for a bank.
Child number 4. Dept Manager for a international chain store.
Child number 5. Golf pro.
Child number 6. Teacher.

All achieved with hard work and commitment. All have paid off their student loans.

I see the quality of your posts, like your recent Facebook diatribe about "stupid thick northerners" certainly shows how thick and stupid you really are.

Well done to your kids, although I expect they are the exception rather than the rule. If you want to hear some really thick, stupid and poorly educated people, just take a listen to some of the Brexiters who phone into the Nigel Farage show on LBC radio!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Well done to your kids, although I expect they are the exception rather than the rule. If you want to hear some really thick, stupid and poorly educated people, just take a listen to some of the Brexiters who phone into the Nigel Farage show on LBC radio!
He doesn't need to, he already explained how thick and stupid you really are. You are reinforcing his comment by your crass posts.