
  • Thread starter Deleted Member 1156
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I think Scotland will......

  • Vote to stay in the UK

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • Vote to leave the UK

    Votes: 39 42.9%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 9 9.9%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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I see the " Sandal Munchers " are doing their bit ........ wonder what they've been promised for the amendment they have put forward.


Think I'm understanding it correctly so I expect that amendment was something SNP would've included anyway in due course, not a surprise to me that 16/17 year olds and EU citizens resident here would vote in any future Indyref, happended in the last one. If you're old enough to fight and die in the armed services you're old enough to vote imo. Water under bridge but if 16/17 year olds had voted in EU ref the result would have been closer given voting demographics. Greens believe in something akin to the SNP's position, why is that so bad, the 3 other parties of note are sticking together on their side for this vote tomorrow despite having little in common on any other topics, that's a stitch up of sorts too is it not? Labour getting into bed with Tories before is part of the reason their support has crashed.
Patrick Harvie usually speaks quite a lot of sense imo, and no I'm not a rabid cybernat!
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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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There are comments going in both directions that can be read as anti Scottish/English. Winding each other up might be fun for a bit but it goes too far and ends up a bit tedious for the rest of us. People laughing (via emoji) at their own naff racial stereotyping 'jokes' being the worst element imo.

Many Scots believe that they have a more socially conscious focus on society than the English. And it is not just Scots who live in Scotland who believe this. I have also heard it said by Scots who live in England, or who have lived in England and have moved back to Scotland.

Many do believe that there are significant cultural and social differences between Scots and English - and this is one thing that the SNP play strongly on. A prevalent thinking is that The English are not like us - they care more for the individual, me, myself, I, than their fellows and wider society

I am not saying that these Scots are correct in this belief, but that they believe it to be the case.

This does not make comments to that effect racist in any way.


Sep 11, 2011
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Many Scots believe that they have a more socially conscious focus on society than the English. And it is not just Scots who live in Scotland who believe this. I have also heard it said by Scots who live in England, or who have lived in England and have moved back to Scotland.

Many do believe that there are significant cultural and social differences between Scots and English - and this is one thing that the SNP play strongly on. A prevalent thinking is that The English are not like us - they care more for the individual, me, myself, I, than their fellows and wider society

I am not saying that these Scots are correct in this belief, but that they believe it to be the case.

This does not make comments to that effect racist in any way.

Thats too much of a generalisation. I find many Aberdonians who've chased the oil dollar to be just as self centred as some of those south of the border. I found some Glaswegians to be quite callous, but some Edinburghers to be quite refined. Many of the rural areas in England are very friendly but some the city centres not so.

Unfortunately, it appears "many Scots" seem to stereotype...

Old Skier

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Many Scots believe that they have a more socially conscious focus on society than the English. And it is not just Scots who live in Scotland who believe this. I have also heard it said by Scots who live in England, or who have lived in England and have moved back to Scotland.

Many do believe that there are significant cultural and social differences between Scots and English - and this is one thing that the SNP play strongly on. A prevalent thinking is that The English are not like us - they care more for the individual, me, myself, I, than their fellows and wider society

I am not saying that these Scots are correct in this belief, but that they believe it to be the case.

This does not make comments to that effect racist in any way.

This is you stouping to an all time low. Not only is it crase and boarding on racist it also shows your complete contempt for the people of England and the U.K. The English along with the rest of the U.K. which includes Scotland prove time and again with their fund raising efforts and the largest single contributor to international aid shows exactly the opposite to all you have posted above.

Your continued trolling and racist attitude of the English shows just how bad a loser you are.
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Deleted member 15344

This is you stouping to an all time low. Not only is it crase and boarding on racist it also shows your complete contempt for the people of England and the U.K. The English along with the rest of the U.K. which includes Scotland prove time and again with their fund raising efforts and the largest single contributor to international aid shows exactly the opposite to all you have posted above.

Your continued trolling and racist attitude of the English shows just how bad a loser you are.

I think it's just as bad to continually throw the racist accusation at SILH - that's just poor and just sums up this thread and the Art50 thread.

There is nothing racist in what SILH said at all - nothing

I wonder how old you All actually are because despite you all actually being the elder statesman of the forum you are currently acting like the youngest - every single political thread is being ruined , there is zero chance of any sensible debate because none of you have the maturity to just ignore each other and accept that you are on polar opposites of everything - your responses to SILH are just as much trolling as what he posts.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Many Scots believe that they have a more socially conscious focus on society than the English. And it is not just Scots who live in Scotland who believe this. I have also heard it said by Scots who live in England, or who have lived in England and have moved back to Scotland.

Many do believe that there are significant cultural and social differences between Scots and English - and this is one thing that the SNP play strongly on. A prevalent thinking is that The English are not like us - they care more for the individual, me, myself, I, than their fellows and wider society

I am not saying that these Scots are correct in this belief, but that they believe it to be the case.

This does not make comments to that effect racist in any way.
This talk of Scots having different social values is just rose tinted glasses talk, Pollyanna if you like. What is English anymore, we have been so diluted as a race over the last twenty years that it's difficult to classify the race as this or that. Scotland has the same issue but as a smaller country and not affected by immigration as the levels seen in many parts of England so can still hold on to a small degree of National identity. Suggesting that English are somehow uncaring and selfish (and that's what you are really saying) is just closet racism. If someone was to suggest that the Muslim community was somehow less socially coherent or the Polish community only thought about themselves then the Yogurt Knitters would be out in full cry marching down Whitehall with their banners.
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Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
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I think it's just as bad to continually throw the racist accusation at SILH - that's just poor and just sums up this thread and the Art50 thread.

There is nothing racist in what SILH said at all - nothing

I wonder how old you All actually are because despite you all actually being the elder statesman of the forum you are currently acting like the youngest - every single political thread is being ruined , there is zero chance of any sensible debate because none of you have the maturity to just ignore each other and accept that you are on polar opposites of everything - your responses to SILH are just as much trolling as what he posts.

You are of course intittled to your opinion on my post as I am entitled to my opinion of his.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Thats too much of a generalisation. I find many Aberdonians who've chased the oil dollar to be just as self centred as some of those south of the border. I found some Glaswegians to be quite callous, but some Edinburghers to be quite refined. Many of the rural areas in England are very friendly but some the city centres not so.

Unfortunately, it appears "many Scots" seem to stereotype...

I agree 100% with you. It is a believe many Scots hold - and it is an incorrect stereotype of the English


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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This is you stouping to an all time low. Not only is it crase and boarding on racist it also shows your complete contempt for the people of England and the U.K. The English along with the rest of the U.K. which includes Scotland prove time and again with their fund raising efforts and the largest single contributor to international aid shows exactly the opposite to all you have posted above.

Your continued trolling and racist attitude of the English shows just how bad a loser you are.

Sorry - but I am just stating something that I have heard expressed by many Scots over many years - a belief that is exploited by the SNP - that the Scots care more about others than the English. I am not saying it is true or that I hold to it. But many Scots do believe it, you have to understand that if you care to try and understand Scottish Nationalism and one of the key drivers behind the wish for independence that many Scots have.

And btw - I don't know how I can 'trolling' when I don't actually know what the word means. So if I am doing it - whatever it is - I don't know that I am.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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This talk of Scots having different social values is just rose tinted glasses talk, Pollyanna if you like. What is English anymore, we have been so diluted as a race over the last twenty years that it's difficult to classify the race as this or that. Scotland has the same issue but as a smaller country and not affected by immigration as the levels seen in many parts of England so can still hold on to a small degree of National identity. Suggesting that English are somehow uncaring and selfish (and that's what you are really saying) is just closet racism. If someone was to suggest that the Muslim community was somehow less socially coherent or the Polish community only thought about themselves then the Yogurt Knitters would be out in full cry marching down Whitehall with their banners.

I did not suggest this at all - though the conclusion of your point is actually that a lot of Scots are racist. However this view is not so much because of what Scots think of the English - but perhaps more that the have an elevated sense of their own social conscience. And I am not sure why that is racist rather than simply deluded.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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You are of course intittled to your opinion on my post as I am entitled to my opinion of his.

Look - in case you didn't actually get what I posted. I tried to highlight a view that many Scots have of themselves relative to the English. And as mentioned already this view is probably more of an elevated sense of their own social conscience (how real that actually is very debatable) rather than a derogatory view of the English.

This view that the Scots hold of themselves relative to the English may or may not be true, and I may well not subscribe to it - but it is a view that the SNP exploits,


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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Shamelessly stolen from Facebook but it made me chuckle..........

Is it just me .... or does Nicola Sturgeon's mother look like she's going to belt out 'Candle in the wind'........



Look - in case you didn't actually get what I posted. I tried to highlight a view that many Scots have of themselves relative to the English. And as mentioned already this view is probably more of an elevated sense of their own social conscience (how real that actually is very debatable) rather than a derogatory view of the English.

This view that the Scots hold of themselves relative to the English may or may not be true, and I may well not subscribe to it - but it is a view that the SNP exploits,

Is this really the case? Too much of a generalisation, I don't sense that at all, after all more than half of Scotland hates the SNP with a passion and prefers it's UK position. .