Ryder Cup Winner
Invited by @Oddsocks to play his place, Croham Hurst, with @Dando, and one of Baz's mates, Dip, and had a great day.
We played fourball better ball matchplay, but sadly, the wrong team won after I bladed a chip on the 18th to gift the match to Dip and Baz... or Dip and Dipshit maybe? ?
Still, I beat Baz on stableford and strokeplay, at his own place (39 points, 81, 2 under hcap).
Nice course, but local knowledge is a must. Nunber of times I'd have been off the back of the green if Baz hadn't told me to take 10 yards off a shot would have been double figures.
Lovely beefburger with cheese and bacon, sans bacon, post round. Quite how you forget to put bacon in a bacon burger is beyond me. Hilariously, we mentioned it to them and a cooked rasher each turned up on a plate, but sadly, Dando had finished his burger.
Thanks to Baz and Dando for a lovely time.
Was a pleasure although I really felt for @Dando when you let him down again…. and a the crunch time.