Head Pro
Scorecard only during a comp. Head during a casual round.
All that fiddling about that I see others do amuses me rather than it annoying me.
If it is a comp, then I will write my score in Marker's Score column.
No gizmos. Not even a distance measurer of any form. Phone stays in the car.
Sometimes I have taken the club I am going to use out of my bag before I have reached my ball.
Often, if I am last to tee off, I am first to be walking down the fairway, putting my club in the bag as I am walking.
I'm a quick player over my shots and I walk briskly for a geezer of my age.
I take longer than most over my putts, but not excessively long. This might do others' heads in a bit, but I have more than made up for this elsewhere on the course.
Watch - linked to Hole19 for every single round I play. I record my score, putts, drive location, sand shots and penalties in there for each hole too. Checking for yardage is literally a glance at the watch, and often my score/ hole stats are in the watch before I have walked of a hole as it takes seconds.
I carry a card for scores in comps - obviously. These go into the club terminal upon return.
I disagree.You havent made up for it over the hole though, getting to the green takes your whole group, so if your partners are slow, which you imply if the last to tee off is still off the tee first, then you taking time on the greens means the group behind suffer both on tee shots and approach?!
Back to thread, i basically keep score in my head every round i play. I dont think i could avoid it.
Podsible exception if I'm on my own and hitting multiple balls etc
Use the golf metrics app either during or after depending on wether i can live with my phone in my pocket, usually avoid it as i think its rude to my playing partners to drag my phone out every hole, though i doubt they notice...
I keep my scores every round otherwise I don’t think I would play..
Mainly because I’m new and want to track my progress.
I use the V1 app and the feedback it gives me is absolutely essential to me improving. As well as telling me the correct distance it tells me how many penalties, how many 3 putts, how many GIR’s etc I’ve had each round.
All I do is input the data when I’m waiting to tee off on the next hole (takes 10 seconds at most) and if I need the yardage it takes a second to glance at the app which is attached to my trolly.
I don’t understand how my mates play without such devices to be honest