How many times do you keep score.

I use Golfshot.
I don’t think it adds any time to the round and it gives me the stats that I enjoy having for very little effort. I tend to keep track of how many I’ve hit on each hole and just input the numbers as I am walking to the next tee (carry a bag so have both hands free) and it allows me to not think about the overall score as I am going round.

I generally score myself for fairways hit, putts and it works out GIR , scrambles pars etc for me. I have stats going back 10+ years for every round.

Generally the time adder is due to playing partners having no idea what they shot on a hole and having to replay every shot in their head to count to 6…….
I can't help thinking that some people should concentrate more on their own game, rather than worrying about what their PP is doing :cool:
I keep a card, and then update EG/IG as required in the bar afterwards.
Don’t play any competitive golf these days, so just on my watch. Much quicker than a scorecard and just easier. I like tracking scores over time and all the other stats it generates.

I can see the issue though if playing in a comp, would be a bit painful to see someone writing their score down multiple times!
I won’t do anything about scoring a hole during the round other than a scribble on a card as I am conscious that the pre-shot routine/process I am now using for every shot delays me playing the shot.

I explain to my playing companions what I am doing and why at the outset as I aware that they might notice and think I’m taking an age. I don‘t think that I am, but I am certainly taking a good bit longer than I used to - I was a walk up and hit the ball player. Can’t do that as I have a process I use on the practice ground that I must also use on the course - at least for the time being.

So minimal time scoring.
Most rounds how many shots how many putts etc I can work out in my head which I leave to some time that I am actually thinking about it.

A lot of the times I play I'm playing in some sort of comp/swindle so there is always someone keeping score.

10 seconds to record on a phone :ROFLMAO: it would take me longer than that to find my phone on the first placeo_O
All that fiddling about that I see others do amuses me rather than it annoying me.
If it is a comp, then I will write my score in Marker's Score column.
No gizmos. Not even a distance measurer of any form. Phone stays in the car.
Sometimes I have taken the club I am going to use out of my bag before I have reached my ball.
Often, if I am last to tee off, I am first to be walking down the fairway, putting my club in the bag as I am walking.
I'm a quick player over my shots and I walk briskly for a geezer of my age.
I take longer than most over my putts, but not excessively long. This might do others' heads in a bit, but I have more than made up for this elsewhere on the course.

You havent made up for it over the hole though, getting to the green takes your whole group, so if your partners are slow, which you imply if the last to tee off is still off the tee first, then you taking time on the greens means the group behind suffer both on tee shots and approach?!

Back to thread, i basically keep score in my head every round i play. I dont think i could avoid it.

Podsible exception if I'm on my own and hitting multiple balls etc

Use the golf metrics app either during or after depending on wether i can live with my phone in my pocket, usually avoid it as i think its rude to my playing partners to drag my phone out every hole, though i doubt they notice...
I actually find recording score in the MyEG app faster than writing it down...

Phone out of pocket > unlock with fingerprint whilst lifting it out of pocket > record score on app.

Its definitely faster than finding the pencil that has inevitably got lost amongst tees in my pocket or fallen from behind my ear.
Watch - linked to Hole19 for every single round I play. I record my score, putts, drive location, sand shots and penalties in there for each hole too. Checking for yardage is literally a glance at the watch, and often my score/ hole stats are in the watch before I have walked of a hole as it takes seconds.

I carry a card for scores in comps - obviously. These go into the club terminal upon return.

This, except I use 18 Birdies and just do the score. My score is on my watch before the next guy has even placed his ball for his putt, takes no thought and less time than writing on a scorecard - but I do that as well as usually scoring somebody else too.
I don't record unless I'm keeping the card for our roll up meets at nairn. When I'm not I usually remember roughly what I've scored if I've played OK. Like today I had one birdie, and two bogey s, rest pars. If I'd shot a poor score I wouldn't remember anything other than I was crap that day
You havent made up for it over the hole though, getting to the green takes your whole group, so if your partners are slow, which you imply if the last to tee off is still off the tee first, then you taking time on the greens means the group behind suffer both on tee shots and approach?!

Back to thread, i basically keep score in my head every round i play. I dont think i could avoid it.

Podsible exception if I'm on my own and hitting multiple balls etc

Use the golf metrics app either during or after depending on wether i can live with my phone in my pocket, usually avoid it as i think its rude to my playing partners to drag my phone out every hole, though i doubt they notice...
I disagree.

If my whole group could have played the hole quicker, then
A. I could have taken my putts quicker, (Yes)
B. All of my playing partners could have walked quicker off the tee and between shots, taken less time over their tee shots and fairway shots, not used rangefinders and walked quicker from green to next tee.

I could save maybe 10-15 seconds by taking less time over my putts. They could collectively save more than a minute and a half each hole.
If I played all my shots, including putts at their pace we would be much, much slower as a group.

So if the group behind are suffering from our group's slow play, then my putting is not the main cause.

All this is mostly theoretical, I know from experience that I am a quick player over 18 holes.
Only when playing in competitions and only on the card. I don’t see the point of recording everything unless you use the data for constructive practice.
I just use a scorecard in a comp otherwise I dont bother, but i have a good memory so could sit down and write out me score when i had finished anyway.

I have noticed in a couple of event I have played in being asked to score after each hole as there was a live leaderboard going, but i havent bothered
I keep my scores every round otherwise I don’t think I would play..

Mainly because I’m new and want to track my progress.

I use the V1 app and the feedback it gives me is absolutely essential to me improving. As well as telling me the correct distance it tells me how many penalties, how many 3 putts, how many GIR’s etc I’ve had each round.

All I do is input the data when I’m waiting to tee off on the next hole (takes 10 seconds at most) and if I need the yardage it takes a second to glance at the app which is attached to my trolly.

I don’t understand how my mates play without such devices to be honest

Same here. V1 is basically my
scorecard unless I’m marking for playing partners too. Even if I need to put a card in I can fill one out retrospectively, referencing the scores on the app. It’s just as quick as writing on a card.

In regards to using a watch/phone for yardages…it’s a no-brainer isn’t it? You can guess or take a 1 second glance where it’ll give you your distances.
If it’s what they want to do then so be it. My biggest gripe which I see all the time is the idiots who get the rangefinder out, stand like idiots to get an exact yardage to the pin and then duff it 15 yards………folk who don’t even know their yardages anyway.
I score social rounds in my head or not at all, if it's a roll up someone will complete the group's scores on a card. In a competition I fill in the card every 3 holes or so, and enter everything on HDID after the round.