How many times do you keep score.


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Dec 12, 2013
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Might seem an odd question but I was talking to a pal today.

He keeps his score on his watch, his PPs scorecard on which he writes his own score and then the IG app. On top of using his watch to measure yardage, tells him the yardage he has hit it. Etc etc

It does my head in, and he is not the only one. It seems more and more are doing it. Why? How can you be focusing on your game when half of your round is spent playing with gizmos.

PP I was talking to was playing in our 2 round club championship and said he had to wait til the end of his round on Sunday to put the score on the IG app as he did not have time during his round to do it. ?
I keep my scores every round otherwise I don’t think I would play..

Mainly because I’m new and want to track my progress.

I use the V1 app and the feedback it gives me is absolutely essential to me improving. As well as telling me the correct distance it tells me how many penalties, how many 3 putts, how many GIR’s etc I’ve had each round.

All I do is input the data when I’m waiting to tee off on the next hole (takes 10 seconds at most) and if I need the yardage it takes a second to glance at the app which is attached to my trolly.

I don’t understand how my mates play without such devices to be honest
Just once. In my head. No time wasted with gizmos, apps,gps, or even a pencil.
No matter what people say, this kind of stuff is a contributor to slower play.
Just once. In my head. No time wasted with gizmos, apps,gps, or even a pencil.
No matter what people say, this kind of stuff is a contributor to slower play.

Disagree slightly.

Those who take 5 practice swings before every shot, a slow fourball in front that won’t let you pass and those who will spend 5+ minutes looking for their ball which they will never find as it’s deep in the jungle all contribute a lot more to slower play than someone that checks their gizmo for 5/10 seconds.

In my opinion. As I said I’m new to the game but I’ve found all the above far more irritating.
I always put the score into my Hole19 app. Then I have a nice easy record of all my scores, plus I can look at number of putts, greens in ref, fairways hit as a point of interest. It takes around 5 seconds at the end of each hole to put that in I would say. Maybe a maximum 10 seconds if you count unlocking the phone first.

For some rounds I'll be doing the paper scorecard as well for the two/three of us, so to answer the main question, sometimes twice, but always at least once. Between one and two.

If it's a comp I enter the score at the end (via IG or more likely the terminal in the pro shop). Why would you need to do that during the round? That's not keeping a score that's entering a score. :p
All that fiddling about that I see others do amuses me rather than it annoying me.
If it is a comp, then I will write my score in Marker's Score column.
No gizmos. Not even a distance measurer of any form. Phone stays in the car.
Sometimes I have taken the club I am going to use out of my bag before I have reached my ball.
Often, if I am last to tee off, I am first to be walking down the fairway, putting my club in the bag as I am walking.
I'm a quick player over my shots and I walk briskly for a geezer of my age.
I take longer than most over my putts, but not excessively long. This might do others' heads in a bit, but I have more than made up for this elsewhere on the course.
Disagree slightly.

Those who take 5 practice swings before every shot, a slow fourball in front that won’t let you pass and those who will spend 5+ minutes looking for their ball which they will never find as it’s deep in the jungle all contribute a lot more to slower play than someone that checks their gizmo for 5/10 seconds.

In my opinion. As I said I’m new to the game but I’ve found all the above far more irritating.
He did say it was a contributor, there's nothing to disagree with at all, it is, how anyone can be scoring in three places is beyond me.
I just use the MyEG app now. It takes seconds and I just do it whilst walking to the next tee.

I still take a scorecard of I've not played the course before, as I didn't once and ended up losing shots in not so obvious out of bounds.
For comps I keep a card through the round and enter my score on IG at the end. Can’t be bothered squinting at, and fiddling with, my phone to enter my score during the round. Any other round I just keep my score in my head, or don’t bother at all.
Always on a scorecard. I keep meaning to try an app, so that Stableford points are automatically calculated, but I am not sure I can be bothered with it. I would probably feel the need to also fill in a scorecard in case the phone/app went wrong and don’t want to do both. Might try an app one day when I am on my own.
Now I've got enough rounds in EG for a stable HI, I only score on comps, which is most weekends. Social rounds I don't bother. Sometimes a pp keeps score for us both on the app.
I'm enjoying just playing golf for the fun of it, on social rounds.
Watch - linked to Hole19 for every single round I play. I record my score, putts, drive location, sand shots and penalties in there for each hole too. Checking for yardage is literally a glance at the watch, and often my score/ hole stats are in the watch before I have walked of a hole as it takes seconds.

I carry a card for scores in comps - obviously. These go into the club terminal upon return.
It depends.

If I'm just playing on my own or a casual round, usually just keep my score in my head. If I'm wearing my Garmin watch (which I tend not to in the summer) the option to add the score comes up automatically on the green, it takes a second to add as I'm walking back to my bag. If I'm playing in a comp, I only use the scorecard, and add to IG after the round. If I'm playing away have used the EG app instead of IG. None of these options take much time to use, mostly doing it as I walk to the next tee.
Additionally, I keep the card in my back pocket. It is usually filled in before I leave the green, while others are putting out.

My mate, hides his in his golf bag, can't find it, never has his pencil and then eventually asks you what you had over the previous 3 or 4 holes! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
If a comp then watch and card (watch is just a back up and also auto tracks so most of time just confirm the number)

Bounce game watch and EG app (if putting in)

If raining just watch and fill in app later unless comp I'll do a card then copy again if it's ruined by the rain
Only ever on the card. If I wanted to keep scores in an app for my own record I would either take the card home to input it or wait until the comp result came up on HDID and then take the scores off that.

Generally though, certainly in the time up to my current break from golf, I never kept a score unless the comp dictated that I needed to. I had playing partners who would keep individual cards for matchplay, better ball and for basically every time they set foot on the course. For me it more became about getting out with company and the score was somewhat of an irrelevance unless the comp dictated that I had to keep it.
On a card in a comp.
Enter it into IG when done.
Add driving accuracy, putts to the card in IG in the evening.

Outside of comps I let someone else keep score.