How do I approach the subject of slow play with my PP?

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Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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It could have been me writing this post. I'm pretty much in the same situation.

Playing as a 2 ball we had to let a 4 ball of senior ladies through once, and I mean they all must have been 70+. :confused: Glad nobody saw that !!!

What I've been gradually doing is every so often during the round telling the guy we need to speed up as we're loosing pace with the group in front. It's gradually working, he's getting quicker and I think he is starting to see he's a bit on the slow side.

The other thing I've noticed is he plays better when he speeds up. Doesn't over think things etc. Which I've commented on a number of times to provide some positive re-enforcement.

It's funny he never was this slow when I first started playing with him, he's slowed down over about the last 2-3 years for some reason and it's not because he's getting on.

We do get on great and he's good company during the round but we're exact opposites when it comes to speed. So I find myself rushing to make up the speed same as you.

I do have moments when I think what right do I have in telling him he needs to play quicker if that's how quick he wants to play, as he's quite happy letting groups through.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2012
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6 of us playing on Friday. 1 of whom is a slow player & another seems unable to keep count of how many strokes he's on. Last time I played with the slow player I asked him to get a move on,didn't seem to make much difference tho:mad:


Journeyman Pro
Jun 7, 2011
Tiptree, Essex - Where they make the Jam!
I feel your pain fella, I've had a couple of playing partners in the past who were a tad on the slow side but as they were much younger than the person you're having problems with, I just told them to speed the **** up, and it was taken as light hearted banter with a bit of a message, if you know what I mean.

It'll be hard to snap him out of his routine. First thing you could do, is mention his iron head covers, say that they're a stupid idea as they give you something else to faff about with, you're not having a pop at him, you're having a pop at the invention, he might take note and ditch them.

Start walking off to the next hole quicker once you have all putted out (and make sure your other PP's do the same), after a few holes he'll hopefully start to follow you quicker and not stand there to mark his card and sort his head covers out. If he questions why you're moving off so quick, just say that there are people waiting.

If you're looking for a real kick up the backside but don't have the heart to do it yourself, ask your pro or someone at the club to come out on a buggy and tell you (as a group) that he's had complaints about you being slow and to hurry up. That way, he gets the message from someone that isn't you.


Sep 11, 2011
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Start walking off to the next hole quicker once you have all putted out (and make sure your other PP's do the same), after a few holes he'll hopefully start to follow you quicker and not stand there to mark his card and sort his head covers out. If he questions why you're moving off so quick, just say that there are people waiting.

I've used this method in the past with a fair bit of success. And when asked why I was playing so quickly I pointed out that the other two were up with me and maybe it was him that was slow.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I think it would be better if you could get at least one other member of the group to come with you to do this. It softens the blow and wont sound like its just you moaning. Sad and tricky situation to find yourself in and hope you get it resolved

Deleted member 15344

I think it would be better if you could get at least one other member of the group to come with you to do this. It softens the blow and wont sound like its just you moaning. Sad and tricky situation to find yourself in and hope you get it resolved

Or that could look like a bit of ganging up on him

Better with a one to one

Deleted member 15344

Disagree with you on this one but happy to accept your point. I just think it gives a couple of opinions to be expressed and also someone there to act as a mediator if he doesn't take it too well. Just my opinion of course

Can see what you are saying but can imagine the guy feeling intimidated by numbers

It would certainly have to be managed carefully


Journeyman Pro
Apr 20, 2010
Heart of England
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I'm 55 and constantly come asked to slow down by my pps. Send me his e mail address and I'll gladly put the message across. Can't stand slow play. I had to tell my best mate of 30 odd years to speed up his play , because everyone was moaning about him. He took it on board and problem solved.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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on the 1st tee infront of everyone. "right lads, lets try and all play a bit quicker this week. how many did we have to let through last week? 3 groups was it? come on chaps, while we are still young! etc"

2 holes in, reaffirm, "nice one lads, we are keeping good pace"

later in the round, " come on, be ready to hit your shot when its your turn, we don't want to lose ground on those infront"

at the turn. "nice one, we are playing well today and not even HAD to let anyone through"

at the finish "oh my god, we are round in under 4 hours, same again next week!"


Sid Rixon IV

Head Pro
Jul 22, 2013
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Getting on a bit!!! He's younger than me and I'm the fastest in any group I play plus no-one, and I mean no-one ever overtakes me on a pavement walking. I wouldn't take it that way, he hopefully won't either when you communicate it correctly.
High five:thup:
I'm 64.
I don't yomp the course - you have to appreciate the surroundings - but I sure as heck don't hold up my partners or those behind.
I also get drawn against some pretty sprightly 70+'s.

No excuse for a 55 year old nipper dawdling :mmm:


Tour Rookie
Aug 18, 2011
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Fair play to you for posting mate, I had the same situation happen and its not nice.

I tried the same advice that has been given here but the only thing that will work is directly talking to the guy.

Reading your OP made me laugh because this guy is a carbon copy of the guy I play with. First of all he is 54... not 90. One day when we played together I timed him mucking about with his iron covers it was 36 mins in a 4 hour round in 3 ball. I explained to him that because he isnt the biggest of hitters it is better for him to tee off first on long par 4/5 holes because it doesnt hold anyone up.

But the biggest point I got across is that There are 3 of us playing together, one of us is watching the other hit while the other goes through his own routine, reminding him that he can get his wedge and putter out of bag and covers while walking to the green.

I did this over a pint and our rounds have dropped to around 3 hours and he has actually dropped 4 shots in 6 months.

I hope it works for you mate.