Member I played with on Sunday going on…and on…and on…about his new £850 driver…with the mega expensive shaft. Did I mention that it cost £850…the shaft was the majority of the cost…it (not the shaft) cost £850. Well just in case you missed me mention it..his new driver cost £850. There. Now has that made everyone envious of him? No? Me neither.
That’s about the going rate for a driver + shaft from a custom fitting studio. Normally I hear it in reverse… “I’ve just got a new driver fitted…”
“Oh so your wallet is about £800 lighter then”
My Paradym + Accra TZ5 was £800. I think it was £475 head / £325 shaft but I don’t remember. Could have been 525/275.
No, the head is not worth it vs previous models
No, it doesn’t always go in the fairway because of the fancy shaft
Yes, it was a fun experience, I got excited awaiting the club, and I love the club.