GM Editor Speaks OUT


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland
If we weren’t golfers I think we would/could look at this differently. The programme was biased, yes, but it also tried to get some explanations which weren’t forthcoming.
I’ve never like Trump, never will. With a passion I hate his” I know what’s good for Scotland attitude” and if you don’t agree he then rubbishes whoever goes against him. The way people scurry about because Trump is coming makes me boak. The whiskey award is topical of the man. It was a know, something that the whiskey company endorses, but not Trump.
As I’ve said before, you can drive around the country lanes all over the UK................and the US.............and I’ll bet you can find old sheds, old trailers, tractors and ramshackle buildings. Do any of us care, does Trump care...............No, but the house next to his golf course gets a mountain of earth built up around it.
Trump should go and sort out the wrongs of America then come back.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so have no problem with the article. Judging by the programme I am not sure if it is a good idea to oppose Trump though.:mad:


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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I am not Bill Elliott's biggest fan by any means. In fact, I tend not to read his pieces in GM, but I have some sympathy with his view. I haven't seen the documentary, but whether it was entirely fair or not, there is ample evidence that Trump uses his money and lawyers to force his way, he creates courses intended for big money events and players, and is unconcerned about the little people.

I have never played Trump Links, and probably never will, but I have played Trump National LA, in Long Beach. It is a very expensive course and is in lovely condition, as you would expect, but is a course crammed into a space much too small for it, with some garish and vulgar design features and is really quite forgettable. Trump thinks it is better than Pebble Beach. If so, he must be certifiably insane.


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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I'm not sure anyone on here is Trump's biggest fan and I'll admit that it is likely that some of what was said on the documentary is true, he does after all have a certain reputation.

However, forgetting who we are talking about for a second, from a journalistic perspective (not that I am an expert in these matters by any means) I would have thought the right way to go about it would be to investigate both sides of the story before casting ones opinion so vehemently. At the very least I would have thought you would give Trump's men the option to put their side of the story. Of course they may decline to comment which would tell it's own story but but by doing that you have taken away the response that he got i.e. doesn't know what he is talking about, hasn't tried to speak to us blah blah blah. From my view, the article would carry more weight if this had been done.


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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I'm not sure anyone on here is Trump's biggest fan and I'll admit that it is likely that some of what was said on the documentary is true, he does after all have a certain reputation.

However, forgetting who we are talking about for a second, from a journalistic perspective (not that I am an expert in these matters by any means) I would have thought the right way to go about it would be to investigate both sides of the story before casting ones opinion so vehemently. At the very least I would have thought you would give Trump's men the option to put their side of the story. Of course they may decline to comment which would tell it's own story but but by doing that you have taken away the response that he got i.e. doesn't know what he is talking about, hasn't tried to speak to us blah blah blah. From my view, the article would carry more weight if this had been done.

Very well put Hawkeye


Sep 11, 2011
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Lots saying it was a one sided program, but they tend to be when the other side refuses to take part.

Trump Org was given the option to take part in the doc and refused, and because of that I couldn't give amonkey's if it one sided. And there was enough footage in the doc, without the voice over, that showed what Trump's builders were doing, inc building mounds around property and knocking down fences. Further to that, Grampian Police really showed a huge bias in how they dealt with an ALLEDGED breach of the peace - wonder what led them to display that attitude...

Was Bill Elliot's piece fair and accurate? I was genuinely surprised at the passionate way he expressed his opinion but I'd rather see that than a drab, grey, boring article. Did it sway my opinion of Trump? The Trump has shown time and again with the common people and officials/councils/govts around the world that its Trump's way or the wrong way. He belittles opposition using his media organisation and bully boy tactics with some outlandish statements and churlish threats, "slum," "build that wind farm and I'll..."

Good on yer Bill for taking a stance and defending the little people..


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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Except they were asked and did decline as far as I can remember

I checked last time this issue was raised

But you have to ask who was asked and what they were asked to comment on. Most likely it was the communications officer for Trumps organisation and you can see exactly how that conversation went.

TV Man: "Hello, we're making a program on how badly you treated these local residents, would you like to comment on how badly you treated them?"
Trump man:"No comment"
TV Documentary: "Trump declines to comment"

I realise this is a bit simplistic but unless Trump's legal team are all over this, no-one in his organisation would be allowed to say anything about it.

I very much doubt the TV bods went in and said they'd like to make a documentary about the building of the course and the effect on local residents and had cross section of For and Against people in order to give a balanced view. TV companies and journalists are very good at making you hear what you want you to hear.

Anyhow, regardless of this, because it's all just idle speculation from me who has no knowledge of what was said and done, I'm still surprised that Bill seemingly based his judgement on the documentary alone.


Q-School Graduate
Aug 21, 2012
East London
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I'm still surprised that Bill seemingly based his judgement on the documentary alone.

Is a fair point

I'm biased i have a low opinion of the Donald , disliked him long before this , don't think it's the worse thing he's done

His embarrassing crusade against Obama is far from elegant


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Im quite surprised that Bill would suggest boycotting the Trump course,purely from the documentary.
This to me is very nieve.
The programme was very one-sided and it was obvious both sides of the story were not being heard.
This has nothing to do with GM as its a stance from Bill himself.
If the article is published in GM then it would be as im sure Mike overseas every piece written.
As the article says Bill is highly regarded,but im sure it wont make a blind bit of diference in the long run.
Money talks and there are plenty of people with a lot of money who will play it.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 20, 2012
st helens
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thought there had been a write up about the course in GM,this is one mans view and what right has he to air his one sided view in the name of the mag,what would happen if we desided we didnt like his attitude and bought another golf mag,shown the door post haste.


Q-School Graduate
Aug 21, 2012
East London
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thought there had been a write up about the course in GM,this is one mans view and what right has he to air his one sided view in the name of the mag,what would happen if we desided we didnt like his attitude and bought another golf mag,shown the door post haste.

Every right I would have thought as its an "Editorial" by definition the opinion of an Editor


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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It is one view and to be honest I am not swayed one way or another. I wasn't impressed by Trump's behaviour (and the police heavy handedness) but it was a seriously slanted effort and so I watched it with a huge pinch of salt. Elliott has come out and made his position clear. As I've no intention to travel that far to play it (unless GM can cut a deal) and there are many other courses I'd rather dontate my Pro V's to.

I would say the man wrote the piece to generate debate and publicity and to that end he's succeeded. Is Trump worried? I doubt it. Does it matter. Not really


Journeyman Pro
Apr 20, 2012
st helens
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Every right I would have thought as its an "Editorial" by definition the opinion of an Editor
is GM not a golf mag so i would have thought a billionaire building a new course would have been greeted with open arms NOT by some political bile,if his opinion was based on a one sided get at TRUMP tv prog then i am sorry i really don't think he can or should be commenting,stick to the game and give us news and comments on that not on local politics from his ivory towers in LONDON.


Q-School Graduate
Aug 21, 2012
East London
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is GM not a golf mag so i would have thought a billionaire building a new course would have been greeted with open arms NOT by some political bile,if his opinion was based on a one sided get at TRUMP tv prog then i am sorry i really don't think he can or should be commenting,stick to the game and give us news and comments on that not on local politics from his ivory towers in LONDON.

I believe the opening of the course has been given a fair bit of coverage in the magazine and embraced on the whole with open arms by the mag , Mr Elliot is expressing his own personal opinion which is generally what you get in editorials , so fair Dos

You got shares or something ?