Gets on my wick....


Tour Rookie
Jan 31, 2011
Grimsby UK
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i don't know the criteria of other clubs but at mine if there is a comp. in progress the course is closed to non competitors for 30 mins after the last tee,if you catch the last group up THE comp has priority of the course and i'm sorry but in this case they should not allow you through,and i'm getting fed up of people posting snide comments about senior golfers have you given a thought as to why they are the last group could it be they play slower and were put at the back so as to not slow play up in the comp.

Is the right way to do it.

We have similar. As it happens my partner and I were due to play in a comp last year and the other pair didn't show. Instead of heading home we played a 'social round' (cleared it with the Pro before doing so) and mentioned this to the people round us and said that we would hang back from the 4 ball in front and not to worry if they think we were getting closer as we weren't in the comp so didn't want to go through.

On the back nine it had all backed up a bit and the 4 ball following us caught up with us on a tee box and we played them through as they were in the comp.

Fantastic days golf - very relaxed and I shot a new PB at the time.


Nov 16, 2011
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When people don't let you play through.
Got to hole 11 though and ended up stuck behind a fourball of the 'elderly persuasion'. Stood on the next tee and they said "oh, you've chosen a bad day to come on your own!". I asked why and she replied "Well, there's a comp on so we won't be able to let you play through".
So, does common courtesy just fly out of the window when there is a competition on then?
Destroyed any rhythm I had, so ended up playing 2 more holes and called it a day.
Rant over :angry:
Of course, they didn't mention that they weren't in the competition! :D:confused:

Depends on the club policy but I wouldn't expect to be let through by anyone playing in a comp unless the guys had lost a serious distance. If I knew the guys ahead were in a comp, I'd stay back quite a way, playing 2 balls, if allowed, so I didn't put any pressure on the comp participants.

Etiquette states that ANY group (and a single is considered a group) that is obviously quicker, should be let through. It can be tough to do so though. I've been in a 2-ball behind some beginners, who were keen to let us through, and it actually took 6 holes to get a proper opportunity!


I get really mad with this sort of attitude... There is absolutely no excuse for it... Reason I get mad is that a couple of years before my old Mum passed away some young cock of a driver didn't like the time Mum was taking to cross the road... So to 'teach her a lesson' he revved his car up and drove at her to gee her up... Which paniced my old Mum into a fall requiring much repair work at A&E... Apart from hospital visits Mum never left her home again for the last couple of years of her life... Sadly no witnesses were quick enough to get a registration for the car they were more worried about Mum's condition... If they had done so said driver would have got exactly what he deserved a baseball bat right between the eyes...

And I get really mad with these coffin dodgers who think they own the course. There were at least 3 clear holes in front, they were actually playing off the ladies/junior tees due to there age and I had been out on the course for 70 minutes and completed 4 holes. I've played 9 holes in 70 minutes before.

I asked politely to play through and these ignorant old fools said no!

While I'm not exactly "proud" of my actions I would happily do it again today although I'd probably just walk through onto the next tee now.

So from hitting through the old boys you've concluded that I'm a mad boy racer who harrasses old dears crossing the road????????



Journeyman Pro
Jan 15, 2012
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Yesterday we got stuck behing two fourbals playing texas scrambell (for fun), they were so very slow and not once did they offer to let us through, we just got the odd thousand yard stare as they took thier second shot from 75 yards while we stood frustrated on tee box after tee box finally giving up and walking back after sixteen holes, the course in front of the two groups was empty. I will just say none of them were old enough to be retired and they had golf buggies. Getting more frustrated with my golf club by the week, I really think this is the problem with joining a golf course attached to a big hotel chain.


Head Pro
Apr 10, 2009
West Lothian
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I wouldn't expect to be let through a comp if no-one had lost ground and wouldn't be letting anyone through if I was in the comp TBH. If it wasn't a comp, then no problem

Like others have said, I agree with this.

If they had fallen behind then it would've been right to let you through... If not, then they are right!


Challenge Tour Pro
Jun 6, 2011
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And I get really mad with these coffin dodgers who think they own the course. There were at least 3 clear holes in front, they were actually playing off the ladies/junior tees due to there age and I had been out on the course for 70 minutes and completed 4 holes. I've played 9 holes in 70 minutes before.

I asked politely to play through and these ignorant old fools said no!

While I'm not exactly "proud" of my actions I would happily do it again today although I'd probably just walk through onto the next tee now.

So from hitting through the old boys you've concluded that I'm a mad boy racer who harrasses old dears crossing the road????????


Whilst I share your'd do well to get anyone to agree with you on this forum. Mainly because the majority of the guys on this forum are 'older'.

In general life, the young are expected to respect the older members of the population (and rightly so) but it should be a two way thing...and it isn't.

I happen to live in town that has one of the highest elderly averages in the UK, so I know from experience.

The 'golden' generation had it easy, with jobs, a good retirement age, affordable housing etc. But it's today's youth that have no jobs available to them, with expensive housing and they'll never get to retire at 60 or 65 - they'll most likely get to retire at 70-75. So the older generation really should try and make an effort with the younger generation. And if we can't get it to work on a golf course, it will never work in society....sadly.


Head Pro
Sep 29, 2011
Taunton, Somerset
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I believe that at a Golf Club, if there is a competition there should be a selection of tee times blocked out for anyone who wants to take part in the competition. This then eliminates anything like this, where you get people who are playing 'for fun' moaning about slow play. If you are in a competition, rounds will be slower because people take more time with shots/putts.

As this isnt introduced at my club, we do get the odd 2 ball or 1 ball in places. Now I am a strong believer that you should only be let through if you will actually get somewhere and it is of some benefit. If the group has lost a hole or more and there is an opening to let the group behind through, then they should. Whether it is in a competition or not, they should still let them through.


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 22, 2012
Wolverhampton and Mar Menor, Spain.
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When people don't let you play through.
Today the snow was finally clear off my course so thought i'd have a quick hack around on my lonesome and test my new putter out.
Was really busy, but got through the first nine quickly with a pb of 40, after a couple of groups kindly let me play through. Got to hole 11 though and ended up stuck behind a fourball of the 'elderly persuasion'. Stood on the next tee and they said "oh, you've chosen a bad day to come on your own!". I asked why and she replied "Well, there's a comp on so we won't be able to let you play through".
So, does common courtesy just fly out of the window when there is a competition on then?
Destroyed any rhythm I had, so ended up playing 2 more holes and called it a day.
Rant over :angry:

Completely agree!

I think sometimes it can be worse than that....I believe that some people of the elderly persuasion wont let you through as they think that 'singletons have no standing on the course'.

I have played as a 'singleton' behind said group where they have clearly been looking for a soon as I appear and they noticed me on the tee they have stopped looking and started to play their one in front of them! Its very off putting and irritating which usually has me complaining back at the clubhouse.

I think people should be given a book on etiquette as part of a joining pack when ever they join a club!


Nov 16, 2011
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I remember I got stuck behind a 4 ball of coffin dodgers years ago. After an hour and 10 minutes I had completed 4 holes and the steam was coming out of my ears by this stage. I walked onto the 5th tee and asked to play through and was told "you'll be old too one day son" "we're out to enjoy it" blah.

I waited till they were about 40 yards off of the tee and proceeded to smash a driver over they're heads and played through much to the horror and annoyance of these old dicks. A few sweary words were exchanged as I marched through them.

I don't recommend that course of action to anyone but it was fun and I was only 19 or 20 and had a worse temper then than I do now!

Don't think any insurance would cover you for that completely outrageously dangerous act! So could be outrageously expensive too - and quite rightly so imo! And probably liable to criminal proceedings afterwards too!



Head Pro
Apr 3, 2012
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This exactly. All 3 of the clubs I have been a member of quite clearly state "Competitions have priority".

i don't know the criteria of other clubs but at mine if there is a comp. in progress the course is closed to non competitors for 30 mins after the last tee,if you catch the last group up THE comp has priority of the course and i'm sorry but in this case they should not allow you through,and i'm getting fed up of people posting snide comments about senior golfers have you given a thought as to why they are the last group could it be they play slower and were put at the back so as to not slow play up in the comp.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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So the older generation really should try and make an effort with the younger generation. And if we can't get it to work on a golf course, it will never work in society....sadly.

Harking back to your earliest postings, I don't think you have made a major contribution to relations between the young and the older golfers.


Tour Rookie
Jan 5, 2011
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Why does it have to be "young" or "old", why cant it just be "golfers"?

Surely thats the most important thing. We're all playing a game we really enjoy, some better than others, some quicker than others. In my experience so far, I wouldnt say any particular group has the monopoly on areas, like speed etc. You get people who you wouldnt want to socialise with, or even play a round of golf with again, but I dont think thats got anything to do with age.

You'll get complete tools at most clubs I'm sure. Some will be old, some will be young. All will be golfers.

To me it doesnt matter about age, it matters how they behave and treat other people. Why moan? just enjoy it, the match will take as long as it takes...


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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I wonder if we would have seen this thread had the OP persevered with the change in pace of play & shot a 38 on the back nine?

Every one of these threads seems to follow a change in fortune when the pace of play changes (usually for the worse) and its always attributed to the group in front rather than any failings on behalf of ourselves and our inability to adapt to a change in course conditions

So if it started raining heavily on the 10th or the wind really picked up with a clear course ahead but the same worsening of scoring, whos to blame then?

It's simply another change in conditions during the round, deal with it!

I wonder how many pro's give lessons on maintaining standard of play when the pace quickens/slows down?


Head Pro
Oct 16, 2009
Leicestershire UK
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Why does it have to be "young" or "old", why cant it just be "golfers"?

Surely thats the most important thing. We're all playing a game we really enjoy, some better than others, some quicker than others. In my experience so far, I wouldnt say any particular group has the monopoly on areas, like speed etc. You get people who you wouldnt want to socialise with, or even play a round of golf with again, but I dont think thats got anything to do with age.

You'll get complete tools at most clubs I'm sure. Some will be old, some will be young. All will be golfers.

To me it doesnt matter about age, it matters how they behave and treat other people. Why moan? just enjoy it, the match will take as long as it takes...

Reckon thats about the right attitude.


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
In the slow lane...
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While I'm not exactly "proud" of my actions I would happily do it again today although I'd probably just walk through onto the next tee now.

So from hitting through the old boys you've concluded that I'm a mad boy racer who harrasses old dears crossing the road????????


I concluded that you are nothing more than a boastfull 'bully boy' who is not above using threat and intimidation to get your way... Can't see any other reason why you would relate this story on an open forum... So I am puzzled as to why you go on say you take no pride in what you did and wouldn't advise others to do the same...

The gentlemen in front of you might not have been correct in their attitude...But two wrongs don't make a right...


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Are old boys really that slow? I play in the Tuesday/Thursday roll up at my club when ever I can and that is full of people ranging from 50 to people in their 70's. First group goes off at about 11:15. We play in 3-ball stableford. I was in the 8th group on Thursday, so it was probably around 11:45 when I started. I played my round, dropped my trolley off in the trolley shed, put the clubs in the car, changed my shoes, stopped off at the toilet and was in the bar before 15:30. So to say that the older generation of golfer is the main cause of the course being slow is totally wrong.

I have stood on my course before watching young lads play and it is amazing how slow they are. Just having a friendly knock around, but still insisting on reading every putt from all 4 angles. Watching them wait for the group ahead to get out of range. Not a problem with that, but waiting for them to be 350 yards away is a bit ridiculous, when they have never even hit it 300 yards in their life.

Every age group has a problem with people that are slow. It is just the different age groups are slow for different reasons.