Which is fair enough. Its a good reason, in that you have a mental hang up about being distracted by the flagstick, but not the hole itself.BIB …because I prefer to see all of the hole unimpeded by a flag stick…that’s the gist of it.
….besides…with flag in I find I focus more on the line to the flag than the borrow I must take into account. It’s as if the flagstick becomes a target when in fact it isn’t…getting the ball into the hole is the objective, not hitting a target.
On the physics of a ball dropping good reason, there isnt one though, which I guess is banjofred's angle.
The rules allow the option. So perfectly legitimate for people to choose whichever the prefer. Where we need to move to is everyone being happy with it in, and irrational hangups, and habits of the past, being discarded. It would be one step improvement in the pace of play for those concerned about that. For those unconcerned about slow play, they can flag out flag in flag out, as they wish.