First time playing on a golf course this weekend

If I need to play a 90 yarder which stops quickly then it's a punched 47 degree wedge back in the stance nowadays. Comes in low, straight and stops in two bounces, even on links greens

by 47 you mean a regular PW....

Agreed, me too.

I play most "under full wedge" distances with my PW. The sandy is risky with the bounce, despite having a nice leading edge. Tried a few LW full shots once or twice, not for me.....If I need a high one (up the nose), I'll crank my SW open and pray to some higher being.

I only actually use 2 wedges, my PW and 56* the reason for this is that by only using one lofted club, the 56, i feel that it's a part of me.

if i want the loft somewhere between 47 and 56 i will just put the ball back in my stance, if i want a high floater, ill open the face and cut it up. this way it helps me to hit it close all the time because instead of using different wedges, i just change the way i hit it.

carrying 4 wedges is to me, like having one driver for drawing it and another for fading.