Thoughts on using the earth/ground as a tee (à la Laura Davies)?

if this is getting people to wet their pants then whatever you do, don't look for Charley Hull deliberatley taking dviots with her pratice driver swings at the Solheim Cup
One reason I’ve heard for this is to reduce spin on the ball. The idea being to get a few blades of grass between the club face and the ball, creating a flier. Personally, I feel it brings potential inconsistencies into the equation, i.e. do you get the flier you want or do you get a clean strike? If that is the reason, doing it on a par 3 seems counterintuitive where you’re wanting to hit a specific distance. I can see a benefit from a flier with a driving iron or driver but, again, there’s the will it fly ‘v’ won’t it fly inconsistency.
So few people do it that it'd not really an issue.

A bit mad but hardly the crime of the century. I wonder what she does on a baked links. 🤔
Likewise, though ive only played for the last 17 years, but that includes hundreds of rounds with drawn playing partners and 2 summers caddying full time, and im yet to ever see anyone do this .... except LD on TV