I read What a Waste and thought.... thats me! (Bring on the abuse)

Here's a simliar way of thinking about it. On every hole just get yourself on or somewhere around the green in 'regulation'; practice your short game so you get up and down from on or around the green in two about 50% of the time - and you'll be playing to 9.

On or around the green in regulation 50% of time and the rest on or around the green in no worse than one over regulation; then up and down in two 50% of time - you are playing to 13.5 Easy :)
Hi guys,

Only just logged back on.

Lesson went great and cheers for the advice. I think its all in the course management and I am playing a comp down south in a work charity round. I just don't want to be too negetive but if there is danger left and right I am going to play an Iron.

In relation to the 6 shots I mean 3 wayward tee shots so three off the tee.

The pro said he was really pleased with where I am going and to keep working hard.

Brownie points at home too for coming in and doing the garden... Had nothing to do with the hours practise out there afterwards.

I cant get over how different the technique is he taught me. Shows why I was losing so many shots.
Keeping it in play is such a huge factor. I played 9 tonight, backed off a bit, didn't hit driver at every opportunity and didn't lose any balls. I didn't make any birdies, 2 putted every green and shot 4 over gross for the front 9.

My dropped shots were:
2nd hole, par 4 - big drive, but a bit right in the rough, played a silly shot with my 58 opened right up, opened it too much and left it short, short sided over a bunker, hit a beauty of a hollywood flop shot about as close as I could get from my short sided position, 2 putts bogey.
3rd hole, par 4 - 3 wood off the tee, good length but left rough, hit a decent pitch onto the green, but it was rock hard and it rolled through. Rubbish chip left me 8ft short, shaved the hole on the par putt, 2 putt bogey.
7th hole, par 4 - 3 hy off the tee, pushed a bit to right rough. 58 wedge over trees to fairway short of green, good pitch to about 7ft, just missed par putt, 2 putt bogey.
8th hole, par 3 - worst shot of the day a straight push off the tee with 6 iron, luckily contact was so bad it stayed short of the hazard, decent chip on to 6ft, left to right slippery downhill putt shaved hole, 2 putt bogey.

Had a couple of very close birdie putts that didn't drop either. So a mediocre putting day, not a brilliant driving day, but a score that is excellent for me, all because the misses weren't that bad and I kept it under control.
Keeping it in play is such a huge factor. I played 9 tonight, backed off a bit, didn't hit driver at every opportunity and didn't lose any balls. I didn't make any birdies, 2 putted every green and shot 4 over gross for the front 9.

My dropped shots were:
2nd hole, par 4 - big drive, but a bit right in the rough, played a silly shot with my 58 opened right up, opened it too much and left it short, short sided over a bunker, hit a beauty of a hollywood flop shot about as close as I could get from my short sided position, 2 putts bogey.
3rd hole, par 4 - 3 wood off the tee, good length but left rough, hit a decent pitch onto the green, but it was rock hard and it rolled through. Rubbish chip left me 8ft short, shaved the hole on the par putt, 2 putt bogey.
7th hole, par 4 - 3 hy off the tee, pushed a bit to right rough. 58 wedge over trees to fairway short of green, good pitch to about 7ft, just missed par putt, 2 putt bogey.
8th hole, par 3 - worst shot of the day a straight push off the tee with 6 iron, luckily contact was so bad it stayed short of the hazard, decent chip on to 6ft, left to right slippery downhill putt shaved hole, 2 putt bogey.

Had a couple of very close birdie putts that didn't drop either. So a mediocre putting day, not a brilliant driving day, but a score that is excellent for me, all because the misses weren't that bad and I kept it under control.

Sounds good mate. I think I need to pick my holes carefully for when the big dog comes out.

Im playing in a comp on saturday at a course in aurrey and I have been told its really open but if the rough is bad I am going to play full on sensible golf. Scoring well certainly wont be boring golf for me.
My dropped shots were:
2nd hole, par 4 - big drive, but a bit right in the rough, played a silly shot with my 58 opened right up, opened it too much and left it short, short sided over a bunker, hit a beauty of a hollywood flop shot about as close as I could get from my short sided position, 2 putts bogey.
3rd hole, par 4 - 3 wood off the tee, good length but left rough, hit a decent pitch onto the green, but it was rock hard and it rolled through. Rubbish chip left me 8ft short, shaved the hole on the par putt, 2 putt bogey.
7th hole, par 4 - 3 hy off the tee, pushed a bit to right rough. 58 wedge over trees to fairway short of green, good pitch to about 7ft, just missed par putt, 2 putt bogey.
8th hole, par 3 - worst shot of the day a straight push off the tee with 6 iron, luckily contact was so bad it stayed short of the hazard, decent chip on to 6ft, left to right slippery downhill putt shaved hole, 2 putt bogey.

Sounds like my play and I'm off 6..... with a 17 h/cap you must be in heaven!!! :(
A big part of it is putting yourself in position off he tee. My yardages are about 10yds short of the OP. I can hit a driver a long way and very comfortable in doing so. I would say the driver is one of the best clubs in my bag. I can hit most fairways but still prone to the odd loose one which can lead to a card wrecker.

I left the driver and 3 wood at home yesterday and used an 18 degree hybrid off the tee and hit every fairway. I was hitting 2/3 clubs more in to greens but carded +1 for a gross 72.

It's good to stand up on the tee and boom one in to the horizon but a lesson was learned yesterday. Better 220 on the fairway than 300 in the rough!

It's not the distances were hitting that brings the handicap down its the straight hitting.
There are probably marginally longer than average but really not looooong by any means, what is your dispersion like with each club, probably a more relevant stat.
Sounds like my play and I'm off 6..... with a 17 h/cap you must be in heaven!!! :(

There's a decent player in there... It's the wild ones that kill me, keep them off the card and I'm a lot better than a 17.
Need to do it in a few comps, get my handicap down.
There are probably marginally longer than average but really not looooong by any means, what is your dispersion like with each club, probably a more relevant stat.

As I mentioned earlier I haven't really kept stats but the strikes are so much better now so if I miss I normally miss by chipping distance. This can be left or right though...

One thing I have never really taken serious though is my alignment. I have heard the annoying saying "You hit that exactly where you aimed that" far too many times ;)

I am going to track all of my stats for a few rounds and then post it on here. I am a Business Analyst by day so its pretty stupid I have never applied this approach when looking at my game.

I was going to play tonight but I am going to hit the chipping green and try to groove in the technique I learnt at last nights lesson. It amazes me how many members there are at a club and how often you have to wait to get on the practise fairway / short game facilites... but then again I hate it when I don't have it to myself!