Ever get that feeling when you just wanna punch someone?

I'm surprised at the responses here. Two blokes in front of you who are obviously rubbish sit and wait on a tee for you to catch them and THEN decide to tee off and that's fine with you all???? Then when the OP reveals he's 15yo you all then have a pop at him for being young and not carrying his clubs. Beggars belief! If you must know it's not recomended for young people to carry heavy loads until fully grown. Next time you're sat down having a breather with two young whipper snappers pushing you as they lash the ball miles with their rubber band spines, be good mannered and let them though. They are the next generation and will be paying full price for their membership and subsidising you as you will be paying a hugely reduced seniors fee and playing 7 days a week. Think on!
We have, of course, only heard the story from one viewpoint. If only we could hear how the "pair of absolute *****" saw it from their angle.
You were out of order no way to speak to someone like that, you had played 3 holes so what they did at the first should not have bothered you as you must not have been playing for at least half an hour until then and they must have thought they had plenty of time but to go off on one at someone who has the right to play in front of you is bad manners and plain Rude.

Did you read the OP ? thought the general consencious around here was to let people play through if you were delaying them ..? sure if they guys wanted to mess around , let the chaps through & play away at their leisure then

Will you be my punchbag? I don't really like you that much!

WARNING !!!! Keyboard warrior alert ? might wana cool those jets there young man , or someday you will find a punchbag that punches back ..

If somebody had come to me and spoke to me like you did to them I'm afraid you would have been my punch bag

That punchbags name is Beggsy :)

Considering these guys were mid 40's approx I don't think it's appropriate for them to threaten 2 15 year olds.

You were in a buggy & only wanted to play a fe holes as you said .. jump ahead . sorry even tho i feel you were being hard done if you confront people , expect agression back ,

Aged 15 and you want to go round in a buggy? Absolutely pathetic. Carry your clubs and polish your manners lad.

I think he explained why they had the buggy in fairness , but the "polish your manners " is sound advice that probably should be heeded ..
Did you read the OP ? thought the general consencious around here was to let people play through if you were delaying them ..? sure if they guys wanted to mess around , let the chaps through & play away at their leisure then

WARNING !!!! Keyboard warrior alert ? might wana cool those jets there young man , or someday you will find a punchbag that punches back ..

That punchbags name is Beggsy :)

You were in a buggy & only wanted to play a fe holes as you said .. jump ahead . sorry even tho i feel you were being hard done if you confront people , expect agression back ,

Aged 15 and you want to go round in a buggy? Absolutely pathetic. Carry your clubs and polish your manners lad.

I think he explained why they had the buggy in fairness , but the "polish your manners " is sound advice that probably should be heeded ..
Yes the 2 guys should have let them play through, but looking at the post these 2 do not sound like the kind who know etiquette they played from a few different tee's then when sitting about realised that the 2 guys caught up quick, so yes they should have let them play through but when someone comes up to you and says you taking the hit and miss then starts arguing then forget about anyone letting anyone play through.
Yes the 2 guys should have let them play through, but looking at the post these 2 do not sound like the kind who know etiquette they played from a few different tee's then when sitting about realised that the 2 guys caught up quick, so yes they should have let them play through but when someone comes up to you and says you taking the hit and miss then starts arguing then forget about anyone letting anyone play through.
Totaly agree Sydney
Young men will learn to choose their battles wisely .. eventualy ...Hopefuly at the expence of a cheap lesson ..

You will never put a old head on young shoulders mate
Decided to go out tonight for a quick 11. Me and my mate used his aunties buggy to be back for england. Head to the first tee and there's a pair of absolute ***** teeing off, none of course in any suitable golf attire, including shoes. One then proceeds to hit a nice fade, not so bad after all, they probably won't hold us up. Wrong! the second 'player' (I use that phrase lightly) says 'I know will, let's see the difference between the tees.' He goes to the comp tee, duffs it, goes to the yellows, duffs it, go to the ladies, hits it down the middle. Then he goes on to say 'I'll play off the ladies tees tonight, obviously doesn't have a brain cell. All is well until the 5th when they decide to have a little rest on the 5th tee bench. We play our 2nd and 3rd on the 4th and still no movement. Then we hole out and still no movement. Until we eventually get to the 5th and one of them says 'best tee off now then!' I reply 'hold up, are you takin the urine' and all hell breaks loose on the 5th tee box. We called it quits and walked off, leaving those 'things' to play 'golf', if you can call it that.'

I should really buy a punchbag!

I'm with OP on this one. At no point does he say that he actually threatened or intended to hit anyone, just that he was (rightly) infuriated. His age is irrelevant except to the extent that the players in front likely used it to justify their attitude. I know for one that I was once a 15 year old and had these types of encounters with older (usually green fee) golfers who thought that age equals absolute entitlement. If they behaved as OP said that they did then they deserved everything that they got. I am a lawyer and understand that aggression achieves nothing etc., but OP was completely entitled to argue the point. He did well to walk off the course without bombing drives down over their heads as I would have done at the same age.
I'm with OP on this one. At no point does he say that he actually threatened or intended to hit anyone, just that he was (rightly) infuriated. His age is irrelevant except to the extent that the players in front likely used it to justify their attitude. I know for one that I was once a 15 year old and had these types of encounters with older (usually green fee) golfers who thought that age equals absolute entitlement. If they behaved as OP said that they did then they deserved everything that they got. I am a lawyer and understand that aggression achieves nothing etc., but OP was completely entitled to argue the point. He did well to walk off the course without bombing drives down over their heads as I would have done at the same age.

I still think a polite "would you mind letting us through" would possibly have been a better initial opening gambit though.
I am a lawyer and understand that aggression achieves nothing etc., but OP was completely entitled to argue the point. He did well to walk off the course without bombing drives down over their heads as I would have done at the same age.

And they let you become a lawyer!!!
This thread has confused me beyond words. If someone acted like the OP described in front of me then I would say something. I may have been a touch more polite, but I would definately have said something. Are we supposed to tailor our approach to these situations based in the appearance of those involved? A little bit of social stereotyping eh. Does using a buggy make someone immediately guilty? Like I said, im confused.
Just to put a slightly different slant on things, can the OP remember posting this ?

Tomorrow i am going out for my first ever experience on a golf course.

And that was only a couple of months back ;)

Perhaps these guys were new to the game ?

Anyway, you were all out of order IMO.
there is no way that two people should ever sit and wait for 3 holes then proceed to tee off when the group behind walks onto the tee.

my buddy and i stood in from the rain yesteday and was joined in the trees a few mins later by the two ball behind. we stood and chatted about the rain then the us open. rain then died a little so me and my bud quickly teed off so not to hold anyone back as we could hear another group coming down the hill in the rain. we played the small par 3 asap and my friend even missed a tiny putt for par (i robbed the hole ;) ) as to not hold anyone up.

if the guys behind us had of wanted to play through in the rain we would have said no problem, but they wanted some shelter too.
Seems a very strange thread to me!
People jumping to conclusions based on dress & age, and an overly agressive OP.
In fact I'm suprised the title hasn't been amended as IMHO it isn't really suitable for a sport forum.

Ignore the ages of those involved and the dress code violations. Ignore the use of buggy and the reason for it. Golf etiquette should always be adhered to!

The group in front shouldn't have messed around on the 1st tee.
The group in front shouldn't have waited on the tee and then played just as the next group were approaching the tee (unless there was a group in front of them slowing them down).

The OP shouldn't have been rude.
The OP should have, politely, asked to be let through.

My advice:
Never get into a situation where a fight may ensue - you never know the ability and training of those you come across. Some people are literally "dangerous weapons".
Chill out - golf is a game and it should be enjoyed.
Seems a very strange thread to me!
People jumping to conclusions based on dress & age, and an overly agressive OP.
In fact I'm suprised the title hasn't been amended as IMHO it isn't really suitable for a sport forum.

Ignore the ages of those involved and the dress code violations. Ignore the use of buggy and the reason for it. Golf etiquette should always be adhered to!

The group in front shouldn't have messed around on the 1st tee.
The group in front shouldn't have waited on the tee and then played just as the next group were approaching the tee (unless there was a group in front of them slowing them down).

The OP shouldn't have been rude.
The OP should have, politely, asked to be let through.

My advice:
Never get into a situation where a fight may ensue - you never know the ability and training of those you come across. Some people are literally "dangerous weapons".
Chill out - golf is a game and it should be enjoyed.

sums it up perfectly :)
Seems a very strange thread to me!
People jumping to conclusions based on dress & age, and an overly agressive OP.
In fact I'm suprised the title hasn't been amended as IMHO it isn't really suitable for a sport forum.

Ignore the ages of those involved and the dress code violations. Ignore the use of buggy and the reason for it. Golf etiquette should always be adhered to!

The group in front shouldn't have messed around on the 1st tee.
The group in front shouldn't have waited on the tee and then played just as the next group were approaching the tee (unless there was a group in front of them slowing them down).

The OP shouldn't have been rude.
The OP should have, politely, asked to be let through.

My advice:
Never get into a situation where a fight may ensue - you never know the ability and training of those you come across. Some people are literally "dangerous weapons".
Chill out - golf is a game and it should be enjoyed.
Agree. :)