
I used to wear a patch in the fleshy part of my hand too. For me it was a combination of changing my swing and improving the way I hold the club.

Also, I recently switched to mid size grips which was a big change for me. I have smallish hand but long fingers , they were digging into the palm of my hand too much. The grip feels even more comfortable than before and the results recently have been pretty good too.

I owe that change to a Callaway rep that I met a couple months ago.:thup:
I do exactly the same thing and I've had it confirmed as A) a problem and B) the cause of my inconsistent shots.

I have been trying some exercises to help me stop doing it as it's killing my long game and tee shots. I hope they pay off at some point!
I used to wear a patch in the fleshy part of my hand too. For me it was a combination of changing my swing and improving the way I hold the club.

Also, I recently switched to mid size grips which was a big change for me. I have smallish hand but long fingers , they were digging into the palm of my hand too much. The grip feels even more comfortable than before and the results recently have been pretty good too.

I owe that change to a Callaway rep that I met a couple months ago.:thup:
my pro suggested I changed to a mid size grip, his argument was that I would have more hand in contact and this would take the strain out of my forearm muscles,which would generate more energy. So I have done that, my grip is lighter overall and my length has increased, plus you can hear the release and zip ... But also the word release, sorry I mentioned it but, I hate this word, it should only be used after you have had it explained to you that you should swing right through to the final position.
Hmm, just read something else (thanks Andy) that suggests another reason for wearing a hole in your glove. Gripping too much in the palm of your left hand.

So if you suffer with holes in your glove and the first two things I originally said aren't relevant, it could be worth checking that the grip runs from the base of your little finger to the middle joint of your index finger, rather than across the base of all fingers or even higher in the palm.
I have just been chatting to my brother in law who was moaning about inconsistent shots, chatted to him about this post and he has joined the gang... You should have charged for the post Region!
I suffered with a re-grip for different reasons. Over a couple of years my grip got stronger and stronger without me noticing. When I had lessons and realised what I had beeen doing, I had to significantly weaken my grip back to neutral. At the top of the backswing the weight of the club felt all wrong and, rather like the OP, it felt like I was going to slice it wildly, so I regripped and closed the face, causing a low left shot. It only happened in the driver oddly enough. When I managed not to re grip the ball flew straight, high and long. It took a long time to cure. Again, like the OP, I have since read it is a common problem. A similar thing is called the flute or piccolo grip I believe.
Hmm, just read something else (thanks Andy) that suggests another reason for wearing a hole in your glove. Gripping too much in the palm of your left hand.

So if you suffer with holes in your glove and the first two things I originally said aren't relevant, it could be worth checking that the grip runs from the base of your little finger to the middle joint of your index finger, rather than across the base of all fingers or even higher in the palm.

I thinki this is very good.... I think that nearly everyone will have use for it as well.....

I have this problem too, if you don't grip tight with the small fingers of the left hand (I don't know the names, the ones at top of the grip), you can suffer from casting the club at the transition of swing instead at bottom, leading to fat/thin shots, glove wear ect.
I have small hands and long fingers, and use interloock grip (because is the most common!), but to prevent this casting of the club at the top I have to apply more pressure in those 2 fingers or maybe use a overlap grip or even 10 finger grip to stop my hands
moving off the grip at the top (or as said before midsize grip).
Overswing is another factor when it comes to grip wear in the palm of the hand. Usually caused by going back too fast, the club will want to carry on past parallel. If you are too fast the transition is violent and the club will try to work its way out of the hand. Gripping harder is not a fix since you should not have too much tension in the swing.

Better to learn how to grip the club properly, get fitted for the correct size grips and swing back reasonably slowly.
And the other 99.9999% would advocate not in the palm.

Gotta love golf instruction, no wonder people's swings simply implode!

The trouble is that with the internet... Your on the range, you do something that feels good, you go home and look it up... someone somewhere will tell you that's the way to go.

.................. Usually you James...:D Kidding.
Well I'm just back from the range.

Altered my grip slightly and also came down the grip so I had around 1/2" of the grip/club exposed. Felt weird at first and thought everything would slice as it felt loose at the top of the back swing, so, after slicing a couple I restricted my back swing (I have a bad habit of an excessive back swing) and I started to home them in on my targets. As the session went on, I found I was shorter in my back swing, a little down my grip and my release felt and looked so much better and the net result of that was the balls were going straighter and longer!

Its very early days and obviously work in progress and with a medal tomorrow its not ideal to put this straight into practice, but what the heck, you have to just run with it if you want to move forwards, don't you.
Moe had a supernatural photographic memory, people say he remember any hole on a course he played only once 10 years ago.
his swing, despite being supersimple is a Hogan upgrade version. Thats why its so straight!

Tell me you're not the guy who is talking to Sevam during the videos?!

Seriously- what is your relationship to this instructor?
went to range last night with a completely different swing thought:cool: its the best I've hit the ball in about 2 years:eek:.......I could have thrown a blanket over 10 drives :mmm:
Too early to tell if I've found my old swing, I've a 36 holer this weekend so wil post a eureka #2 thread if it stays together