Hypermobile elbows anyone?


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Jan 18, 2025
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Newish golfer here, 27 handicap. Struggling with my grip - because of hypermobile elbows my natural grip is for both hands to turn more away from the club, rather than in. Am trying to get a more neutral grip but it is really uncomfortable and unnatural, and worried it's going to cause injury. Usual miss is probably left. Does anyone else have this problem and how do you deal with it?
Mrs H has it, though no longer plays golf. She got around it by practicing 3/4 shots and building up the strength in her arms. Eventually, she learned to hit a lovely controlled draw. Distance-wise she was up there with her peers, achieved by learning to hit it better not harder.

That said, she had a chat with her GP about hyper mobility & hyper extension to determine what her limits should be.

I’d suggest a visit to your doc.
Newish golfer here, 27 handicap. Struggling with my grip - because of hypermobile elbows my natural grip is for both hands to turn more away from the club, rather than in. Am trying to get a more neutral grip but it is really uncomfortable and unnatural, and worried it's going to cause injury. Usual miss is probably left. Does anyone else have this problem and how do you deal with it?
Hi there

If you havent already, I would strongly advise consulting a teaching pro to experiment on your grip issue with you in a lesson.

A neutral grip is not the only way to grip a club!

There are a many top pros who have a stronger left hand grip(turned in) and a few have used a weaker left hand grip(turned out) to great effect(Jack Nicklaus, Jordon Spieth, Collin Morikawa)

For a beginner, the grip always feels uncomfortable until you find your go-to one for life.

Ps: I would also try search for one of those kids clubs/training aids with a moulded black grip on it(your golf shop might have one), to see if it feels comfortable and go from there.

Hope this helps.
Thanks both - I've had some lessons and do have one of those training clubs. I'm possibly overthinking it and should just learn to play with the grip I've got. BTW it looks a bit like Steven Fisk's grip at present... I've no problem with distance, it's just the direction (as ever)!
Thanks both - I've had some lessons and do have one of those training clubs. I'm possibly overthinking it and should just learn to play with the grip I've got. BTW it looks a bit like Steven Fisk's grip at present... I've no problem with distance, it's just the direction (as ever)!
Pleasure. Not sure if you can post swing vids on this platform but if you have a couple available, Im happy to have a look and give u my 2 cents.