End of year report

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Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Never quite got my game going after lockdown.
Like I never had proper control of the ball.
But I played so little golf this year it’s prob a write off .
So a C would be my honest opinion.
But it hasn’t been my priority this year


Tour Winner
Apr 15, 2008
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I'll go for A. Two very enjoyable trips away with another couple to Alvor in Jan and North Wales in Sept.
On the playing front, winning the RickG memorial day organised by Fish at Coventry in the summer although it did seem to rain all the way round.
WHS of 3.1 which is. 4 worse than when I came back from NZ in 13 so happy with that given the aching body at times.
Had 2 sub par rounds in June and 2 level par with WHS now off CH 3 so happy days but no chance of competing in the winter league ?
Roll on 21 and a dry January


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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Had a fairly good year. Won Winter League, always a big one at ours, along with a couple of monthly stablefords. Managed to add about £300 in prize money to my club card. Much more consistent these days and handicap is at last heading back in the right direction after half a dozen years slapping it round.

All down to a big swing change which, at long last, has become second nature on the course, not just the range.

Overall I’d probably give myself a B/B+.

Shooter McPowick

Head Pro
Apr 2, 2016
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Trip to South Africa postponed to 2021 and now that the super strain of covid was found to have originated from SA, it looks like it’ll be 2022 by the time we get there!
On the plus side, I spent the money on joining Hindhead and that has lead to an A+ Year for me.


Tour Winner
Mar 21, 2013
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Handicap didn’t move on CONGU system but to be expected given the year.

won the second biggest gross comp at our club, and finished 6th in club champs (despite playing like a clown).

played golf in Vegas again, and ticked off 3 of the course in the north west which were amazing. Birkdale is without a doubt the best course I’ve played in England.

Also opened a new indoor golf centre that despite the challenges has been absolutely flying. Seeing customers absolutely love their time with us makes my day.


Assistant Pro
Jul 25, 2015
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F- for me :-(

Between a heart attack, covid, weather, covid and the weather again I've hardly played at all this year. Membership this year has cost me about £20 per hole so far! A few other assorted rounds were really frustrating as I was playing surprisingly well. Just not able to play anything like enough.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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First and foremost, I consider myself blessed and very fortunate to be, and to be able to be, a member of a very lovely and friendly golf club, particularly over this very difficult last year. Though my rounds of golf have been expensive due to all we have been through, that membership and the camaraderie between members, especially when we were not playing, makes the cost a price well worth paying and has been worth every penny. Not so many of the wider community are so fortunate.

On the golfing front. I have been given a solution to the ‘lucy lockets’ that seems to work for me - though I did do one last time out - but I know why...and for that I am very grateful.

And so I can look into the new year with some positivity on the golfing front, with some anticipation of what new irons and new driver to come in the next couple of months to help me towards my quest for a HI of 6.4 in the next year or two (currently 8.4).


Tour Rookie
Jul 3, 2013
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A game of two halves, or three, or four... Catastrophic performance for the first six months with my long term swing rebuild all over the place. Too embarrassed to go to the course I retired to a local driving range - hit a new low there in July walking away from a bucket of balls unable to hit the actual range with a hybrid, three wood or driver and a quite amazing two way miss.

Lockdown, working a frustrating job at home and poor mental health also hit me hard and undoubtedly affected my golf more than I can probably understand.

Hcp drifted up to four, wasn’t enjoying playing anymore (literally couldn’t break 85) and was finally gutted to miss H4H when my back failed again and nearly quit it all then. An enforced break followed, so fast forward until October when I ditched lessons figuring I know enough and just decided to stop tinkering and just play.

Now feel like I have a settled ‘good enough’ new swing my long term injuries and health can handle and have rarely hit it as straight and solid, not even when I was a fully paid up county player back in the mists of time. Need to relearn how to score properly again but have been knocking it around in five or six over par in practice so that’s encouraging.

Lazarus impressions aside, I’m mainly enjoying playing again which is pretty much all I want so once the soggy winter and lockdown 17 naffs off I hope to stay fit enough to get out regularly and enjoy this fine game.


Head Pro
Oct 20, 2016
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This year has had one massive positive, learning the under standing of the art #Chipping via Padraig's youtube's advice. I've been as low as 3.4 and never truly understood the art or concept. low point and use the bounce. then it clicked and 2021 should be a breeze with a short game and I mean one that doesn't go south when under pressure. the dreaded duff / thin/ blade when your in position :-(
End the year 5.5 low of 5.2

2020 has been another year working on fitness and movement, left ankle isn't great but work in progress, futures bright some positive decisions have been made. go well all in 2021 #LoveTheGame