End of year report

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Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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C- at best.

Started off post-Lockdown 1 playing my best golf ever. Played great week in week out for 2 months. Then from nowhere developed an awful case of the shanks. Form fell off a cliff and had the worst couple of months ever. Started getting it back, only for fairway protection to kick in and me to struggle massively hitting it off a mat for the last month.

Felt like I turned a corner yesterday, was hitting it the best I ever have off the mat, let's hope it wasn't a false dawn!


Money List Winner
Mar 7, 2012
Dunfermline, Fife
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Would have to be A++ for me despite it being a strange old year.
After 2 and a half years of not being able to play, I finally got back out there and the best part is I didn't stink, playing to my "new normal" with reduced flexibility and movement I think I have adapted quite well.

Just being back playing would have made it an A regardless of how good or bad I was.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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No new courses
Shot a new PB of 85
Mini lesson gave me an extra one clublength distence throughout the bag by flattening the backswing
Putting lesson got me focusing on the fundamentals again that I'd let slip
Hitting driver as straight as frozen rope after it sat on naughty step for a year
Chopped half inch off the 5 iron and can now weild it like that Potter lad does with his stick and hitting it further than I've ever hit an iron
I'll get my WHS handicap next month so will see what that does
Need to cut out the silly shots and the cuts will come

Overall pretty happy and positive for next year


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Best year ever for me. Stopped trying so bloody hard, stopped caring about the result, stopped practicing because I "should/needed to". Only played when I really wanted to which was once or twice a week at most. Dropped a shot on the handicap and won two boarded comps (my first ever).

In summary - enjoyed pressure-free golf for first time in a good few years.


Assistant Pro
Apr 9, 2017
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A+ Best year ever.

Started the year at 12.6 highest I have been for a few years.

Won the First medal of the year in July with a net 59, also a board comp, earning a cut to 9.9.

A second place in the final comp of the year in October got me cut to 9.0. First time I have reached single figures.

New handicap Index is 8.1 might get down to sub 8 when Competition Golf starts again.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Best year ever for me. Stopped trying so bloody hard, stopped caring about the result, stopped practicing because I "should/needed to". In summary - enjoyed pressure-free golf for first time in a good few years.

Yeah, love that


Broken, no sign of being fixed

Hate that.

Without knowing the first thing about it, could message 1 be the answer to problem 2?

Pathetic Shark

Tour Rookie
Oct 16, 2013
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Started at 5.5, ended at 4.5

Had the year as Captain at Pyrford GC - dealt with a pandemic, new ownership, new booking system and the handicap change. All of which when it didn't go perfectly at any given time for any member was the Captain's fault. Did well in the end to only tell one actual member to go bleep himself to his face but said it a fair few times under my breath or when I had walked away.

Deleted member 25172

Between B and B minus I'd say.

After a complete break from playing for a year, then hardly any competitive golf the year after, and being away at sea throughout the summer of 2019, 2020 was more a year of discovery to find out where I'm at right now.

Shot a couple of tournament 69s, at least one 80 and everything in between, finishing at 0.5 CONGU and +1 WHS due to duff data input.

Biggest concern this year is lack of distance, I'm noticeably down on where I was and compared to others off similar handicaps. That's down to virtually zero time in the gym and advancing years, I can't stop the latter but I've already started back in the gym this week, no excuses as our military facilities are open.

Targets for next season are being back into shape with much more strength and speed, keep working on the wedges and short game, and the scores should get better.

This for me as well. I actually used to be fit in my younger days. Now? Not so much. The last month and a half or so I've started training though, mixing it between 5-7k runs (even though I had to start with a few pathetic 2-2.5k runs as it felt I was about to die) and 20-25 minute HIIT training that is full of explosive sets. Hopefully I'll continue that into the season and it'll show some positive results for my golf as well. Oh, and the odd yoga session to limber things up in this stiff body.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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Between B and B minus I'd say.

After a complete break from playing for a year, then hardly any competitive golf the year after, and being away at sea throughout the summer of 2019, 2020 was more a year of discovery to find out where I'm at right now.

Shot a couple of tournament 69s, at least one 80 and everything in between, finishing at 0.5 CONGU and +1 WHS due to duff data input.

Biggest concern this year is lack of distance, I'm noticeably down on where I was and compared to others off similar handicaps. That's down to virtually zero time in the gym and advancing years, I can't stop the latter but I've already started back in the gym this week, no excuses as our military facilities are open.

Targets for next season are being back into shape with much more strength and speed, keep working on the wedges and short game, and the scores should get better.

Are you still in the Mob mate?


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Cheers, gone beyond annoying now for sure, can basically go in a straight line but cant do anything with rotation. If only i could play golf in a straight line eh (easier if i say it lol)
You, Golf and straight lines have never sat well together...


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I had the goal of breaking 80, but didn't manage it - shot 80 on the nose once. Obviously I didn't get to play as much as I'd hoped. My course being council-run, they decided to close it at 5ish all through the summer so whereas I'd normally get a few evenings in, I couldn't really. Hence my handicap stayed pretty much the same all year. I definitely played better and more consistently after we came back from the first lockdown - no logic as to why, but suddenly I was shooting in the 80s most weeks rather than around half the time. Since we went back into winter though it's back to low 90s again as usual.

Next summer I hope to get the practise rounds up again as I've now joined a proper member's club.

Edit: Forgot we're meant to do a grade - C+ I guess. Consistency a little better, but my 'best' is not much better than it was.


Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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My year only really started in the summer. After a hectic couple of years of barely playing I was given the green light of joining a club again. After considering the options, I decided that New Forest was the right club for now.

I now have an official handicap again, 15.9 down from a starting point of 21 in October so heading quite quickly in the right direction. Having a good amount of lessons which are paying off.

Happy with how the swing looks and hopefully will continue the progress.

Overall I’m going with a B, next year the target is single figures which I genuinely feel is achievable

Deleted member 3432

E for me, couple of decent rounds but mainly :poop:

Still a good golfer in me somewhere, just very elusive....

Enjoyed my golf but don't enjoy playing poorly.


Tour Winner
Jan 21, 2013
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It's a tricky one for me.

If I were to rate my golf game I'd give it a C at best. I think there's a better golfer in there, but since joining a new club just prior to covid has meant that I've played in minimal comps. This has led to not really making as much of a move on the handicap as I'd of hoped.

If I were to rate my golfing year. It's an A. I've missed out on multple trips, but felt I played well on all of the ones that went ahead. Have also ended the year with the significant upper hand against the old man!

For 2021 have got loads of trips planned, and hope to get to 10. I don't really see myslef ever getting any lower tbh as golf was never really my sport and if I'm honest. I'm pretty chuffed I have got to a point where I don't get shots on every hole.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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When you have finished the year shooting your lowest ever score. 82 with your most pars 10. You would look at a A. But I went to play on the yellows coz I was struggling to get off the white tees with a drive and my game was in a bad place.
Al take a B-/C.