East Lothian - Members


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Feb 15, 2024
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Evening all, I’m moving to the East Lothian coast (Gullane/North Berwick area) shortly and wanting to play regularly.

Such an abundance of good courses, but a quick look suggests all the local clubs have huge waiting lists or are even closed.

Anyone in the area got any suggestions?

Alternative looks to be just adhoc bookings at visitor rates, but I am really keen to be part of a club and start playing in comps etc as well as socially. 7HCP at my best, and probably about a 10-12 at the moment given a lack of play over the past 12 months.

Deleted member 25575

Yeah depends how quickly you want to play regularly at a reasonable price!
Longniddry will probably have some availability, Craigielaw also has a relatively short (4/5 years) wait list.
Depends what you want and how far you are prepared to travel or wait, you could probably get into Goswick fairly fast but it may be a 45\60 min drive each way depending where you are.


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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You'll love East Lothian. It is a fabulous place to stay. Very handy for Edinburgh which is a bonus.

Sadly, many clubs have a closed waiting list here.

As well as those mentioned you could also contact https://www.glengolfclub.co.uk/
. Not sure if they have a list at the moment.
The parkland courses are often over-looked but you could check out Gifford (a gem of a 9 holer), Haddington, Royal Musselburgh, Castle Park, Musselburgh GC.
These are all nice places to play March to November.

If you are loaded, Archerfield or Renaissance are also available.


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Feb 15, 2024
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Thanks. Couldn’t afford Renaissance but might consider Archerfield in the future - it’s not the annual fee but more the initial debenture cost that’s a challenge.


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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I know there were doing deals on the debentures so worth getting in touch. Terrific set up there, maybe not a member's club though.

Deleted member 25575

Thanks. Couldn’t afford Renaissance but might consider Archerfield in the future - it’s not the annual fee but more the initial debenture cost that’s a challenge.
I contacted them and they were saying 10-12 for the debenture, but a friend of a friend said you can get them for less than 10


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Aug 24, 2020
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I am on the waiting list for Cragielaw, I was told 2-3 years when I joined the list last year, it's now 4/5 years apparently. No harm joining the list.

Archerfield I looked at too but the debenture is the killer there.

The Glen also have a waiting list now.

Monktonhall/Longniddry could be shouts depending on where you live.

Deleted member 25575

Craigielaw have put their rates up 20% for 7 day members for the coming year 😱.
Not sure if there will be an increase to the joining fee to boot too?!
Surprisingly their membership numbers are a lot lower than I expected ~210. So clearly they are more about the visitor dollar

Deleted member 25575

Yikes! Really? I've not had a renewal notice yet.
I believe so and have had it from 2 different sources so inclined to believe it, but obviously nothing more than hearsay at the moment.

What do you make of the course generally @Kaz and how has it held up to the rough weather we have had?

The main reason I’m on the wait list is because the courses here in Edinburgh suffer pretty badly in the winter and I was hoping that Craigielaw being links would hold up better.


Deleted member 25575

Can't really speak for recent weather as I've only played 9 holes since October! 😱 But it generally holds up reasonably well - and much better than Edinburgh parkland courses. There are a couple of holes that can take a bit longer to drain than you'd like when there has been a real lot of rain but it never turns into the sort of quagmires we see in the city.

It divides opinion but I like the course - tricky green complexes and bunkering really stretch my game and helped me improve.

It's my "other" course and I don't get to play it enough to justify the fees, really, but it's a treat to myself. Will be a sore one if that 20% hike is true.
Thank you for taking the time to reply, greatly appreciated

Deleted member 25575

Can't really speak for recent weather as I've only played 9 holes since October! 😱 But it generally holds up reasonably well - and much better than Edinburgh parkland courses. There are a couple of holes that can take a bit longer to drain than you'd like when there has been a real lot of rain but it never turns into the sort of quagmires we see in the city.

It divides opinion but I like the course - tricky green complexes and bunkering really stretch my game and helped me improve.

It's my "other" course and I don't get to play it enough to justify the fees, really, but it's a treat to myself. Will be a sore one if that 20% hike is true.
I finally got an offer through this time, but the yearly cost seems to be 20% up. Not sure if you got your renewal through yet @Kaz?

Deleted member 25575

Not got anything yet but doubt I’ll stomach that increase.

Strange they’re making offers before sending out renewals - they might end up with more vacancies than they expect!!
Yes it’s a very odd way of going about things

Deleted member 25575

£400 JF
£1650 subs
No I’ve not played it, but considering the state of my home club Baberton, at the moment, everything would be an improvement!


Tour Winner
Jan 4, 2009
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£400 JF
£1650 subs
No I’ve not played it, but considering the state of my home club Baberton, at the moment, everything would be an improvement!
Not far from Baberton, but a better course in my opinion, is Ratho Park. Could serve well as a temporary home until you get membership "Down the Coast"


Deleted member 25575

Not far from Baberton, but a better course in my opinion, is Ratho Park. Could serve well as a temporary home until you get membership "Down the Coast"

Yes I’ve played Ratho a couple of times and it’s a nice track.
Baberton just happens to be literally 6 minutes door to door, Ratho ~20. My neighbour and a couple of other good friends are at Baberton, so I will stay there as well as Craigielaw. I enjoy Baberton in the summer; the last couple of years the greens have been outstanding for peak season. It’s just very wet and boggy in the weather and often closed or in temp greens.
That’s the big draw for Craigielaw, being able to play year round