DST Compressor

Well after half an hours play with this im sold!

Ordered one for myself...hopefully ill be striping them irons soon :cool:

Good man, you know it makes sense........ Just keep hearing that wonderful thud noise off the club head. :thup:
it should be no different to an iron swing. This is what I'm working on as I've got an iron swing and a driver swing. I just want one swing for all.
For my education, Your post has me confused (not dificult😃) am I misunderstanding what you mean as one swing? I use the dst and it's certainly helped with my irons, but using woods I swing differently, Irons I hit down more and woods more sweeping or on the up, can you explain the one swing thoughts, cheers
He most likely means having one swing for all clubs, the ball is just at differing points of the swing arc. So to hit up on a driver it's further forward in your stance on the upside of the arc.

Im trying to do something similar at the min as I either hit woods or irons well never seems to be both in the same round.
He most likely means having one swing for all clubs, the ball is just at differing points of the swing arc. So to hit up on a driver it's further forward in your stance on the upside of the arc.

Im trying to do something similar at the min as I either hit woods or irons well never seems to be both in the same round.

Correct. I'm still trying to have the same impact position with my driver as I do with my irons, but like you said the ball position is different.
Correct. I'm still trying to have the same impact position with my driver as I do with my irons, but like you said the ball position is different.

This is the part I'm confused with, I thought the hands are/were meant to be in a diferent position at impact, ie hitting down with the irons and on the up with a driver, so you wouldn't be compressing a ball in the same way.
Hitting the ball on the up always make you think to do that the hands have to be slightly behind the ball, the head has now passed the hands and therefore the head is now rising up towards the ball. You can still have your hands forward at impact with a driver, compress the ball and launch it but not have the driver go into the giant ball and remove chunks of Earth.
Hitting the ball on the up always make you think to do that the hands have to be slightly behind the ball, the head has now passed the hands and therefore the head is now rising up towards the ball. You can still have your hands forward at impact with a driver, compress the ball and launch it but not have the driver go into the giant ball and remove chunks of Earth.
Cheers fella, got my self thinking 2 different set ups, will give the one set up a go, hopefully stop confusing myself.
Cheers fella, got my self thinking 2 different set ups, will give the one set up a go, hopefully stop confusing myself.

Just look at the photo that Norfolkshaun posted earlier to see the position, using the DST will be an exaggerated position to get the feel for forward shaft lean and retain the cocked right wrist, but in reality it won't look that way when you actually swing a normal club and viewed back on slow mo camera.
How are you guys getting on with this?


When you get it right the ball just flies a lot further. You also know if your not synced properly with your body rotation, if you don't rotate then you'll pull-draw/hook it. When you get it right it just goes arrow straight. Love mine.
I was lent the p/w DST by a pro but decided that I must get my hands forward at impact as I didn't find the impact position any different than normal - a good training aid though, especially fir those who flip through impact
Amazingly mate...buy one now :lol:

The only thing I don't like about them is when you catch one wrong on the practice field with it and shank it.

But my iron striking hasn't been better since practicing with it.

I did see one in the teaching bay but i know it belongs to one of the other pros, may see if I can have a go as have a lesson thursday
Agree with Snell, certainly improves ball strike and shots are certainly straighter.
How is everyone flushing these yet most people play with different lie angles on their irons.

Or do you order them with a certain lie angle?
How is everyone flushing these yet most people play with different lie angles on their irons.

Or do you order them with a certain lie angle?
It has a very wide sole and the shaft is bent, at the bottom of the shaft is a white line and also a white line in the bottom groove on the face, you take your normal address position with the club (2 available 8I and PW) looking down at the face you then move your hands forward till the 2 lines align and perform a right angle, the club is then supposedly in the correct square to impact position.

Starting off with 1/4 swings building to full swings,

Not sure this answers the question but I now press my hands forward at impact and my accuracy and strike has improved greatly.