Do You Like Where You Live?

Love where I live. 10 mins to city centre, 15 mins to the middle of the New Forest, with Bournemouth and Poole about half an hour away. However I grew up in Formby, and if I had to move it would be back there for all the reasons Liverbirdie gave, and one more. Chip shop gravy. Ive been back in the south for 23 years and I STILL haven't found a chippy down here that does gravy!

Been in my gaff 7 years, 34 years in the area! I live under a mile from where I was born!

Need a bigger house now, so looking to move ASAP, but the bank hold cards on this one!

Love the area, however my daughter is very allergic to mould and damp spores, our house is fine, but it's the area. Mould and damp spores are commonly found in woodlands, brilliant when I live in leafy Berkshire! So we at seriously considering a move to the coast for her health. Doesn't matter where I live for work as I travel or work from home.

Plenty of decent courses round here if you want an added reason!;)
It is o.k. Not bad but not great either. When I have finished my final year study I doubt it will be here though, probably be Perth for me and I do not mean the Scottish version!!! I already have friends out there and have visited a few times and it is a great place to live with a fabulous climate if not there then Florida. Cannot see myself buying a property in the UK
Lived in this house for 16 years and we moved in on Friday 13th December.
Open the back gate onto fields for taking to dogs for a run, 2 minutes by car from the club, work is a 5 minute walk away, 10 minutes to the nearest beach, best sea fishing in the UK (unless you like cod fishing!), great schools and it's the safest part of the country so don't have to worry about locking the front door at night or even taking the keys out of the car!
The only recorded crime in the village was 3 lads from the local town tried to break into the shop and the garage where I work. They broke a window that has a shelf in front of it in the shop and couldn't get to anything, then they broke another window and got a handful of batteries, then broke into the garage only to be confronted by a dirty great Alsatian guard dog and where lucky to get away with all their limbs intact!
Last year we had one recorded crime when the local drunk got picked up for drunk and disorderly at 11 in the morning.
There is nothing better than going down to the cliffs or beach when it's blowing a force 9 gale and the sea is whipped up into a frenzy. It really clears out the cobwebs.
Chip shop gravy. Ive been back in the south for 23 years and I STILL haven't found a chippy down here that does gravy!

This is the main reason i could never live down south. Don't get me wrong, there are some simply stunning areas, the Dorset coast, Cornwall, the South Downs to name but a few. But, chips without gravy is simply uncivilised. You can't get a decent steak an kidney pudding either.:p
I live in a cardboard box at the bottom of a lake. Every day I have to scrape gravel off road with my tongue.

And if you told the kids of today, they wouldn't believe you.

Just moved into my 16th house in 35yrs since leaving the parental home, and 22nd house in my lifetime. Told the boss she'll only get me out of this one when I'm in a box.

Although I've lived in a number of places in the UK and Ireland, I always seem to return to sunny Redcar in the NE. So I guess its a yes for the town I live in.
It'll do.
Lived in Bucks all bar 14 months -made and born in HongKong, that's why bits of me keep breaking.
Been in this house since '96, it's small and cluttered but I don't relish change. The Town's ok, a fair bit of money getting spent on it. If we moved out of the area I'd have to restart the business and that's too much like hard work...
Not so much happy as content. Been in our house (.... 1st time buyer) since 2001 lived within a couple of miles of here all my life.

No the worst area you could live in, but not the best either.

Stones throw from the main towns. Pub at the end of the street. Good local schools and main roads to all areas of the city.

Quite a few golf courses too in the area, but only played a few.
Yea i love our gaf , out in the country , 7 mins from work , 7 mins from the golf course , good big garden, kids have a ball, good schools , good neighbours . i can be on the motor way in 3 mins and in Dublin in 35 mins or Waterford in 50 .. (or Ballyliffin in 4.5 hours or 6.5 if its the 12th of July :D)
What a fascinating thread this is.

Some people like where they live and others have aspirations to live elsewhere. Incredible. Who would've thought it?
I like the house I live in, the road I live in is nice and quiet and plenty of hills for me to run and cycle about for keeping fit. I live less than a mile from the house I grew up in, theres plenty of local amenities, schools and less than 3 minutes from the motorway, 20mins from work, 30minutes from HIDs mother (massive bonus).. But am would still rather move elsewhere out of this country, just fed up with Britain to be honest.

When I lived in Germany I was far happier out there, Hopefully in a few years HID and I will be moving somewhere that isn't this country my preference would be Canada.
I moved to Salford from East Lancs and although its not my ideal place to live, I used to be 2 minutes from the moors, it is very handy. Hospital round the corner (handy when you get to my age) golf course less than 10 minutes away, ditto Manchester Centre and Trafford centre, and a decent chippy near by. I just miss a better view out of the window.
Love it, good sized 3 bed semi in quiet new estate on the outskirts of a small town, next to the country, 20mins from work, 2 mins from school and about 10 golf courses within a 20 min drive :)
living in york i wouldn't want to live anywhere else, my house location is also handy for work, city center, golf etc.... Downside is the football club but i live in hope... :o
Nope hate it. Nowt here. All the best pubs have now closed, we still have loads but no good PUBS. No cinema, no theatre, no FA ! Local golf course in on a hillside and is horrible. Snotty members, crap holes. I ply my trade 20 mins away at a beautiful course in another town. The council are constantly putting forward "new" plans for the developement of our town centre but local muppets keep objecting. English is no longer the spoken language in the town centre at lunch time, well not as I can astertain. Money gets tighter and tighter, we keep dropping different things off our social calender to pay for the few things we like to do. Our country is over run with muslims who we keep on cow towing to. Nah it's all crap. Hate it all to bits.
Of course one other reason we wish to move may just be that I bought our house without my wife having seen it even once - or indeed having really had a look around the area. Though she very much liked the location she never really liked our house that much...

Problem is we can't afford to move to the sort of house we like, in a location in the area anything like where we are. Fortunately (the silver lining to age) is that we are getting to the point in life where we can start to consider what we'd like to do once our children have left home - or at least are not so tied empotionally to where they have been brought up. And as I work from home and my wife's job is transferable anywhere in the UK - we can look to move back up North - maybe even to Scotland - that country I abandoned for 'the good life' nearly 30yrs ago ;)
Nope hate it. Nowt here. All the best pubs have now closed, we still have loads but no good PUBS. No cinema, no theatre, no FA ! Local golf course in on a hillside and is horrible. Snotty members, crap holes. I ply my trade 20 mins away at a beautiful course in another town. The council are constantly putting forward "new" plans for the developement of our town centre but local muppets keep objecting. English is no longer the spoken language in the town centre at lunch time, well not as I can astertain. Money gets tighter and tighter, we keep dropping different things off our social calender to pay for the few things we like to do. Our country is over run with muslims who we keep on cow towing to. Nah it's all crap. Hate it all to bits.

Can hear your frustration and interesting given one comment you make that you quote anglicised mandarin chinese (kowtow) :)
Having lived in various places such as South Carolina, Bavaria,Rotterdam, Edinburgh to name a few,I am content in Warwick,living a mile and a half from the castle. and It has a good array of bars, restaurants,as you would expect from a tourist town.Plenty of local courses within a fifteen mile radius,including the Forest of Arden.
But if money was no object I would love to go back to the States or Edinburgh.