Cack Handed/ cross handed/ Left hand Low golfers


Jul 22, 2007
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I play cack Handed or cross handed as some call it. I have tried playing with a traditional grip but found it impossible and was a danger to myself and all around me. I play of 13 which I am happy enough with so don't see any need to change grip. Ideally I would like to get into single figures and was wondering how other cack handed golfers find their grip affects them. Basically I find I need to hit the ball from a more central position in my stance than my friends. Do other cack handers find the same. are there any other tips etc they have to take into their game because of their grip? Let me know folks?
frakar, I know you've heard this before but you should change to a regular handed grip - you wont fulfil your potential playing cack handed even if you get to a decent level. I cant think of any really good golfers who play this way. The main problem is by having the left hand low you are in effect shortening the club by 5 inches or so you will not be able to generate clubhead speed and hit as far.
Although a regular grip will feel odd to begin with if you stick at it it will start to feel normal soon.
Only decent cack-handed golfer I know is the amateur, John Gallagher. Plays off between +2 and +4 I think. Great swing through the ball but still don't know how he does it.
I played Cack-Handed until I was about 19. My Dad even borrowed a couple of left handed clubs from a guy in his work to see if that was better.
I got to a 17 handicap and didn't get any better for a couple of years before I finally made the decision to play "properly".
Sure, it was uncomfortable as hell to begin with, but I persevered and used to go up the range on my own with a couple of hundred balls and before long I hit my first decent shot with my new grip. A high drawing drive that went about 30% longer than anything that I'd ever hit before. I play off 10 now. My grip still isn't anywhere near perfect as I have a baseball grip. I may have to change it to get better again, but this time I don't fear it. I know it can be done.

So, in short, change your grip. It'll be worth it in the long run.

People fear change. They wouldn't change their pants if they didn't start to smell.