Bloody old people and woman......


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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When and where did I refuse to accept that I was wrong?

I never said that I was right or wrong.

I am my own person, I don't follow others like sheep - like most people on this forum seem to do.

The fact is that the four ball in front of me broke the rules, I then insisted on playing ahead of them.

I never 'barged' through them. And whoever thinks I did 'barge' through - isn't much of man if you think that was confrontational.

I'm guessing that the older people this forum would rather I waited until after the 18th hole, for me then to 'go and tell on them' like a 5 year old child.

I've been called a 'knob' and a 'chav'. But....I can bet my life that I'm doing better for myself that you what you are. And if you spent your life actually sticking up for yourself and not 'telling on people' every time you didn't like something, I think you would have had chance of making something of your life. Instead of all 'ganging up' on someone who had enough of a four ball, taking all day.

I'm guessing you all read the Daily Mail?

Most enlightening :rofl:


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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I think enough’s been mentioned on the rights & wrongs that took place but wouldn’t you just love to read a transcript of how it got to that situation & would it reveal any clues!

I’m guessing the recollection of events would differ in both camps but would a stopwatch reveal a true 5-10 minutes delay per tee? (or longer/shorter) After enough was enough what tone of voice was used when asking to play through, why was the lady clearly not happy with this seemingly natural/obvious (& polite) question? Did the lady really reply with a one word ‘no’ response & no other comment? What were the 4 ball doing/saying during the time it took the 2 ball to tee up and drive off?

All this and more on next week’s episode of Soap (although you have to be a certain age to get that) ;)
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Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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I have followed this thread with interest because the issue of slow play is on we have all, at times, had an issue with.

At the outset I will say I have some sympathy with the OP, having myself previously left a club where there was a real problem with the senior section, their pace of play and their interpretation of etiquette. I'm quite happy to name and shame the golf club in question - Kibworth GC in Leicestershire.

I recall on one occasion being held up behind a 4-ball of seniors who spent a full five minutes looking for a lost ball with me 100 yards behind them in the fairway, playing on my own. There were two clear holes ahead of them, and nobody behind me. After their unsuccessful search the loser dropped another ball and off they went, me still behind them.

On the next tee I asked if there was any reason they were not letting me through and I got the age old response "You're a single player - you have no standing." That was crap even prior to the change in The Rules of Golf in 2004, and was used as an excuse for all sorts of poor etiquette.

But did I play through regardless? No. I waited until after my round and spoke with the pro, who dragged the said 4-ball into the shop and gave them a piece of his mind.

Sorry, Leaney, but your attitude is one of breathtaking arrogance, especially, dare I say it, for someone who has been playing the game for only a year and doubtless still has a fair bit to learn about on course behaviour. If your version of events is accurate then the behaviour of the 4-ball in front of you was poor.

Your response to it was reprihensible.


Has Now Found His Wedgie
Sep 3, 2007
Kingdom of Fife
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I was reading the notice board at my club yesterday, and noticed a sign up stating:

On Saturday mornings, the expected format is a four ball. Whilst 3 or 2 balls are welcome to play, they have no standing on the course and should not expect to play through.

I hadn't spotted that before and often play my course in a 2 ball or as a single, however I usually wait until lunch time or there about at the weekend because I know that the course is busy with regular groups going out first thing. But regardless of the time I start, I don't expect to play through anyone. If I find myself on someone's tail, I generally shrug my shoulders and adjust my pace to deal with it. As a 2 ball, we don't often get stuck behind, it does happen on occasion, and more often than not, we are played through - assuming there is space to play into to (something you didn't mention in your first post).

Etiquette is not a rule to be broken, it is a standard of behaviour that sets you apart from everyone else. It applies to young and old regardless, and the golf course is a better place for it, especially if everyone adheres to it. In this case I can only go by the writing of the OP, which highlights that neither party, young or old, had any manners. Just another sad reflection of modern day Britain.
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Head Pro
Jul 25, 2011
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Leaney, as one of the "sheep" on here, has it not sunk in that nobody can or will agree with your actions?

We all know about slow play, but there are correct ways to deal with these matters.

Mate if you just "man up" admit you were wrong and stop acting like a pr#tt ( I said acting like, not that your are not want to hurt your feelings!!) we can all move on!!!!


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Old chineese proverb , (read in chineese accent please )

" If 6 people tell you that you are sick , despite how you feel, maybe you should lie down" ...

I will explain it for those thay may need it .. if most of the 129 replys say they agree with THE MAN that the 4 ball was wrong but tell THE MAN he was far more wrong in his actions .. guess what ? mayb THE MAN should listen ..

Do we think he will ... me thinks not ..
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Assistant Pro
May 6, 2009
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Your a very angry young man who has backed himself into a corner. If you really want to act like a man why not offer to buy them a drink in the clubhouse and talk it over.
I promise you will feel better afterwards.If they refuse you will still feel better!

One of your posts had the sentence,''ve been called a 'knob' and a 'chav'. But .....I can bet my life that I'm doing better for myself than what you are'.

Please don't believe that doing well or having money can stop people being 'knobs' or 'chavs.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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It always has been and always will be a problem. At weekends in a anything less than a 4-ball expect to be held up cause the course is going to be full of them and you are not oign to get let through. In the week you have 2 types of golfer out. The retired type and the worker type trying to get a round in. I myself are a working type and so is limited in the time I have to get round in. The retired type are happy to just strole around the course not caring if it takes all day. But they have to realise that some of us do not have all day to get round.

The type of person that deliberately holds you up by not letting you through when it is apparent they could let you through is just ignorant, nothing else. Wether old, young, make or female it does not matter. They will have always done it and always will as they really do no care. Mention it in the clubhouse and they may be ok for a couple of weeks but they will soon turn back into the person that they truly are.


Medal Winner
Dec 27, 2010
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I didn't renew at my last club because of the slow playing coffin-dodgers. There's a plague of them every morning and they clog the entire course up. They really do strip the pleasure from a relaxing round of golf. There really does need to be a few under 60's mornings to balance up the block bookings of the Seniors. What makes matters worse is that geriatrics get discounted membership at most clubs even though they ruin things for more sprightly golfers. Rant over.


Tour Winner
Apr 15, 2008
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on a lighter note

A priest, a doctor, and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers. The engineer fumed, "What's with those guys? We must have been waiting for fifteen minutes!"
The doctor chimed in, "I don't know, but I've never seen such inept golf!"
The priest said, "Here comes the green-keeper. Let's have a word with him."
He said, "Hello George, what's wrong with that group ahead of us? They're rather slow, aren't they?"
The green-keeper replied, "Oh, yes. That's a group of blind firemen. They lost their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire last year, so we always let them play for free anytime."
The group fell silent for a moment.
The priest said, "That's so sad. I think I will say a special prayer for them tonight."
The doctor said, "Good idea. I'm going to contact my ophthalmologist colleague and see if there's anything he can do for them."
The engineer said, "Why can't they play at night?"