Bar / Catering


Assistant Pro
Aug 9, 2008
North West
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Does your Club make a profit or loss from income/expenditure from the Bar / Catering?

Why do I ask - - - I have been a member of 3 different clubs and I was Treasurer for 5 years at one club and I know that running/managing bar staff / catering is difficult and I know the easy option is to 'outsource' AND the more that is outsourced less will be profit BUT do any of your clubs run it at a loss?


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I know years ago before we franchised we just about broke even.

I assumed we made a profit when we went franchised but I have since heard all money went on the extra kitchen and dining room equipment.

We have gone back to inhouse simply because no one wants to franchise at the moment. The last guy gave his up early (with agreement) because he was not making money. Last catering manager struggled as well.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Nairn Used to Run a massive loss, 80K at least each year, one year it was 120K.

i think most of the other clubs up here are all franchised


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Not got the figures to hand but think we cleared a very small operating profit of several thousand. The new chef (within the mast 18 months) has revolutionised our food and menus and is reaping the benefits (albeit slowly with so many car park golfers) of making an real effort. We have a supper club every Wednesday from April-September and it usually has four options for £11 and it was averaging around 30 players each week and of those at least 75-80% ate every week

Deleted member 29109

Ours only just breaks even because we host external events.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Nairn Used to Run a massive loss, 80K at least each year, one year it was 120K.
I speak from a position of ignorance of course, but how is this possible? Surely you just mark up the drinks to an appropriate price, adjust your monthly/whateverly food order in line with demand and so on. Where are such enormous losses made?? As a member aren't you a bit annoyed that your subs could be lower without that?


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2022
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We we're franchised, but the quality deteriorated because the guy took on too many other franchises, so he was asked to leave.
We've done it in house ever since.
The quality is top drawer, keeping hold of chefs is always a bit of an issue, but it's been pretty stable for a while now.

We make lots of money on it.
It's a busy kitchen, all the day to day stuff, visiting society deals, weddings, wakes, party nights (Christmas) special events, Sunday carvery.


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Apr 30, 2020
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Is there a financial difference in offering a full meal menu etc and just offering drinks and something simple like some ready made sandwiches/crisps etc? Obviously more risk/money involved in the offering "everything". But...does offering the simple menu usually make/lose money compared to making/losing money with a big selection?

I'm sorry to disagree with some here, but I don't believe there is a requirement from the car park players to spend even more money by drinking/eating a lot. I eat the occasional meal, quite often can't really expect all the players to come in and have a full meal every time they play....can you?


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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We we're franchised, but the quality deteriorated because the guy took on too many other franchises, so he was asked to leave.
We've done it in house ever since.
The quality is top drawer, keeping hold of chefs is always a bit of an issue, but it's been pretty stable for a while now.

We make lots of money on it.
It's a busy kitchen, all the day to day stuff, visiting society deals, weddings, wakes, party nights (Christmas) special events, Sunday carvery.
Indeed. Our newish guy is doing functions as well as catering for the societies, matches etc and I understand he is a franchise and not sure how it works but clearly the club and he are both getting the financial rewards from it


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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I will stand up for the car park golfers. I was one not because of any desire to be but because I did not like the bar and found it very unwelcoming. Would have a bacon roll there in the morning but they did not open until after 9.30 when I would have teed off. Would have taken my wife to lunch there as well but no jeans and she was not going to dig out a dress to go for a quick sandwich so after golf we all went to my village pub. No attitudes, no dress codes and no need to drive afterward, perfect.

I have seen committee members sitting in the bar drinking a flask of tea.

The clubhouse was run at close to break even with some years a profit and some a loss. Much of that was due to functions run in the club at weekends. Sometimes feel that clubs have a full service bar with food out of some feeling that they should do rather than any financial reason to actually have one. Look at clubs that have to force a bar spend on people in their subs. If people are not spending, they need to look at the atmosphere and product.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I speak from a position of ignorance of course, but how is this possible? Surely you just mark up the drinks to an appropriate price, adjust your monthly/whateverly food order in line with demand and so on. Where are such enormous losses made?? As a member aren't you a bit annoyed that your subs could be lower without that?
Absolutely fuming as were quite a few other members, the club made a big song and dance about it being a service and That costs, but more than half the members live more than 20 miles away, so are not drinking after games or having the cheap Sunday lunches, the Nairn Mafia are. there are also the many "committee" matches and the Cronies and hangers on having home and society games with all the top clubs all at the clubs expense

Deleted member 15344

When a club has in house catering then it’s more than likely they will just about break even at best - it will be about providing a service for the members and the profits will come from getting people in and spending money over the bar

That’s when there is a normal bar menu service with Breakie etc

Now the club can do events and weddings etc which will bring more money in

When the club franchises then all the costs on them but they set the food prices and look to make a profit etc


Active member
Nov 10, 2020
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My club is a members club and historically sub contract it for 2-3 years. Sometimes it worked. Last person declined at the end of his term, then went inhouse. Taken 18 months to get it running well. Don't know the financial aspect.

It is shame members never go in for a drink, let alone food. It is cheap/average price.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
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Absolutely fuming as were quite a few other members, the club made a big song and dance about it being a service and That costs, but more than half the members live more than 20 miles away, so are not drinking after games or having the cheap Sunday lunches, the Nairn Mafia are. there are also the many "committee" matches and the Cronies and hangers on having home and society games with all the top clubs all at the clubs expense

This is crazy to run at a £120k loss. Prices must be so cheap!

Deleted member 25575

Complete car park golfer here and not at all afraid to admit it, don’t remember the last time I ate at the club, don’t envisage the next time being any time soon either.
I pay my subs to play golf, that’s that


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
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At my club it's run in house, goal is breakeven / a small profit.

Running in house, the standalone cost base is smaller compared to going to a restaurant or pub because there is no rent / bills. That is covered in the overall clubhouse costs. My place offers a discount to members, if the F&B offering was losing money I'd expect bar prices to be increased to cover costs, instead of subsidised from other areas of the subscription income.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
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Stanmore golf club has ditched the traditional ham/eggs/chips golf club fare and switched to Indian caterers and I've heard is doing a roaring trade.

Strong asian community in the area and membership, but everyone loves the food and they are getting lots of function bookings. I think it's a brilliant idea.