Always chasing on the Back 9?


Oct 9, 2020
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So for some reason i always have a bad First 9 but always make up for it on the Back 9 and i know and am confident of this in my head just wondering if anyone has any similar problems ? , Obviously by a lot of other standards you would say the Back 9 was *** but atm for me im happy with it



Occasional Player of Golf
Oct 26, 2011
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Are you counting putts when not actually on the green? (there's no right or wrong, just for context).
If on the green, you have potentially some fairly straightforward room for improvement there.


Oct 9, 2020
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Are you counting putts when not actually on the green? (there's no right or wrong, just for context).
If on the green, you have potentially some fairly straightforward room for improvement there.
I just enter how many Total for the Hole and then how many Putts

Deleted member 29109

I just enter how many Total for the Hole and then how many Putts

Are you counting putts that are on the green, or everytime you use your putter?

Number of putts is usually how many shots you take once on the green. If this is the case 46 putts is a lot. I appreciate your new to golf. But reducing the number of putts seems to be low hanging fruit as far as reducing your score goes. Turn all those 3 and 4 putts into 2 putts and you are comfortably under 100.

If you are scoring the same way regularly. Try to get a routine that gets you in the right frame of mind to start your round. Try an easier to hit club off the first tee. Whichever club you can hit the furthest, mots accurately, most often. Even if that is a 5 iron. Just something that ensures a positive start.


Oct 9, 2020
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Are you counting putts that are on the green, or everytime you use your putter?

Number of putts is usually how many shots you take once on the green. If this is the case 46 putts is a lot. I appreciate your new to golf. But reducing the number of putts seems to be low hanging fruit as far as reducing your score goes. Turn all those 3 and 4 putts into 2 putts and you are comfortably under 100.

If you are scoring the same way regularly. Try to get a routine that gets you in the right frame of mind to start your round. Try an easier to hit club off the first tee. Whichever club you can hit the furthest, mots accurately, most often. Even if that is a 5 iron. Just something that ensures a positive start.
Yea it’s counted Putts when on the green so I need to work on putting more

Deleted member 29109

Yea it’s counted Putts when on the green so I need to work on putting more

I would say so. You mentioned in a previous thread you were having lessons.

Have you had a putting lesson? If not, it would be really worthwhile doing.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Lower your expectations. Do not stand on the first thinking, without having hit a ball yet, I am going to break 90/100 today.

It is when you get to somewhere around the 10th that you realise it is not going to happen and you relax .

Along with others 46 putts is very poor are you trying to make a single putt on every green and overshooting the hole by miles or is it a failure to read the line?

Initially I would set a target of 39 putts max i.e 15 greens with 2 putts and 3 greens with 3 putts. Working on length being the priority. Not may miss a hole by 3ft wide of the hole but many miss by being more than 3ft short or long.


New member
Jul 14, 2021
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I noticed on the front 9 you were taking Woods off the tee, but the back 9 going Irons only? In addition to putting maybe this is another area to think about. An easy fix could be to play it safe with 5i off the tee, at least for the first few holes until you feel you're into your groove a bit more?


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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Yea it’s counted Putts when on the green so I need to work on putting more

Yes/No/Maybe. 3 putts from 20 feet is different from 3 putts from 20 yards or 3 putts from the wrong side of a pin. You may be better off to stop chasing flags and just aim for the middle of every green, that helped me break 90 regularly without having to be particularly good at putting.

Deleted member 29109

@Prodavid116 What do you do before a round?

Do you put any thought into the conditions that day? Or a plan of how you will play?

As noted by someone else. There seems to be a shift from driver to other clubs as the round progresses. Is this because the driver is misbehaving? Although you do seem to have hit every fairway.

Maybe try to work out a plan of attack prior to your round that allows you to make confident swings. Break each hole down from what your preferred shot to the green is. If your favourite club to a green is a PW, what do you need to do to leave that distance with as little stress as possible.

The first might be 2 5 irons then wedge. Or a 3h then 7 iron then wedge.


Oct 9, 2020
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@Prodavid116 What do you do before a round?

Do you put any thought into the conditions that day? Or a plan of how you will play?

As noted by someone else. There seems to be a shift from driver to other clubs as the round progresses. Is this because the driver is misbehaving? Although you do seem to have hit every fairway.

Maybe try to work out a plan of attack prior to your round that allows you to make confident swings. Break each hole down from what your preferred shot to the green is. If your favourite club to a green is a PW, what do you need to do to leave that distance with as little stress as possible.

The first might be 2 5 irons then wedge. Or a 3h then 7 iron then wedge.
Yea I struggle with Driver atm so I start with it but if it goes wrong I would switch to 5 iron only off the tee and it works great I found I was getting on the green in 2 and 3 , I’m having lessons with irons atm and eventually move on to learning Driver


Challenge Tour Pro
Jun 19, 2011
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You may be better off to stop chasing flags and just aim for the middle of every green

One of the best pieces of advice for a higher handicapper, helped me a lot when I was starting out. Your GPS says 135 yards? Take your 135 yard club, never mind where the flag is, and aim for the middle.

Deleted member 29109

Yea I struggle with Driver atm so I start with it but if it goes wrong I would switch to 5 iron only off the tee and it works great I found I was getting on the green in 2 and 3 , I’m having lessons with irons atm and eventually move on to learning Driver

Try leaving the driver at home. I'd go as far as saying take only half a set of clubs.

When hitting an approach to a green. I would advise using the yardage golf shot shows to the back of the green. Amateurs very rarely strike the ball perfectly, and are more likely to come up shot. A trap many of us fall into is thinking we hit a club a certain distance because we once did. For example. You may hit a 7 iron 150 if you flush it. But how often does that happen? More often than not it will go 135/140.
How often do you finish short of a green and in a bunker, or having to play over a bunker?


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Yea Golf shot tells me what club to go for etc...

If you are using a piece of equipment that tells you which club to take rather than just the yardage remember this cannot be used in a competition.

As per BimGuy
One of the best bits of advice to a beginner where yardage is concerned is get the yardage to the back of the green work out which club puts you there with you best ever shot using that club and you know you will finish on the green with a straight shot. Very few of us hit the club to the best ever yardage we can with a particular iron.

I would never advise any player to drop the driver - how are you ever going to get on with one if you stop using it? Just have much lower expectations with a driver even most pros only hit 50% of fairways.


Oct 9, 2020
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So went out today with the intention of decreasing the Putts and it worked quite well compared to when i started this post most were 1 and 2 putts , yes the overall score was worse but i wasn't focusing all the time and just lost it in the 2nd half, I did take Driver out again and tbf it was working quite well up to when i hit a hook straight left into a tree on the 15th i think thats where i started to doubt it but apart from that was okay , so thanks for the advice on putting i seem to improving straight away with that mindset,GOLF PUTTING.png