2021 Goals/Targets


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Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I'm 1 at the moment.

Been having regular lessons with the same coach and making big swing changes over the last 18 months. It's been an evolution - various changes needed to click before the next thing could be implemented. Ball striking is much better, hitting it further than ever and around 1 - 1.5 clubs longer through the bag. Just didn't manage to get on a course enough this year and, particularly, in proper competitive rounds to really become comfortable with it on the course and trust the yardages. Current winter work should both increase swing speed further and, hopefully, improve accuracy.

Might not work but I'm certainly having a good try at it! :p

I've got faith in you. Just need to get rid of Covid, get some comps on and get the handicap dropping


Tour Winner
Jun 5, 2013
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Same as last year and every year going forward i.e. play some comps, play golf with my mates, enjoy my golf and be thankful for everything I have.


Assistant Pro
Jul 25, 2015
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Play enough golf at my home club to get the cost per round lower than the visitors green fee.

Play some golf in Portugal

Get my HI lower than it is now.

Deleted member 23344

Same as the last few years ... break 90 and get a hole in one. It will be the same next year and the year after that.


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Sep 14, 2020
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To end the year with a handicap lower than what I’m starting it with, which is 4.4. And this is how I’m going to do it:

- Improve fitness and flexibility doing running, HIIT and yoga.

- Take at least 3-4 lessons throughout the year.

- Practice at least 3 hours a week on and around the green when light allows to get some golf in after work.

- Gapping. I know-ish how far I hit the clubs, but gonna book a gapping session in to get a better picture of how far I carry each club in order to make better decisions on the course.

Would be nice to win a boarded competition this year, but that’s out of my hands so not really a goal.

Excuse my ignorance but what is a ‘gapping’ session


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Feb 26, 2019
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Lose 40lbs before my 40th in December
Be a lot fitter and healthier (hand in hand with above)
Not kill the kids if they are stuck at home
Get index below 10 (currently 15.4 but playing well)
Consistently shoot in the 70s on our West course (easier par 68)
Shoot a round in the 70s on our East course (difficult par 73)

Deleted member 25172

Liking the replies. For me, it's nice to put it out there in a public space, at least there's some sort of accountability then :)

What specifically are you going to do to increase your fitness and club head speed?


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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My two main ones for last year were get down to 14 and break 80. I managed to do neither, but of course thanks to Covid I wasn't able to play as much as I wanted. I scored 80 on the nose once, and got to 14.6 when we switched to WHS.. so close but no cigar really. :LOL:

I've joined a proper club this time, so my first goal is to play there enough to make it worth the money really (at least three times a month should do it). This will hopefully include summer rounds in the evening though - in 2020 at my last course I missed out on this as they were closing up at 5pm after the Covid stuff. Related to this, my dad is interested in joining the same club (he's never joined one before), so another goal will be to convince him to do so, so I can have a round and a pint with him in the summer!

With the change to WHS indexes plus my new course being slightly easier than my old one, my handicap goal should really be around 12 I think - provided I can get those summer evening rounds in this time. And of course the goal to break 80 is still there.

I had another one last year which was no doubles on a round, and I nearly managed it once before messing up the 17th. But I think I accepted just how difficult that target is for someone at my level, so it's not really a consideration this time, ha. Maybe if I get down to 12 quicker than expected..

Deleted member 15344

Pretty much the same as every year with a few added

Enjoy my golf
play as many different courses as I can
Defend the county champs we won
Win the club champs


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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My two main ones for last year were get down to 14 and break 80. I managed to do neither, but of course thanks to Covid I wasn't able to play as much as I wanted. I scored 80 on the nose once, and got to 14.6 when we switched to WHS.. so close but no cigar really. :LOL:

I've joined a proper club this time, so my first goal is to play there enough to make it worth the money really (at least three times a month should do it). This will hopefully include summer rounds in the evening though - in 2020 at my last course I missed out on this as they were closing up at 5pm after the Covid stuff. Related to this, my dad is interested in joining the same club (he's never joined one before), so another goal will be to convince him to do so, so I can have a round and a pint with him in the summer!

With the change to WHS indexes plus my new course being slightly easier than my old one, my handicap goal should really be around 12 I think - provided I can get those summer evening rounds in this time. And of course the goal to break 80 is still there.

I had another one last year which was no doubles on a round, and I nearly managed it once before messing up the 17th. But I think I accepted just how difficult that target is for someone at my level, so it's not really a consideration this time, ha. Maybe if I get down to 12 quicker than expected..

I think if you can get out and play more in the summer it'll make a big difference to your game and achieving your goals. Also learning all the foibles of a course (especially the greens) will help. I also like to allocate one summer evening a week to working on my putting and short game.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I think if you can get out and play more in the summer it'll make a big difference to your game and achieving your goals. Also learning all the foibles of a course (especially the greens) will help. I also like to allocate one summer evening a week to working on my putting and short game.
Definitely. In 2019 I dropped from 21 to 16, and I'd put that down to the fact that all summer I used to go down once a week and play nine holes in the evening - but dropping another ball or two every time I got a pitch or chip wrong. It was the first time I learned what shots to play from 60 yards, 50 yards, etc.