2 short game shots I am really struggling with


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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and both involve loft!

Really struggling with shots where I HAVE to put loft on the shot; My normal chip shot is anything from a hybrid down to PW depending how much distance til I want it to hit green and run but struggling with the ones where it needs to go up in the air.

The first is when there is an obstacle; IE the green is way above me, or I have a bunker ahead of me with not much room to work with. I am getting a mixture of duffs and thins sometimes with this.

The 2nd is from the bunker when I need loft, IE deepish against the lip or a pot bunker.

Any good drills please?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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The first shot you mention over the bunker or to a high green is quite a difficult shot if played the wrong way.
You have the perfect tool in your bag for this........ your 60.
The thing you have to forget is to try and hit it high. Thats where your duffs and thins come from.
Play the ball in the centre of your stance and have your weight central between your feet if not a fraction more on your front foot AND KEEP IT THERE.
Hit down on the ball a little and don't be scared to take a little divot. The loft of the club will hit it high for you.
There are more advanced ways of hitting it even higher but I would practice the shot above first.
Remember, you're off 28 so dont try and get too clever, get it on the green first.

The deep bunker shot is a little different from the shot above.
Move the ball forward in the stance, have your weight central or even a touch on the back foot.
Still take a 'divot' of sand but take it before the ball so the club slides under the ball. Much of the energy from your swing will be lost in the sand so swing long and firmly at the ball as below


Both shots need practice to become confident with them but there's no reason why you cant get good at both of them.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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Thanks Bob; going up to practice tomorrow so i'll have a shot of both of these.

Re the bunker shots; what i'm often finding is that I am taking too much sand, IE the club face slides under the ball and sand but the ball hardly moves and remains in the bunker, or manages to get just out an no more. I'm unsure if my entry point is too far back, or if I'm decelerating, or if it's my AoA?!? What does this sound like?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Just to add to what Bob said about not getting too clever with the shot, there is nothing in the rules or etiquette that says you have to try to get as close to the hole as possible.

If you have a bunker in the way and 6' of green to work with, there's no shame in aiming to land just past the hole and leaving a 20' putt, or even playing to the side of it if there's room. It still gives you a chance of getting up and down and decreases the chance of hitting into the bunker.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Thanks Bob; going up to practice tomorrow so i'll have a shot of both of these.

Re the bunker shots; what i'm often finding is that I am taking too much sand, IE the club face slides under the ball and sand but the ball hardly moves and remains in the bunker, or manages to get just out an no more. I'm unsure if my entry point is too far back, or if I'm decelerating, or if it's my AoA?!? What does this sound like?

Taking lots of sand is fine but hit it harder.
Watch the pros on the tele and watch how far there swing goes back just
for a short bunker shot.
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