10 minute intervals

sort of pointless? is 2m SD sort of pointless? why are golf clubs and golfers above government advice when every other walk of life is having to follow rules and advice? arent golfers supposed to be the biggest upholders of a set of rules, should be perfect for this scenario

as for it not happening with clear instruction, its already happening, rules being broken at plenty of courses up and down the country (only have to read on here/social media etc) with the rules in place and will only deteriorate further when it goes back to 8 min intervals and 4 balls and there more than twice as many people out there

It has been coming. Think about the change since lockdown started

I would do anything to hit balls on my own
Why can't we play with family
Why can't we play as 2 balls with friends
Why can't we play as 3 or 4 balls that is safe
Why does it have to be 10 minute groups
And most of that was before courses even opened

Let's face it, a number of people just want to play as if nothing has changed and won't be happy until they can.
There are those that comply with the agreed guidance between E.G. and the government (yes there is a select committee working with E.G. , R&A and a host of other interested parties) and those that obviously know better. This current crisis has really highlighted those that feel that they are much more informed than the specialists.

I bet their out clapping on a Thur.
I think the main objective of the 10 minute gap is to keep people moving rather than simply keeping them apart.
We're keeping 2 metres apart due to SD - not 300.
What they are trying to avoid is players having to stand around and wait. That creates bunching which makes it harder to SD as that bunching goes back to the 1st tee and into the car park.
At my course, after 10 minutes , you're walking to your 2nd shot on the 2nd hole
By the time the group behing have finished the 1st weve finished the 2nd so theres no waiting for people to get out of range.
At the moment it's about getting people on the course, ,keeping them moving and getting them off again.
And that's why they've decided 10 minutes is the gap.
i am not talking of social distancing - just that why the need to specify to clubs tee time intervals. The objective is to keep people apart and as long as that is the priority at clubs there is no need for the extra rules. I think the the more rules there are to essentially achive the one core thing - keeping 2m apart - the worse the rules. The fact theat there will be rule infringements is nothing to do with 10 minute intervals, it is to do with idiots who cannot understand the one core message. Hence, keep a core set of rules from the top and let businesses enforce them

So every other rule apart from 2m isn't needed, that's all we need and anyone who doesn't comply is an idiot. Lets open everything up with that 1 rule and crack on. Maybe just maybe there's a need for more guidance, and the evidence up and down the country supports this, but golfers are special so don't need any more guidance
CONGU Decision 23/3/2020 (Updated 05/05/2020, further update 11/05/2020)

** When golf returns you must follow the guidance set out by your National Union as well as ........ **

England Golf - Play Safe 11 May 2020

There is to be a minimum of 10-minute intervals between tee times, but longer intervals may be more appropriate depending on the club/facility

Hang on a minute - the CONGU decision telling you to follow the guidance of the National Union was in relation to qualifying scores during the Covid19 situation. As far as I am aware CONGU does not have a role to play in a National Union's direct dealings with its clubs. I will stand corrected if that is not the case - I have had to eat humble pie before.
So every other rule apart from 2m isn't needed, that's all we need and anyone who doesn't comply is an idiot. Lets open everything up with that 1 rule and crack on. Maybe just maybe there's a need for more guidance, and the evidence up and down the country supports this, but golfers are special so don't need any more guidance

not what i am saying or meaning. Just that we do not need rules that are superfluous to the objective. I am not saying there is only one rule needed, just that you do not need edicts from on high on so many issues - let the clubs work out how to enforce the social distancing. Social distancing on a golf course is as easy as it gets in relation to the scale of the problems we are facing on COVID. The focus should be more on indoor activities. I also believe it would be better for everyone - clubs, players, the business of golf etc to allow 4 balls - the scale of any issues here pales into insignificance compared to getting a train and tube to work or even going to the supermarket
not what i am saying or meaning. Just that we do not need rules that are superfluous to the objective. I am not saying there is only one rule needed, just that you do not need edicts from on high on so many issues - let the clubs work out how to enforce the social distancing. Social distancing on a golf course is as easy as it gets in relation to the scale of the problems we are facing on COVID. The focus should be more on indoor activities. I also believe it would be better for everyone - clubs, players, the business of golf etc to allow 4 balls - the scale of any issues here pales into insignificance compared to getting a train and tube to work or even going to the supermarket

The problem is, at your club all may be fine, but at plenty of other clubs, even with all these rules they still cant follow social distancing, do you really think less rules will improve this? The rules you think are superfluous are anything but to a lot of people

If you tell golf just to crack on with no other rules, what else do you do the same with? Or is it just golf that gets the special treatment and allowed to make its own rules to deal with this pandemic? And when do you decide it isnt capable of doing so and that actually it does need the rules other parts of society do?

I cycled past the beach today up past the golf club, down the high street to the cliff top circled back down and home. Where do you think I saw the biggest congregation of people? The beach? The park? The shops? The clifftop? Nope - its was the 10 or 12 blokes congregated together in the golf club car park, right by the entrance in full view of the main road!

Maybe Im in the wrong on a golf forum thinking golfers dont deserve special treatment, maybe if all golfers exhibited that they could be trusted it would be a consideration, but its very clear and apparent that plenty cant be and that they need more guidance than you and your clubs members, sorry if that affects your ability to enjoy your 4 ball at 8 minute intervals for a bit longer
Perhaps what has been forgotten is that the government currently allows a family grouping to take exercise together - including golf. It is not unusual for a family of 4 to want to play together. I think almost all golf clubs would not want a 4-ball in their booking systems at the moment but 10-minute intervals would be sensible if the club allowed that. This is advice and there are many proprietary clubs who are struggling to survive at the moment. If they take the view that they can ensure Safe Distancing with less than 10 minutes between tees and have very other safety issue in place, then that's the way they have to go to survive.
The problem is, at your club all may be fine, but at plenty of other clubs, even with all these rules they still cant follow social distancing, do you really think less rules will improve this? The rules you think are superfluous are anything but to a lot of people

If you tell golf just to crack on with no other rules, what else do you do the same with? Or is it just golf that gets the special treatment and allowed to make its own rules to deal with this pandemic? And when do you decide it isnt capable of doing so and that actually it does need the rules other parts of society do?

I cycled past the beach today up past the golf club, down the high street to the cliff top circled back down and home. Where do you think I saw the biggest congregation of people? The beach? The park? The shops? The clifftop? Nope - its was the 10 or 12 blokes congregated together in the golf club car park, right by the entrance in full view of the main road!

Maybe Im in the wrong on a golf forum thinking golfers dont deserve special treatment, maybe if all golfers exhibited that they could be trusted it would be a consideration, but its very clear and apparent that plenty cant be and that they need more guidance than you and your clubs members, sorry if that affects your ability to enjoy your 4 ball at 8 minute intervals for a bit longer

The main point i said was on 10 minute rules. That is the norm, my club do it now and have done for years. My point is that clubs do not need to be told it. This is nothing to do with the congregations you witnessed, this is how clubs deal with the core issue - social distancing - hence, no edict on 10 minute tee times needed although most clubs will have them anyway. The more rules that are given when they are not necessary and only in reality are guides to help the MAIN rules - the more confusion and questions - it is not hard to understand a 2 metre rule. The rest of it is down to shops, businesses, individuals etc implementing the policy
The main point i said was on 10 minute rules. That is the norm, my club do it now and have done for years. My point is that clubs do not need to be told it. This is nothing to do with the congregations you witnessed, this is how clubs deal with the core issue - social distancing - hence, no edict on 10 minute tee times needed although most clubs will have them anyway. The more rules that are given when they are not necessary and only in reality are guides to help the MAIN rules - the more confusion and questions - it is not hard to understand a 2 metre rule. The rest of it is down to shops, businesses, individuals etc implementing the policy

I dont get what were discussing if BL has 10 minute intervals as the norm. It may be "the norm" at yours but it certainly isnt everywhere else (most clubs need the greater income smaller tee time gaps can provide). Go and play a course with 7 minute intervals playing 4 balls and you'll see what an utter godsend 10 minutes is, especially in the current climate! Your club clearly doesnt need these rules, what I dont understand is that you think every club is the same as yours!!! Hint: they arent in almost every way!

As for its not hard to understand a 2 metre rule, im pretty sure more than 10% of the current population are having exactly that problem day in day out and the easiest way for businesses to implement it is to have supplementary rules to help them rather than just being told to get on with it
I dont get what were discussing if BL has 10 minute intervals as the norm. It may be "the norm" at yours but it certainly isnt everywhere else (most clubs need the greater income smaller tee time gaps can provide). Go and play a course with 7 minute intervals playing 4 balls and you'll see what an utter godsend 10 minutes is, especially in the current climate! Your club clearly doesnt need these rules, what I dont understand is that you think every club is the same as yours!!! Hint: they arent in almost every way!

As for its not hard to understand a 2 metre rule, im pretty sure more than 10% of the current population are having exactly that problem day in day out and the easiest way for businesses to implement it is to have supplementary rules to help them rather than just being told to get on with it

I think you are missing my point. I am trying to say that the 10 minute rule is not needed if clubs and businesses understand the 2-metre rule and do what is appropriate at their club to ensure play can happen safely. We are normally busy all morning as 4-balls and rarely meet on the tee. As a 2-ball, groups were never really less than a hole apart when i played on Sunday - and we were booked out. The change from 4-ball to 2 ball meant we could have easily dropped to more tee times with no issues. But again, the key point is that the club should be able to work that out not be told how to do it from above. And again, the key point, the economy is going to have to open up - and sports, shops, businesses, trains, busses, workplaces are alll going to have to work to make the social distancing a reality of life - but it does not get much easier than on a golf course - even with a 4-ball!
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I think you are missing my point. I am trying to say that the 10 minute rule is not needed if clubs and businesses understand the 2-metre rule and do what is appropriate at their club to ensure play can happen safely. We are normally busy all morning as 4-balls and rarely meet on the tee. As a 2-ball, groups were never really less than a hole apart when i played on Sunday - and we were booked out. The change from 4-ball to 2 ball meant we could have easily dropped to more tee times with no issues. But again, the key point is that the club should be able to work that out not be told how to do it from above. And again, the key point, the economy is going to have to open up - and sports, shops, businesses, trains, busses, workplaces are alll going to have to work to make the social distancing a reality of life - but it does not get much easier than on a golf course - even with a 4-ball!

I understand what you're saying in the context of BL yes, but thats not close to true of every other golf club. You dont seem to see it from any perspective other than that of your golf club.

BL may be able to implement appropriate rules but I can guarantee you plenty of golf clubs wouldnt. Take my last club, if you didnt have the 10 min and 2 ball guidance he would be at 7 min intervals for 4 ball and selling every spare tee time he could on golf now and similar sites, range would be fully open, the car park would be full, there would be bottle necks everywhere and SD would be impossible at times, one of the courses not far from there is already breaking some of the guidance (4 balls, shared buggies, SD not properly implememted etc).

BL may be in a position where it can run well with just the guidance of 2m SD, plenty of other courses would choose not to (partly from financial need, partly because they have their higher share of idiots) and at this point in the relaxation of lockdown those clubs need more rules to ensure the safety of those playing. Sadly for you that means your club get those rules too

Lets look at it the other way. Is golf and a few extra people getting a game really that important currently, moreso than ensuring SD gets followed? Is it really that important that golf should be able to make up its own rules whilst almost every other business is being dictated to what is and isnt allowed? What makes golf that special?

Of course the economy has to open up but there is far far bigger areas to fix first surely to start to get the economy restarted whilst not endangering a massive spike again in the number of cases and leading to an increase in deaths. Yes it should be easy on golf courses to SD but imho that doesnt mean it should havent some rules to follow like every other area of life will too
as a well known poster wouldve once asked, if youre happy to break that guidance, what other guidance is it ok to break? the issue is what other guidance gets broken and why do golf clubs/golfers think they know better than the guidance?

This is just another example of certain sections of golf clubs and golfers arrogance and entitlement, who on the other hand will happily slag off cyclists, people in the park/beach etc

But hey its a golf forum so thats ok.......

I believe 'well known poster' plays at a club with 8 minute gaps ?

I can only imagine he has resigned his membership in protest
The 2 rounds that I've had so far has been 10 minute intervals and its worked perfectly well. There has been a definite feeling of more space and we did only have to wait a couple of time during the first round as the lone golfer was clearly playing two balls, however, the pair behind never caught up with us and, on round 2, the pairs moved round perfectly, we never had to wait nor did the pair behind ?
To check the guidance to go from 10minute tee slots to 8min ones.

Hence the booking that opened today for next Tuesday is now in 8min increments after 7.30.
Between 6 and 7.30 we have longer gaps to help the green staff prepare the course each morning.
I am surprised. EG are not taking any phone calls and talking privately to my senior contact at EG, they know nothing about a change of policy. I (and my contact) would be interested to know which department gave that information to your club.

EDit: I have just been advised by England Golf that 10 minute intervals is still their policy.
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I am surprised. EG are not taking any phone calls and talking privately to my senior contact at EG, they know nothing about a change of policy. I (and my contact) would be interested to know which department gave that information to your club.

EDit: I have just been advised by England Golf that 10 minute intervals is still their policy.
Can EnglandGolf set the rules or just make recommendations?
I am surprised. EG are not taking any phone calls and talking privately to my senior contact at EG, they know nothing about a change of policy. I (and my contact) would be interested to know which department gave that information to your club.

EDit: I have just been advised by England Golf that 10 minute intervals is still their policy.

Anything more been said regards playing in bigger groups other than 2 balls??

Other than from same household
I was asking as I've heard no further government statement on this matter

Yet I've been told today of a couple of local clubs changing from 2 to 3, and 2 to 4 balls very soon..... ?
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