Zoned and Drawn Tee Times


Undisputed King of FOMO
Jun 18, 2020
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I removed it as with hindsight I realised I shouldn’t stoop to your level.

Have a read of the thread and see how the majority have said different people prefer different ways of doing a comp and some gave examples.

You posted that you find, based on stories, and I quote,“clubs where you play with friends massively open to manipulation.” Now you tell us it’s ONLY one mate at a “prestigious” Club (Not sure why we need to know it’s “prestigious” apart from you maybe impressed) and it’s not “clubs”

And once again you go for the insults.

Obviously I’ve touched a nerve so I’ll bow out.

You cant insult someone - then delete it and act like the higher authority. :ROFLMAO:

I dont need to justify my opinion to you, you just seemed to take massive offense to it, as you have with others peoples posts in here if they do not conform to your way of thinking.

Deleted member 16999

Sometimes reporting it results in nothing anyway. One of the guys i reported did get a comp ban because it wasn't his first time being caught.

Also paul, i expect you arent bothered but the way you're going on it looks like you are the one who's a bit sensitive on the whole cheating when you play with mates issue.
We have a mix of Comps at our place and never had an issue as far as I’m aware.

Happy to admit I am sensitive to it, and that’s because time and time again we get people on here questioning the integrity of those who play with mates and it’s based on nothing but hearsay and rumour, apart from the rare story.

If anything I’ve experienced the opposite, mates will call each other out far more readily than they will a stranger.

In my 20+ years as a member of Golf Clubs in the NE I’ve personally known of 1 bloke caught cheating, he admitted it and left the Club, his reputation ruined and he lost some long term mates.
Mar 9, 2017
West Sussex
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My old club had zoned tee times, it was immensely frustrating to be paired with certain people in competitions, and because some people requested things like the earliest time in the zone, or they car shared so were paired together, you often ended up playing with similar groups of people each week.

My current club allows you to choose your playing partners and times. I often play with a friend in competitions but this allows a single player to join up, and it tends to be someone different every week, has been a great way to meet lots of members. If I am on my own, I try to join up with people of similar handicaps or that I know are nice lads. I prefer this option hugely against being drawn with people and having no choice.

Club Champs is the only event with a handicap ballot and drawn times, but that’s standard and no problem for me.