Mini Cam
I'm signed up, about a 3 hour journey, but who wouldn't?
Gutted, would have been a big drive but would have been very happy to join in but ..... this is during term time and so I can't enter
Come on Golfmmad, it's rude not to reply to a direct question.
He did reply in a PM, wonder how long he lasts though. lol
And I'd just like to point out that this would be the perfect way to wind up my golf for the forseeable future, what with our 2nd baby being due on Oct 23rd
You do realise that 2nd babies tend to arrive around 3 weeks early don't you?
What a fantastic opportunity.
Have sent my details and if chosen, bet I'd be the only one playing with a Bubba pink Ping G20 driver!!! I'd also promise to wear my full matching pink trousers, pink shoes and pink tee shirt too for added effect.
Sounds like a good way to count yourself out! They can't have all of the pro's scarred for life in one day!
Just throw a sickie, I'm sure no one will tell your teacher
I have come up with a novel idea,as this is a PING comp and playing with PING pros held at a course owned by the KARSTEN company,this should only be open to those who have chosen to use PING clubs and been a forum member for a year or more.