Deleted Member 1156
in other words turn it into a positive.
Glad to see you stayed awake in your management training course Brian

in other words turn it into a positive.
why does the fact you are playing in the medal and him in a bounce game (you assume) have any bearing on this?
why does the fact you are playing in the medal and him in a bounce game (you assume) have any bearing on this?
being an erratic golfer, I have spent my fair share of time on the incorrect fairway! I will always wait by the side of fw and would never play my ball without being invited to by the group playing on their fairway in a situation where who should play next is in question. 9/10 they want me off their fairway asap, so i go forth and chomp it another 50 yards in vaguely the right direction.
Personally I try to be courteous to all on the golf course. If they are playing in a comp I am even more likely to do so. In no way do I mean I should have priority because I am in the medal. I do however feel I should have priority because he is on my fairway.
Erratic? you've improved![]()
I was trying to boost my ego, wish the ball would stop on the adjacent fairway! In reality, i'm trying to fire second shots back from further afield!
i've missed numerous adjacent fairways gives me a 'good line in'
But all that definitely tells them is that you were playing from the white tees, not that you were playing in a comp...I would say they knew that we were playing in the medal by the fact that they saw us teeing off several times before (slow round) from the white tees.
It is also a nice gesture to let visitors to your fairway ( I get this alot) hit first to get them out of the way and back to their group.
It also means you have less eyes on you as you hit your shot. Gives you a tad longer to eye up your own shot.
Some baffling responses to this one, and I feel a bit sorry of the OP who's being treated as a naughty - or at least foolish - schoolboy by some.
The other guy was 100% in the wrong. It has always been the case that if you stray on to another fairway you wait until those playing that hole have either played first or invited you to play before them if they so desire. In the absence of any such an invite you wait until they have played and gone.
What the OP 'should have, could have' done is almost irrelevant as the other guy was completely in the wrong.
Some baffling responses to this one, and I feel a bit sorry of the OP who's being treated as a naughty - or at least foolish - schoolboy by some.
The other guy was 100% in the wrong. It has always been the case that if you stray on to another fairway you wait until those playing that hole have either played first or invited you to play before them if they so desire. In the absence of any such an invite you wait until they have played and gone.
What the OP 'should have, could have' done is almost irrelevant as the other guy was completely in the wrong.
when it is obvious that we are playing the medal.