World Handicap System - FAQ’s

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Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Interesting read. Anyone know if the pre-registered (formerly supplementary rounds) will need to be formally registered before your round?

At the moment you can only play supplementary rounds at your home club, and you need to register this before you start playing.

Under the new system you can submit any social round but how would this work in practice. Impossible to ‘pre-register’ given the logistics. Also seems the new system would be open to much more banditry.

All in all though, looking forward to this coming in. No more buffer or the stupid 0.1 increase. It will be a system that more accurately shows your current form
yes you will have to pre register if its for handicap


Journeyman Pro
Sep 3, 2012
Ealing, London
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Thanks for sharing! Frustratingly highlights some of the reservations I've had about the readiness of the implementation with the frequency of terms like "it is hoped 'x' will be developed", "we anticipate 'x' being done", "this is still being discussed", "as technology develops" ...

Would MUCH rather they firmed this all up before setting a date for implementation. Changing something which affects every club member in the UK so dramatically without every scenario being covered is slightly bonkers!


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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Interesting read. Anyone know if the pre-registered (formerly supplementary rounds) will need to be formally registered before your round?

At the moment you can only play supplementary rounds at your home club, and you need to register this before you start playing.

Under the new system you can submit any social round but how would this work in practice. Impossible to ‘pre-register’ given the logistics. Also seems the new system would be open to much more banditry.

All in all though, looking forward to this coming in. No more buffer or the stupid 0.1 increase. It will be a system that more accurately shows your current form

You can play Supplementaries at any club of which you are a member.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Thanks for sharing! Frustratingly highlights some of the reservations I've had about the readiness of the implementation with the frequency of terms like "it is hoped 'x' will be developed", "we anticipate 'x' being done", "this is still being discussed", "as technology develops" ...

Would MUCH rather they firmed this all up before setting a date for implementation. Changing something which affects every club member in the UK so dramatically without every scenario being covered is slightly bonkers!
Welcome back stranger!

Share your frustration but it was happening with, or without us (CONGU) so we were always going to be playing catchup in some areas.

Some scenarios only follow from developing strategy...and some strategy was never really strategy in the first place!

However, looked at another way, its only the aspirational abilities around where scores are physically entered and associated robust elements to these scores that represent either change or challenge at this point. The rest is 'only IT'...🤔

So, yes it's work in progress. But from what I can see they have recognised the areas they need to resolve before implementation as currently set out. It could probably be implemented without individual entry of away rounds and associated proofs etc very quickly indeed for those courses already rated, fudged easily enough in the meantime for those which haven't.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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How would this work in practice? Sign in at the club where you are playing?
if its a comp at the club (open) same as you do now, not 100% sure you can just do bounce games at away clubs, unless you are a member there too. maybe someone else may know about this??

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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if its a comp at the club (open) same as you do now, not 100% sure you can just do bounce games at away clubs, unless you are a member there too. maybe someone else may know about this??
As it says in the most recent document (linked above) they are working on this...
Aspirationally they want to support the maximum number of returned scores but, big but here, they also wish to retain a robust system with what they consider the necessary checks and balances.
IMO something will have to give quiete significantly on one side of the above equation in the early days (above and beyond what's already scheduled to develop!)


Jul 13, 2015
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Yeah it’s more the social round at a random club. Effectively the new system allows us to submit supplemtary rounds at any course

Are you sure about that? I thought it was only clubs you are a member of?

Not sure they could police it otherwise!


Journeyman Pro
Sep 3, 2012
Ealing, London
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Welcome back stranger!

The rest is 'only IT'...🤔

Hi there! I thought I'd break my 4-year posting hiatus! Hope you're well!

This latter bit is the part that scares me! This is the website for the closest club to my parents house back home - I will personally pay* for anyone that can manage to book a tee-time online ... and this should be the bread and butter! Fear the implementation of an automated handicapping system might actually cause the place to implode!

*I definitely won't pay.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Yes, seems so.

Having read the first couple of pages again it does say you need to sign in at the club you are playing to pre-register.
if thats the case you would have to give the club your CDH number and register you are playing a counting score, other wise you would get people just posting the good ones

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Hi there! I thought I'd break my 4-year posting hiatus! Hope you're well!

This latter bit is the part that scares me! This is the website for the closest club to my parents house back home - I will personally pay* for anyone that can manage to book a tee-time online ... and this should be the bread and butter! Fear the implementation of an automated handicapping system might actually cause the place to implode.

*I definitely won't pay.

Really shouldn't confuse booking systems with handicap software...dont think many run the former on the latter.

The handicap software vendors have huge vested interests in having there product (1) capable of running the calcs and (2) capable of supporting the central hub.

Neither represents a significant challenge for them - by far the biggest challenge their business has in in the management and access to records which is already in place for current ie admin and members.

CDH has been with us for a period as is massively better than it was. It's also been heavily focused already on access and links so, whilst representing a risk it shouldn't be anything that can't be resolved at current levels e.g. supplementals. It's the aspirational expansion that represents the biggest risk.


Head Pro
Oct 24, 2012
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Won’t it be as simple as registering on the PC/terminal that you are going to play a handicap round? Most courses have these, so should be easy?


Journeyman Pro
Sep 3, 2012
Ealing, London
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In an ideal world we would have an app where we can register, but this does leave the system open to banditry

Indeed. Very easy to 'register' that you're going to play and then sit in the bar and have a few pints. Particularly with the potential effect of knocking a decent score out of the 20 ahead of big events. Worst that happens at the moment is a 0.1 increase.

In principle, I like the whole idea of the system, particularly as somebody often balloted out of Scratch Opens! New system should reflect more current form, which should create more playing opportunities in these events for 4/5 handicaps in decent form, versus 2/3 handicaps who haven't played to it for a couple of years!

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Indeed. Very easy to 'register' that you're going to play and then sit in the bar and have a few pints. Particularly with the potential effect of knocking a decent score out of the 20 ahead of big events. Worst that happens at the moment is a 0.1 increase.

In principle, I like the whole idea of the system, particularly as somebody often balloted out of Scratch Opens! New system should reflect more current form, which should create more playing opportunities in these events for 4/5 handicaps in decent form, versus 2/3 handicaps who haven't played to it for a couple of years!

Strangely, if you run the numbers the theoretically most impacted will be those who play the least number of scoring rounds, with their scores being most divergent from their handicap.

Play a lot and they even out relatively quickly; and if ESR and CRI implementations are made as triggered they map pretty fast.

The sharp eyed will pick up on the theoretical tag....there will be un-published fudge factors/restrictions/limitations/additional hurdles within the application of the new system that are nominally designed to prevent people quickly building handicaps etc As with the existing guidelines only time will tell how they work/impact in practice.

For the vast majority of regular players it's anticipated that there will be little movement; but for a small percentage, especially those that have returned few scores over the years, the numerical difference from current handicap could be significant.

I've gone up 3 strokes in the last 2 years, and have only played to buffer a couple of times, twice better by 1 stroke and a load of stableford scores in the on the face of it I look a shoe in for a big increase. Running the numbers it looks like I might go up 1 stroke...and if I hadn't got lucky (incredibly lucky on course and the CSS went up 1 as well) last week my CONGU handicap would only be 0.1 away from that stroke as well.


Tour Winner
Sep 15, 2011
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Much of the new text seems to indicate only using the average of best 8 scores. Was there not an earlier text about having some additional factors, in such to not allow large jumps in handicap when scores drop off? Protecting a lower handicap from someone that just adds lots of high handicap scores to artificially increase their playing handicap.

User 99

Assistant Pro
Feb 16, 2018
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Are you sure about that? I thought it was only clubs you are a member of?

Not sure they could police it otherwise!

Surely your cdh number shpuld be enough to log in to any system so you could pre register regardless of where you are playing.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 3, 2012
Ealing, London
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Strangely, if you run the numbers the theoretically most impacted will be those who play the least number of scoring rounds, with their scores being most divergent from their handicap.

Play a lot and they even out relatively quickly; and if ESR and CRI implementations are made as triggered they map pretty fast.

This is the thing which I think is good. There's at least 4 guys I'm close with who have handicaps of between 0-2 who haven't actually played to or under that for a few years. Most of them play 10-15 recreational rounds and maybe 3 competitions a year - which means that they go up 0.3 at most each year. However, they are all ahead of me in the queue when it comes to playing in Scratch Opens at nice clubs, so they can shoot 85+ in their 3 comps each year around some fantastic golf courses!

New system helps in two ways; firstly their handicap should go up organically with 'non-tournament' rounds also able to count. Secondly, those 85's will affect their handicap's more severely than the 0.1's they may currently accrue.


Head Pro
Jul 31, 2015
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The handicap software vendors have huge vested interests in having there product (1) capable of running the calcs and (2) capable of supporting the central hub.


I specifically asked at a recent WHS seminar, how the system would work at clubs that currently run a standalone computer system for managing comps and handicaps and how any player entry terminal could communicate back when there was no network infrastructure within a club. Was basically told that the player entry terminal could also (as well as being part of a local network) operate as a totally standalone device using a 4G mobile signal to report scores back to the "central system", using its down dedicated software (i.e. different software than that a club might run to administer its competitions).

So the terminal could report scores to the central system that the local club computer will never know about. It is my belief therefore that the entire handicapping process will be centralized away from local club computers, whose sole purpose in the future will be to run competition management software and report score data directly entered into the local computer back to the central system. They themselves will do no handicap calculations.

I suggested at the meeting that this could potentially impact the business models of many ISV's, and it was confirmed that a couple had decided to withdraw from the business as a result of the centralization.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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You make a good point. The new system should be more reflective of your current form and the bad rounds could affect you much more than just a 0.1 increase.

I once played a match against an American at my old club. He only played 3 comps a year in the UK to keep his handicap active and then it was social golf and match play knockouts. His UK handicap was around 10, and never went much higher or lower. However, he also kept his American handicap from his home club in the states as they have to submit every single round they play, and guess what..? His American handicap was something like 5.3..!! The difference was because he had been playing fantastic golf for the last 2 years and his 'form' was lower single figures, but his UK handicap stayed at 10. Needless to say, he heavily beat me in the quarterfinals of the knockouts and I was giving him 1 shot..!
TBH most of the yanks ive seen play and played against would be double the handicaps they have in the US if they played all there comps here;)