Woods - would you miss him?

Have you ever had a hole in one

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I think those of us who love Woods need to accept that plenty of people don't like him that much and are perfectly entitled to their view.

It's a little unsavoury seeing those who opine that Woods is not the saviour of the game receiving grief from those who think he walks on water (probably without a penalty for being in the hazard! :p).

The poll is showing that there is an equal split on the love-hate divide, so let's allow that democracy to speculate as is their wont.

Parmo is entitled to offer the view (i.e. Woods ain't all that) that counter-balances the Woods 'is all that view' without being told to shut up.

So now we can all get along in this FORUM and continue the robust debates without being mass debators...

But seriously MVP, if that's your idea of 'quite a laugh', you must really be mourning the death of Beadle!

And he tackles like a girl. :D
But seriously MVP, if that's your idea of 'quite a laugh', you must really be mourning the death of Beadle!

And he tackles like a girl. :D

thats the only footage i had.
Yuo know woods he only needed to tackle like a girl to reach his goal!
In my opinion Tiger is head and shoulders above everybody else because he is deadly with the putter. I am sure there are guys on tour who hit just as many greens in regulation, the problem is they do not convert those opportunities into birdies.
You'll not be surprised geronimo to know I disagree with your statement <img src="http://www.golf-monthly.co.uk/forums/images//graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

In my opinion, once we have all been and gone and no one is able to over subjective commentary, then records & majors are the only things that really measure the greats.

Nicklaus' feat was thought to be insurmountable (his longevity most probably is) but if Tiger does get past him then the record books will tell their tale.

that's whats good about this forum you are allowed to have and to disagree with opinions.

I just feel Nicklaus done more with the golf ball than woods does(not saying he cant),Nicklaus played with better players than tiger is playing against now.

It does seem easier now (tin hat on)as the players just hit it as hard as they can and are not so worried where it lands as the consequences are not as saver.
Sadly distance is king now, and remember Nicklaus hit it every bit if not further than woods does so he would compete in the modern game, but would Woods compete yesteryear? yes no problem but would he be as prolific? up for debate.

i would say if he is not the best the world has ever seen he will be a very close second.

As for his lack of personality i think that is just on the course as he is so focused, the bits and bobs i have seen of him of the job he looks to me to be a decent bloke with a decent personality, but it must be hard with all those yanks screaming at him all the time.

Nicklaus and Woods are miles ahead of the rest that i think we can agree on and more power to them as they both have given me loads of god TV hours.
Can't argue with him being the best golfer in the world today, etc but why does he look so bloody miserable all the time he's playing? Can he not drop that stony-faced concentration even for a few seconds to exchange a merry quip with, yes, the spectators? But then that seems to apply to most of 'em nowadays (players not...), they seem to have such a lousy time pulling down in a couple of days more than us proles earn in half a lifetime I wonder why they don't chuck it in for something more enyable, like...
Been watching the FBR in Phoenix (don't have sky so can't get Dubai which would be more interesting - I hope).

If they don't acknowledge the crowd there, especially on the 16th, they get ripped to bits. Huge crowd on that hole (short Par 3 so they can see everything), beer tents etc. Really rowdy, pretty good when they're on the tee but they'll cat-call and boo a bad shot.
Woods is the best player ever and one of the outstanding sportsmen of his generation. I find it exciting to watch him inching his way towards Jack's record. If and when he does it, it will be one of the greatest sporting achievements ever - something we thought impossible years ago.
I know that a forum is open to all opinions... but to suggest that Woods might not be missed if he disappeared from the golf scene?