
No, it's the image that Yidio posted. You need to reduce the size of the images <u>before</u> you post them in Photobucket, Flikr or whatever you use, just as you do for an email.

Don't reduce......I like the BIG screen......RGuk demands a big picture on every thread.....compulsory!!!
Like I said.....have a look at your scoresaver....I'm looking at it now. I recognised the picture (beautiful, by the way!) and remembered the only club I've ever hit there.... :p
are you saying it almost cleared the water? if that's the case, yes it was a HUGE drive!!!! in fact you might have driven the green! :)

It almost cleared the water,yeah. It took the plunge about 5 yards short of the greenside bank. There's obviously no way it would've gone that far without the aid of the wind. I won't be taking a driver on the 18th again...

Some of the holes were horrible to play as you'll know a few of the tees & quite high up & exposed to the wind.

You'll have to get down there for a game,mate.
For some random reason.....88 yards (to go) is where I've been on a few occasions (it's marked on the card) and I'd rather not be that distance, so I'm with you that it might be worth getting right up to the water....but not at the cost of the watery grave!!! OR, I reckon 5 wood, PW is the answer......seems unthinkable for the length of hole!!!